17 January 2025

Weekly Update

Sunday 19th January 2025
Dear all

A very enjoyable coffee morning took place last Saturday. It is lovely to see village folk coming along – thank you to all who spread the invitation beyond those of us from church. Please carry on!

The new Benefice – confirmation has now been received that the new benefice will be formed from 1st February – great news and an opportunity to further develop our links and joint activities with all our churches across the Roseland. Douglas will now after patient waiting become Rector of the Roseland Benefice!

TV alert – Monty Don: St Just churchyard features in Monty Don’s South West Gardens which is being broadcast on BBC2 at 8:00pm on Friday 8th February

Discussions are taking place on the possibility of running a Lent course along the model of the Advent course run in December – details to follow. As before these will be freestanding topics, so please come as you can.

Sunday 19th January
8am BCP service at St Just Church
9.30 am Holy Communion at St Mawes Church
11 am Holy Communion at St Just Church
Readings: 1 Corinthians 12 v 1-11 and John 2 v 1-11


Monday 20th January

9.30 Morning Prayer St Mawes Church


The church electoral roll is due for full revision in 2025. All who wish to remain on it or who wish to join need to complete an electoral roll form and hand in at a service or deliver to the office. Copies will be available in both St Just and St Mawes churches. Please complete as soon as you can – the complete revision is a much greater task for Sophia than our usual yearly update.  You are welcome to hand in at a service or leave at the church office, if no one there, please post through the letter box. 

Truro Foodbank – Donations welcome in both churches. Financial donations can be made to direct to Truro Food Bank by bank transfer – Truro Foodbank sort code 08-92-99 and account number 65849086

The Prayer Chain: If you would like a concern ‘covered by prayer’ for upcoming surgery, injury, a challenging situation, or life difficulties, please phone or text Katie on 07777 690026 or Penny 07778 170247

Blessings all

0777 817 0247

Previous Notices from the Parish: Sunday 12th January 2025
Dear all

The first Church email of this new year 2025. Happy New Year to all.

Many thanks to all who contributed to all our Christmas services in both churches, all very much appreciated, especially by our visitors. Much is all now packed up and tidied away awaiting next Christmas.

Our January coffee morning takes place tomorrow, Saturday 11th January 10-12 at Angela’s, Ploughshares, Ped Moran. Please come if you can.

Sunday 12th January
8am BCP service at St Just Church
9.30 am Holy Communion at St Mawes Church
11 am Holy Communion at St Just Church
Readings: Acts 8 v 14-17 and Luke 3 v 15-22


Monday 13th January

9.30 Morning Prayer St Mawes Church


January Coffee Morning Saturday 11th January 10-12

At Angela’s, Ploughshares, Pedn Moran

Thanksgiving Services:

Wednesday 15th January 12noon St Just Church – Pat Rosewall

Thursday 16th January 3pm St Just Church – Maddie Baptist
Truro Foodbank – Donations welcome in both churches. Financial donations can be made to Truro Food Bank -Sort Code 08-92-99 and account number 65849086

The Prayer Chain: If you would like a concern ‘covered by prayer’ for upcoming surgery, injury, a challenging situation, or life difficulties, please phone or text Katie on 07777 690026 or Penny 07778 170247

Blessings all

0777 817 0247

Previous Notices from the Parish: Sunday 22nd December 2024
Dear all

This mailing covers the next 3 Sundays: 22nd and 29th December 2024 and 5th January 2025
Carol Service: The choir and organist did us proud, thank you to you all. So many folk helped too in so many ways – thank you to you too. So lovely to be part of a full church with many familiar faces, a real sense of Christmas and over £500 received in donations to the Children’s Society, the Refuge Trust and St Petroc’s.
Carols at the Castle: Saturday 21st 6pm Note – now unfortunately somewhat misnamed as no longer at St Mawes Castle due to an adverse weather forecast but in the Parish Memorial Hall St Mawes – carols with St Mawes School and Du Hag Owr accompanied by St Anthony Noyse with a reading, prayers and a blessing. Donations requested for St Mawes Harbour Lights and the Roseland Community Transport.

At this time when so many of us are fortunate to be able to celebrate Christmas with family and friends, may we remember all those less fortunate than ourselves, some living in very adverse circumstances. Our Christmas service collections go to charities who support those in need, so please give generously if you can. Some of you attended funerals in the last few days, an opportunity to be reminded of those for whom this season is a time of mourning for that empty chair at the table. Our prayers are with all for whom the word ‘happy’ is not associated with this Christmas.
Sunday 22nd December
8am BCP service at St Just Church
9.30 am Holy Communion at St Mawes Church
11 am Holy Communion at St Just Church
Readings:  Micah 5 v 2-5 and Luke 1 v 39-55

Tuesday 24th DecemberChristmas Eve

Crib Service 4pm St Mawes Church

Midnight Mass 11.30pm St Just Church

Readings: Titus 3 v 4-7 and Luke 2 v 8-20

Wednesday 25th December – Christmas Day

8.00 Book of Common Prayer Holy Communion
9.30 Holy Communion St Mawes Church
11.00 Holy Communion St Just Church

Readings: Titus 3 v 4-7 and Luke 2 v 8-20

Sunday 29th December

9.30 Morning Worship St Mawes Church
11.00 Morning Worship St Just Church

Readings:  Colossians 3 v 12-17, Psalm 148 and Luke 2 v 41-52

Sunday 5th January – Epiphany

8am BCP service at St Just Church
9.30 am Holy Communion at St Mawes Church
11 am Holy Communion at St Just Church

Readings: Isaiah 60 v 1-6 and Matthew 2 v 1-12

Note: No BCP service on Sunday 29th December

Note: Morning Prayer resumes on Monday 13th January
Truro Foodbank – Donations particularly welcome as the Foodbank support the needs of families at Christmas.
The Prayer Chain: If you would like a concern ‘covered by prayer’ for upcoming surgery, injury, a challenging situation, or life difficulties, please phone or text Katie on 07777 690026 or Penny 07778 170247

Following Christmas Day services, Penny is taking a break, returning on Friday 3rd January.

Wishing you a blessed Christmas and all good wishes as we embark upon 2025

Blessings all

0777 817 0247

Previous notices from the parish: Sunday 15th December 2024
Dear all
This coming week in date order:
Our festive coffee morning is taking place tomorrow, Saturday 14th 10-12 at Angela’s.  Please do come along and join us if you are able.
Advent Course 3: Hopefully the rescheduled Advent course will be on Monday 16th December as sadly the last session at the Roseland Inn had to be cancelled last Monday as there was no electricity in Philleigh. Abi and Peter have kindly offered us this coming Monday 16th so we can complete the last session of the Songs of Advent – the angels and Simeon’s song – we know as the nunc dimittis. Hopefully all those who have attended one or both of the other two have heard this offer. 6.30 prompt for food, 7pm start.
Please contact Angela on 01326 270892 or email angelagreenwell@btinternet.com if you wish to come. Food offerings are as last week’s plan – Fish Pie £12, Lasagna £10 and Vegetable Curry £10. Food orders need to be in by Friday.
Thanksgiving services:
Jean Rolt: Jean’s service will be held at St Just church at 12.30pm on Tuesday 17th December. 

Fiona Hogg: Fiona’s will be held at St Just church at 12.30pm on Wednesday 18th December. 
Note later time than announced last week
Carol Service: Thursday 19th December 7pm – Carols by candlelight with a specially created choir. Always a lovely service and for many the real start of Christmas
Carols in the Castle: Saturday 21st 6pm St Mawes Castle – carols with St Mawes School and Du Hag Owr accompanied by St Anthony Noyse with a reading, prayers and a blessing. Donations requested for St Mawes Harbour Lights and the Roseland Community Transport.
Sunday 15th December
8am BCP service at St Just Church
9.30 am Holy Communion at St Mawes Church
11 am Holy Communion at St Just Church
2.30pm Baptism and Confirmation Service, Philleigh, led by Bishop Hugh – an opportunity to support this group from the Roseland taking this step of faith.

Readings: Philippians 4 v 4-7 and Luke 3 v 7-18


No Morning Prayer this week

St Mawes Christmas Lunch from Steve Chapman 
“The time is racing away and Keith Ives and I are starting to get prepared for the 2024 Christmas Lunch in the Memorial Hall on Wednesday 25th December, 12.30 p.m. for 1.00 p.m. 
If you would like to come along this year, can you let me know so we can cater for the correct number. Also, if you would prefer to have your meal delivered that is not a problem -that can be organised. It is always a great time to get together and chat in the company of a great crowd.
Email Steve – sparcat@hotmail.com or drop into 4, The Arcade to let him know if you would like to attend – great food and good fun.
Truro Foodbank – Donations particularly welcome as the Foodbank prepare for the needs of families at Christmas.
The Prayer Chain: If you would like a concern ‘covered by prayer’ for upcoming surgery, injury, a challenging situation, or life difficulties, please phone or text Katie on 07777 690026 or Penny 07778 170247

Advance Notice of the week of Sunday 22nd December
Our usual Sunday services at 8.00 BCP at St Just, 9.30 at St Mawes and 11.00 at St Just
No morning prayer on Monday 23rd. Christmas Services below

Christmas Services – St Mawes and St Just

Carols by candlelightThursday 19 December 7pm St Just Church
Carols in the CastleSaturday 21 December 6pm St Mawes Castle
Crib serviceTuesday 24 December 4pm St Mawes Church
Midnight massTuesday 24 December 11.30pm St Just Church
Christmas DayWednesday 25 December
8.00 Book of Common Prayer Holy Communion
9.30 Holy Communion St Mawes Church
11.00 Holy Communion St Just Church

Following Christmas Day services, Penny is taking a break, returning on Friday 3rd January.
Next week’s email will cover 3 weeks – 22nd and 29th December and 5th January.

Happy Advent

Blessings all

0777 817 0247

Previous notices from the Parish: Sunday 8th December 2024

Dear all

A busy few days since our last mailing. The St Mawes Christmas Tree lights gathering saw a large crowd with carols accompanied by St Anthony Noyse, St Mawes School singing the San Day Carol and sausage rolls and mince pies aplenty. Harbour master Christ Turner sounded the hooter and cheers followed as the lights were switched on. Many thanks to the Harbour Lights Committee for all their work on this.

Sunday evening saw our Advent Evensong in St Mawes Church, accompanied by the Roseland Churches choir whose singing raised the proverbial rafters. They sang an anthem ‘Hark the Glad Sound’, one of the carols featured in the Carols of the Roseland compilation. Thank you to Roseland Churches choir.

More of these carols featured in Truro Cathedral on Wednesday evening, when with a large congregation present, four choirs sang carols from this research interspersed with short talks about aspects of carolling on the Roseland. Nev Meek has kindly donated a copy of the carol collection to both St Just and St Mawes churches so please do ask to take a look. Some carols are in Cornish too.

Two much loved residents of this parish have recently died. Both families have asked for a thanksgiving service to which all are welcome.

Jean Rolt: A Thanksgiving service for Jean will be held at St Just church at 12.30 pm on Tuesday 17th December. 

Fiona Hogg: A Thanksgiving service for Fiona will be held at St Just church at 12 noon on Wednesday 18th December. 


Sunday 8th December

8am BCP service at St Just Church

9.30 am Holy Communion at St Mawes Church
11 am Holy Communion at St Just Church

Readings: Philippians 1 v 3-11 and Luke 3 v 1-6


Monday 9th December 9 am St Mawes School Christingle service St Mawes Church

No Morning Prayer this week


Advent Course at the Roseland Inn Philleigh

The last of these takes place on Monday 9th December – this week – the angels and Simeon’s song – the Nunc Dimittis. Arrive at 6.30 prompt for food. Note: food orders need to be placed on Friday. Folk are welcome to come from 7pm for the Bible Study. Please let Angela know if you wish to come on 01326 270892 or email angelagreenwell@btinternet.com

Festive parish coffee morning at Angela Greenwell’s home on Saturday 14th December from 10am to 12 noon.  It will be lovely to see all there for this festive get together.

St Mawes Christmas Lunch from Steve Chapman

“The time is racing away and Keith Ives and I are starting to get prepared for the 2024 Christmas Lunch in the Memorial Hall on Wednesday 25th December, 12.30 p.m. for 1.00 p.m. 

If you would like to come along this year, can you let me know so we can cater for the correct number. Also, if you would prefer to have your meal delivered that is not a problem -that can be organised. It is always a great time to get together and chat in the company of a great crowd.

Email Steve – sparcat@hotmail.com or drop into 4, The Arcade to let him know if you would like to attend – great food and good fun.

Truro Foodbank – Donations particularly welcome as the Foodbank prepare for the needs of families at Christmas.

The Prayer Chain: If you would like a concern ‘covered by prayer’ for upcoming surgery, injury, a challenging situation, or life difficulties, please phone or text Katie on 07777 690026 or Penny 07778 170247

Christmas Services – St Mawes and St Just

Carols by candlelightThursday 19 December 7pm St Just Church
Carols in the CastleSaturday 21 December 6pm St Mawes Castle
Crib serviceTuesday 24 December 4pm St Mawes Church
Midnight massTuesday 24 December 11.30pm St Just Church
Christmas DayWednesday 25 December 8.00 Book of Common Prayer Holy Communion 9.30 Holy Communion St Mawes Church 11.00 Holy Communion St Just Church

Blessings all

0777 817 0247

Previous notices from the Parish: Sunday 1st December 2024

Dear all

Here we are at the beginning of Advent, lighting our first Advent candle. On Sunday we have Evensong with the Roseland Churches Choir at 6pm in St Mawes Church, all welcome as we celebrate the beginning of this season. The performance of some of the Roseland Carols by local singing groups takes place on Wednesday 4th December in Truro Cathedral at 7pm. Do come to hear and join in with familiar and lesser known carols with links to the Roseland. No tickets required and free of charge. – 7pm 4th December Truro Cathedral.

Update from Douglas on the reply from the Church Commissioners on the Roseland Benefice:

“On Thursday, the Church Commissioners published their opinion of our Scheme to place the six parishes of the Roseland into one Benefice. You can see it here


Sunday 1st December 2024

Dear all

Here we are at the beginning of Advent, lighting our first Advent candle. On Sunday we have Evensong with the Roseland Churches Choir at 6pm in St Mawes Church, all welcome as we celebrate the beginning of this season. The performance of some of the Roseland Carols by local singing groups takes place on Wednesday 4th December in Truro Cathedral at 7pm. Do come to hear and join in with familiar and lesser known carols with links to the Roseland. No tickets required and free of charge. – 7pm 4th December Truro Cathedral.

Update from Douglas on the reply from the Church Commissioners on the Roseland Benefice:

“On Thursday, the Church Commissioners published their opinion of our Scheme to place the six parishes of the Roseland into one Benefice. You can see it here


or ask Steve Chapman, our PCC Secretary for details. The expectation is that the Scheme will be approved in the New Year once any formal objections have been dealt with.”


Sunday 1st December

8am BCP service at St Just Church

9.30 am Holy Communion at St Mawes Church
11 am Holy Communion at St Just Church

6pm Advent Sunday Evensong St Mawes Church

Readings: Jeremiah 3 v 14-16 and Luke 21 v 25-36

No Morning Prayer this week


St Mawes Christmas Tree Lights Saturday 30th November 6pm– a gathering in the Square for carols with St Anthony Noyse and refreshments – please do come and join in

Advent Course at the Roseland Inn Philleigh

A gathering of many (and so good to see all) from across the Roseland at the first Advent Roseland wide Bible Study session last Monday when we looked at the first of the songs of Advent – Benedictus. Two more sessions on offer – 2nd – Mary’s song, the Magnificat and 9th December – the angels and Simeon’s song – the Nunc Dimittis. Arrive at 6.30 prompt for food. Note: food orders need to be placed on Friday. Folk are welcome to come from 7pm for the Bible Study. Please let Angela know if you wish to come on 01326 270892 or email angelagreenwell@btinternet.com

Roseland Carol Project 4th December 7pm Truro Cathedral – a taster of this was provided by Nev Meek at our St Just Feast – come to hear more, no charge

St Mawes Christmas Lunch from Steve Chapman

“The time is racing away and Keith Ives and I are starting to get prepared for the 2024 Christmas Lunch in the Memorial Hall on Wednesday 25th December ,12.30 p.m. for 1.00 p.m. 

If you would like to come along this year, can you let me know so we can cater for the correct number. Also, if you would prefer to have your meal delivered that is not a problem -that can be organised. It is always a great time to get together and chat in the company of a great crowd”.

Email Steve – sparcat@hotmail.com or drop into 4, The Arcade to let him know if you would like to attend – great food and good fun.

Truro Foodbank – Donations particularly welcome as the Foodbank prepare for the needs of families at Christmas.

The Prayer Chain: If you would like a concern ‘covered by prayer’ for upcoming surgery, injury, a challenging situation, or life difficulties, please phone or text Katie on 07777 690026 or Penny 07778 170247

Christmas Services – St Mawes and St Just

Village Christmas LightsSaturday 30th November 6pm The Square St Mawes
Advent Sunday EvensongSunday 1 December 6pm St Mawes Church
Carols by candlelightThursday 19 December 7pm St Just Church
Carols in the CastleSaturday 21 December 6pm St Mawes Castle
Crib serviceTuesday 24 December 4pm St Mawes Church
Midnight massTuesday 24 December 11.30pm St Just Church
Christmas DayWednesday 25 December 8.00 Book of Common Prayer Holy Communion 9.30 Holy Communion St Mawes Church 11.00 Holy Communion St Just Church

Blessings all

0777 817 0247
revpennyjl@gmail.comSunday 1st December 2024

Dear all

Here we are at the beginning of Advent, lighting our first Advent candle. On Sunday we have Evensong with the Roseland Churches Choir at 6pm in St Mawes Church, all welcome as we celebrate the beginning of this season. The performance of some of the Roseland Carols by local singing groups takes place on Wednesday 4th December in Truro Cathedral at 7pm. Do come to hear and join in with familiar and lesser known carols with links to the Roseland. No tickets required and free of charge. – 7pm 4th December Truro Cathedral.

Update from Douglas on the reply from the Church Commissioners on the Roseland Benefice:

“On Thursday, the Church Commissioners published their opinion of our Scheme to place the six parishes of the Roseland into one Benefice. You can see it here


or ask Steve Chapman, our PCC Secretary for details. The expectation is that the Scheme will be approved in the New Year once any formal objections have been dealt with.”


Sunday 1st December

8am BCP service at St Just Church

9.30 am Holy Communion at St Mawes Church
11 am Holy Communion at St Just Church

6pm Advent Sunday Evensong St Mawes Church

Readings: Jeremiah 3 v 14-16 and Luke 21 v 25-36

No Morning Prayer this week


St Mawes Christmas Tree Lights Saturday 30th November 6pm– a gathering in the Square for carols with St Anthony Noyse and refreshments – please do come and join in

Advent Course at the Roseland Inn Philleigh

A gathering of many (and so good to see all) from across the Roseland at the first Advent Roseland wide Bible Study session last Monday when we looked at the first of the songs of Advent – Benedictus. Two more sessions on offer – 2nd – Mary’s song, the Magnificat and 9th December – the angels and Simeon’s song – the Nunc Dimittis. Arrive at 6.30 prompt for food. Note: food orders need to be placed on Friday. Folk are welcome to come from 7pm for the Bible Study. Please let Angela know if you wish to come on 01326 270892 or email angelagreenwell@btinternet.com

Roseland Carol Project 4th December 7pm Truro Cathedral – a taster of this was provided by Nev Meek at our St Just Feast – come to hear more, no charge

St Mawes Christmas Lunch from Steve Chapman

“The time is racing away and Keith Ives and I are starting to get prepared for the 2024 Christmas Lunch in the Memorial Hall on Wednesday 25th December ,12.30 p.m. for 1.00 p.m. 

If you would like to come along this year, can you let me know so we can cater for the correct number. Also, if you would prefer to have your meal delivered that is not a problem -that can be organised. It is always a great time to get together and chat in the company of a great crowd”.

Email Steve – sparcat@hotmail.com or drop into 4, The Arcade to let him know if you would like to attend – great food and good fun.

Truro Foodbank – Donations particularly welcome as the Foodbank prepare for the needs of families at Christmas.

The Prayer Chain: If you would like a concern ‘covered by prayer’ for upcoming surgery, injury, a challenging situation, or life difficulties, please phone or text Katie on 07777 690026 or Penny 07778 170247

Christmas Services – St Mawes and St Just

Village Christmas LightsSaturday 30th November 6pm The Square St Mawes
Advent Sunday EvensongSunday 1 December 6pm St Mawes Church
Carols by candlelightThursday 19 December 7pm St Just Church
Carols in the CastleSaturday 21 December 6pm St Mawes Castle
Crib serviceTuesday 24 December 4pm St Mawes Church
Midnight massTuesday 24 December 11.30pm St Just Church
Christmas DayWednesday 25 December 8.00 Book of Common Prayer Holy Communion 9.30 Holy Communion St Mawes Church 11.00 Holy Communion St Just Church

Blessings all

0777 817 0247

or ask Steve Chapman, our PCC Secretary for details. The expectation is that the Scheme will be approved in the New Year once any formal objections have been dealt with.”


Sunday 1st December

8am BCP service at St Just Church

9.30 am Holy Communion at St Mawes Church
11 am Holy Communion at St Just Church

6pm Advent Sunday Evensong St Mawes Church

Readings: Jeremiah 3 v 14-16 and Luke 21 v 25-36


No Morning Prayer this week


St Mawes Christmas Tree Lights Saturday 30th November 6pm– a gathering in the Square for carols with St Anthony Noyse and refreshments – please do come and join in

Advent Course at the Roseland Inn Philleigh

A gathering of many (and so good to see all) from across the Roseland at the first Advent Roseland wide Bible Study session last Monday when we looked at the first of the songs of Advent – Benedictus. Two more sessions on offer – 2nd – Mary’s song, the Magnificat and 9th December – the angels and Simeon’s song – the Nunc Dimittis. Arrive at 6.30 prompt for food. Note: food orders need to be placed on Friday. Folk are welcome to come from 7pm for the Bible Study. Please let Angela know if you wish to come on 01326 270892 or email angelagreenwell@btinternet.com

Roseland Carol Project 4th December 7pm Truro Cathedral – a taster of this was provided by Nev Meek at our St Just Feast – come to hear more, no charge

St Mawes Christmas Lunch from Steve Chapman

“The time is racing away and Keith Ives and I are starting to get prepared for the 2024 Christmas Lunch in the Memorial Hall on Wednesday 25th December ,12.30 p.m. for 1.00 p.m. 

If you would like to come along this year, can you let me know so we can cater for the correct number. Also, if you would prefer to have your meal delivered that is not a problem -that can be organised. It is always a great time to get together and chat in the company of a great crowd”.

Email Steve – sparcat@hotmail.com or drop into 4, The Arcade to let him know if you would like to attend – great food and good fun.

Truro Foodbank – Donations particularly welcome as the Foodbank prepare for the needs of families at Christmas.

The Prayer Chain: If you would like a concern ‘covered by prayer’ for upcoming surgery, injury, a challenging situation, or life difficulties, please phone or text Katie on 07777 690026 or Penny 07778 170247

Christmas Services – St Mawes and St Just

Village Christmas LightsSaturday 30th November 6pm The Square St Mawes
Advent Sunday EvensongSunday 1 December 6pm St Mawes Church
Carols by candlelightThursday 19 December 7pm St Just Church
Carols in the CastleSaturday 21 December 6pm St Mawes Castle
Crib serviceTuesday 24 December 4pm St Mawes Church
Midnight massTuesday 24 December 11.30pm St Just Church
Christmas DayWednesday 25 December 8.00 Book of Common Prayer Holy Communion 9.30 Holy Communion St Mawes Church 11.00 Holy Communion St Just Church

Blessings all

0777 817 0247

Previous notices from the Parish: 24th November 2024

Dear all
Thank you to Douglas, Angela and Valerie for taking our services last Sunday. I had a great weekend with my family in Derbyshire. This Sunday is the last Sunday before Advent when we move to purple as our liturgical colour and no flowers in church.
Sunday 24th November
8am BCP service at St Just Church
9.30 am Holy Communion at St Mawes Church
11 am Holy Communion at St Just Church
Revelation 1 v4b-8 and John 18 – v 33-37


Monday 25th November
9.30 Morning Prayer at St Mawes Church

Advent Course at the Roseland Inn Philleigh
This starts on Monday for 3 weeks –any new requests to come for food needed on Friday – to Angela please if you have not already informed her. Car sharing also on offer. Please phone Angela on 01326 270892 or email angelagreenwell@btinternet.com
Food at 6.30, session at 7pm – you are welcome to attend the session only but please let Penny know if you are doing this to ensure we have sufficient copies of our materials.
Next Sunday: Advent Sunday Evensong 1st December 6pm St Mawes Church –– please do come and join in this service, accompanied by the Roseland Churches Choir
Roseland Carol Project 4th December 7pm Truro Cathedral – a taster provided at our St Just Feast – come to hear more, no charge
St Mawes Christmas Tree Lights Saturday 30th November 6pm– a gathering in the Square for carols with St Anthony Noyse and refreshments – please do come and join in
Truro Foodbank – update
The foodbank has re-opened so please carry on donating as you always have – usual food and household items and money most welcome.
The Prayer Chain: If you would like a concern ‘covered by prayer’ for upcoming surgery, injury, a challenging situation, or life difficulties, please phone or text Katie on 07777 690026 or Penny 07778 170247

Blessings all

0777 817 0247

Previous notices from the parish: Sunday 17th November 2024

Dear all

Following the release of the Makin report and the resignation of the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, our thoughts and prayers are with the victims of abuse.

Within our own parish many thank yous are due this week: thank you to all who came to the Remembrance Day service outside the Parish Memorial Hall. The sun shone and so many of our community were able to come. It was good to see so many proudly wearing medals, either their own or a family member’s. Good to have the Gig club standing with their oars to attention. Poignant to have our 2 Ukrainian youngsters presenting the St Mawes School wreath, both currently attending St Mawes School and living among us, thank you girls.

So many people assist with this service every year, from all aspects of organisation to participation, very much appreciated and thank you all. When we look around our world, with all the information the media brings us, we are aware of so much conflict, so many innocent victims and we yearn and pray for peace. The Royal British Legion provide so much support to those continuing to live with the consequences of their or their loved one’s involvement in serving for the freedom of all. So thank you to all who organised and donated to the poppy appeal.

I am away this weekend, thank you to Douglas for taking our 8.00 BCP service at St Just and to Angela at St Mawes and Valerie at St Just for leading our morning worship services.


Sunday 17th November

8am BCP service at St Just Church

9.30 Morning Worship St Mawes Church

11.00 Morning Worship St Just Church

Readings Hebrews 10 v 11-14 and v 19-25, Mark 13 v 1-8 and Psalm 16



Monday 18th November

9.30 Morning Prayer at St Mawes Church


Advent Course

Last call for signing up for the Advent Course – Mondays 25th November, 2nd & 9th December 6.30pm for food at the Roseland Inn £10 per head or 7pm for our gathering. Attend as you can, any or all. There are signing on sheets in both St Mawes and St Just services. If opting for food please put V after the tick if you would prefer vegetarian.  Angela Greenwell has kindly offered to co-ordinate for our parish on attendance, food and sharing transport, so please phone Angela on 01326 270892 or email angelagreenwell@btinternet.com particularly on offering or needing a car share. Thank you, Angela.

Advent Sunday Evensong 1st December 6pm St Mawes Church – advance notice as Advent commences – please do come and join in this service, accompanied by the Roseland Churches Choir

Roseland Carol Project 4th December 7pm Truro Cathedral – a taster provided at our St Just Feast – come to hear more, no charge

Truro Foodbank – update

The foodbank has re-opened so please carry on donating as you always have – usual food and household items and money most welcome.

Prayers for the Roseland – Thank you for your responses to this so far. Please do let me know if you would be interested in participating in a monthly online prayer meeting and weather and season permitting a visit to one of our churches to walk and pray around the community. Other ideas are most welcome too.

The Prayer Chain: If you would like a concern ‘covered by prayer’ for upcoming surgery, injury, a challenging situation, or life difficulties, please phone or text Katie on 07777 690026 or Penny 07778 170247

Blessings all

 0777 817 0247

Previous notices from the Parish: Sunday 10th November 2024

Dear all

Thank you to all who came to our All Souls service last Sunday and particularly to those who assisted at the service. It was an opportunity to take some time out in this month of remembrance and focus upon our loved ones no longer with us but now at peace and in the arms of our Heavenly Father.

Tomorrow Saturday 9th November sees our monthly coffee morning at Angela’s from 10-12. Please do come if you can, even if just for a while. It is good to have a chance to share with one another.

Sunday is Remembrance Sunday with the focus upon our outdoor service (hoping for dry weather). We gather outside the Parish Memorial Hall in Hillhead St Mawes by 10.45. The service aims to start to have the 2 minutes silence at 11.00 at the appropriate time in the service.


Sunday 10th November

Remembrance Sunday

8am BCP service at St Just Church
9.30 am Spoken Holy Communion at St Mawes Church

10.45 Remembrance Day Service – gather from 10.30 outside the Parish Memorial Hall

No breathing space this week

Act of Remembrance Service sheet:


Monday 11th November

9.30 Morning Prayer at St Mawes Church


Next week

Sunday 17th November

8am BCP service at St Just Church

9.30 Morning Worship St Mawes Church

11.00 Morning Worship St Just Church

Advent Course

A reminder of signing up for the Advent Course – Mondays 25th November, 2nd & 9th December 6.30pm for food at the Roseland Inn £10 per head or 7pm for our gathering. Attend as you can, any or all. There are signing on sheets in both St Mawes and St Just services. If opting for food please put V after the tick if you would prefer vegetarian.  Angela Greenwell has kindly offered to co-ordinate for our parish on attendance, food and sharing transport, so please phone Angela on 01326 270892 or email angelagreenwell@btinternet.com particularly on offering or needing a car share. Thank you, Angela.

Truro Foodbank

Sad news – A message from Lesley and Keith (our food bank delivery team) “I took the food and cash donations on Monday to the food bank in Truro – to be met by glum faces.  The warehouse has got mice and they have had to call in pest control firms and local council officials.  Everything that is in the warehouse is regarded as contaminated and they cannot put anything else in yet. They have to clean every single item in the food bank as well as work out how to mouse-proof everywhere. As a result of this they cannot accept any more physical donations until further notice. However, they would appreciate financial donations even more than ever so that they can continue providing support to those in need, without having to store items.”

They have asked us to store any food donations until they are operational again. Please consider a financial donation in the interim.  If you are aware of anyone in need of The Food Bank support please get in touch with the parish office.

Prayers for the Roseland – Thank you for your responses to this so far. Please do let me know if you would be interested in participating in a monthly online prayer meeting and weather and season permitting a visit to one of our churches to walk and pray around the community. Other ideas are most welcome too.

The Prayer Chain: If you would like a concern ‘covered by prayer’ for upcoming surgery, injury, a challenging situation, or life difficulties, please phone or text Katie on 07777 690026 or Penny 07778 170247

Blessings all

 0777 817 0247

Previous notices from the Parish: Sunday 3rd November 2024

Dear all

A reminder of signing up for the Advent Course – Mondays 25th November, 2nd & 9th December 6.30pm for food at the Roseland Inn £10 per head or 7pm for our gathering. Attend as you can, any or all. There are signing on sheets in both St Mawes and St Just services. If opting for food please put V after the tick if you would prefer vegetarian.  Angela Greenwell has kindly offered to co-ordinate for our parish on attendance, food and sharing transport, so please phone Angela on 01326 270892 or email angelagreenwell@btinternet.com particularly on offering or needing a car share. Thank you, Angela.

Prayers for the Roseland – As you will recall we have been trying various ways of encouraging some collective prayer for the Roseland as a whole. Another suggestion which Douglas has just circulated which we have been discussing is as follows: an online prayer meeting once a month and a monthly visit to one of our churches to walk and pray around the community. Suggestions already received are most helpful, particularly in relation to visiting churches for those less mobile. We are asking for feedback on these suggestions, so please do let me know of your thoughts on these ideas and whether you would wish to join in. Other ideas are most helpful.

Sunday 3rd November
All Saints Day

8am BCP service at St Just Church
9.30 am Holy Communion at St Mawes Church
11 am Holy Communion at St Just Church

2pm All Souls Service at St Just Church – All welcome to this reflective service as we remember those no longer with us

Monday 4th November 9.30 Morning Prayer St Mawes Church

Readings: Hebrews 9 v 11-14 and Mark 12 v 28-34



Next week is Sunday 10th November – Remembrance Sunday

8am BCP service at St Just Church
9.30 am Spoken Holy Communion at St Mawes Church

Coffee Morning – 10 am on 9th November at Angela’s house – please do come along for coffee, cake and chat!

Remembrance Day Service 10.45 Outside Parish Memorial Hall Hillhead

The Prayer Chain: If you would like a concern ‘covered by prayer’ for upcoming surgery, injury, a challenging situation, or life difficulties, please phone or text Katie on 07777 690026 or Penny 07778 170247

Blessings all

 0777 817 0247

Previous notices from the parish: Sunday 27th October 2024

Dear all

In last week’s notices I mentioned the Advent course offered to all who wish to join us from across the Roseland. Rev Douglas Wren has now sent out some further details as below:

From Douglas:


To be able to focus on Christmas and the incarnation without the trappings of the season and before we get overwhelmed with carol services, tinsel and putting tea towels on our head. It will also be a golden opportunity to get to know other Christians from the Roseland and build bridges between our churches. It will have been a success if at the end we know God and each other better.

What will happen?

We will gather for a simple meal in the Roseland Inn, Philleigh, after which either Penny or I will provide some teaching input that will lead into some conversations around the tables. We’ll end with some prayer.


25th November, 2nd & 9th December 6.30pm (any who don’t want to share in the meal can join us at 7pm).

Each Monday there will be a choice of two dishes, one of which will be vegetarian. The cost will be £10. We buy our own drinks. Final numbers will need to be sent to Kay by noon on the Sunday before each Monday.

I think it is going to be great fun and do hope that each church can be part of this.


If anyone from our parish would be happy to co-ordinate on our behalf, please let me (Penny) know.

There is a sign- up sheet in both churches – you are welcome to attend one or any of the Advent sessions.

Sunday 27th October
Last Sunday after Trinity

8am BCP service at St Just Church
9.30 am Holy Communion at St Mawes Church
11 am Holy Communion at St Just Church

No Morning Prayer this week

Reminder: Next Sunday 3rd November 2pm St Just Church – our All Souls Service – All welcome as we remember those no longer with us.

Readings Hebrews 7 v  23-28 and Mark 10 v 46-52



November Special Services

All Souls – Sunday 3rd November 2pm St Just Church – a reflective service for those remembering loved ones no longer with us. All welcome, no need to let us know. You can enter the names of anyone you want remembered at the start of the service.

Remembrance Sunday 10th November 10.45 Outside Parish Memorial Hall Hillhead

The Prayer Chain: If you would like a concern ‘covered by prayer’ for upcoming surgery, injury, a challenging situation, or life difficulties, please phone or text Katie on 07777 690026 or Penny 07778 170247

Blessings all

 0777 817 0247

Previous notices from the Parish: Sunday 20th October

Dear all

Thank you to Angela for hosting the coffee morning last Saturday, a time for chat and friendship.

Last Sunday we held our annual St Just Feast and for the first time since Covid we paid our dues to our patron. This has an ancient history and in old money totals 13 shillings and 4 pence, worth in today’s money about 68p. We do have 13s 4d, so duly presented it to Mr Sam Galsworthy, son of our patron Mr Michael Galsworthy, who kindly returned it to us for use again next year. Thank you, Sam, for coming and also for reading to us from the Psalms.

Another particular thanks go to Nev Meek, our speaker this year, who introduced us to the Roseland Carol Project which has successfully identified 40 carols connected to the Roseland. We learnt a carol new to us assisted by organist Doreen Freeman, Roseland Church Choir leader Alison Robinson and members of the Roseland Churches choir, with thanks to all of you. Grateful thanks too to all the organisations who came with banners and other artefacts representing their activity. It was good to share time chatting with folk after the service as we joined together in our ‘feast’.

Sunday 20th October
21st Sunday after Trinity

8am BCP service at St Just Church
9.30 am Holy Communion at St Mawes Church
11 am Holy Communion at St Just Church

Monday 21st October

9.30 Morning Prayer St Mawes Church

Readings: Hebrews 5 1-10 and Mark 10 v 35-45



Advent Sessions – Roseland Inn, Philleigh – Monday evenings – 25th November, 2nd and 9th December

Proposed by the benefice ministry team from all the Roseland parishes, this is an opportunity to attend 1 or more of these sessions as we move into this season. The Roseland Inn have offered a simple meal (cost awaited) and use of a room for our discussions. We need to establish who and to which session(s) folk would be able to commit to attending. Please speak with Penny on Sunday or email her – revpennyjl@gmail.com

November Special Services

All Souls – Sunday 3rd November 2pm St Just Church – a reflective service for those remembering loved ones no longer with us. All welcome, no need to let us know. You can enter the names of anyone you want remembered at the start of the service.

Remembrance Sunday 10th November 10.45 Outside Parish Memorial Hall Hillhead

The Prayer Chain: If you would like a concern ‘covered by prayer’ for upcoming surgery, injury, a challenging situation, or life difficulties, please phone or text Katie on 07777 690026 or Penny 07778 170247

Blessings all

 0777 817 0247

Previous notices from the parish:

Please note that on Thursday 17th and Friday 18th October there may be restricted access to the church and gardens.

Sunday 6th and 13th October 2024

Dear all

A two-week mailing this time as both Penny and Sophia are away on leave from 5th-12th October. An enormous thank you to all who helped with our Harvest Festivals last week, our churches were beautifully decorated and so many donations of fresh, tinned and dried food were received, thank you.

Chaos received the fresh food, Truro Foodbank all other food and household items and our collections were divided between the Refuge and St Petroc’s, each receiving £101 each- both charities have thanked you for your generosity.

Services for the next two Sundays
Sunday 6th October
19th Sunday after Trinity
8.00 BCP at St Just Church
9.30 Morning Worship at St Mawes Church
11.00 Morning Worship at St Just Church

No Monday morning prayer this week

Readings Hebrews 1 v 1-4 , 2 v5-12, Mark 10 v 2-16 and Psalm 8

Sunday 13th October

20th Sunday after Trinity

8am BCP service at St Just Church

No service at St Mawes church

11 am St Just Feast – all welcome, a chance to welcome and thank our local community and this year hear about the Roseland Carol Project and yes we will be singing carols in October!

Please gather at 10.45 at the upper lych gate if you wish to process into the church. Please bring anything which reflects your organisation, these will be placed around the altar as we sing the first hymn. We look forward to welcoming Mr Sam Galsworthy representing his father, Michael, our patron.

As usual, this will be followed by the feast. You are asked to bring a donation of food – cakes and biscuits. Pasties and sausage rolls are being provided. Thank you to Alison for organising all this. Please contact her if you need advice on what to bring.

4pm Breathing Space St Just Church

Monday 14th October

9.30 Morning Prayer St Mawes Church

PCC Meeting Monday 14th October 7pm in St Mawes Parish Room

Parish Coffee Morning Saturday 13th October 10-12 at Angela Greenwell’s Ploughshares Pedn Moran – please do come and share some social time together


The Prayer Chain: If you would like a concern ‘covered by prayer’ for upcoming surgery, injury, a challenging situation, or life difficulties, please phone or text Katie on 07777 690026 or Penny 07778 170247

Blessings all

 0777 817 0247

A vibrant display of flowers and produce for Harvest in both the churches.

Previous notices from the Parish: Sunday 29th September 2024

Dear all

Harvest Festival on Sunday

Please do come and share in our celebration and prayer for God’s world. Donations welcome of fresh, dried and tinned goods, toiletries and household items. We are supporting Chaos, the Foodbank, St Petrocs and the Refuge. Financial donations welcome too.

And our favourite Harvest hymns

The chorus from our first hymn: ‘Lord of all, to thee we raise this our sacrifice of praise’


Sunday 29th September

8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just church
9.30am Harvest Festival: Common Worship Holy Communion St Mawes church
11.00am Harvest Festival: Common Worship Holy Communion St Just church

Monday 30th September No Morning Prayer this week

Other Church events this week

Saturday 28th September 1 pm St Just: Wedding of Kate Gregory and Martin Sissons

Readings: Ecclesiastes 11: 1-10 and Mark 13: 1-9



Harvest Supper: Thank you to all involved in this, such a great coming together of many in our community with delicious food (thank you to Keith and all dessert makers). It was a fun evening with its usual challenging quiz we have come to expect.

Sunday 13th October St Just Feast at 11.00. Those processing to be at the upper lych gate by 10.45. Note: there is no service at St Mawes. Local organisations have received their invitations. Our speaker this year is Nev Meek telling us about the Cornish Carol Project. A feast follows. Please come to this very special occasion.

Roseland Shoebox Appeal – featured in September Roseland magazine – please consider putting one together – we can collect in church and then deliver

Foodbank – Forms available in churches and from the Office for those wishing to donate financially regularly

Our prayer chain for prayer requests – please phone or text Katie on 07777 690026 or Penny 07778 170247

Our Harvest praise ends with another chorus:

‘All good gifts around us are sent from heaven above;

Then thank the Lord, O thank the Lord, for all his love.’

Blessings all

0777 817 0247

Previous notices from the Parish: Sunday 22nd September 2024

Dear all

Our Gospel on Sunday:

Whilst the disciples argued amongst themselves as to who was the greatest, Jesus hearing this sat down and said ‘Whoever wants to be first must be last of all and servant of all.’ Then he took a little child and put it among them; and taking it in his arms, he said to them, ‘Whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me welcomes not me but the one who sent me.’ Mark 9: 36-37


Sunday 22nd September

8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just church
9.30am Common Worship Holy Communion St Mawes church
11.00am Common Worship Holy Communion St Just church

Monday 23rd September 9.30 Morning Prayer St Mawes Church

Other Church events this week

Saturday 21st September 2.30 pm St Just: Wedding of Becky Penhall and Charles Solanki

Saturday 21st September 7pm Parish Harvest Supper in the Parish Memorial Hall

Readings: James 3: v 13-18, 4: v 3, v7-8 and Mark 9 v 30-37



Sunday 29th September Harvest Festival Services – 9.30 at St Mawes and 11.00 at St Just. Please bring donations for harvest – fresh, dried and tinned goods – to be donated to Chaos, the Women’s Refuge, the Foodbank and St Petroc. Our churches will be specially decorated too

Sunday 13th October St Just Feast at 11.00am. Those processing to be at the upper lych gate by 10.45 am. Note: there is no service at St Mawes. Local organisations have received their invitations. Our speaker this year is Nev Meek telling us about the Cornish Carol Project. A feast follows. Please come to this very special occasion.

Roseland Shoebox Appeal – featured in September Roseland magazine – please consider putting one together – we can collect in church and then deliver

Foodbank – Forms available in churches and from the Office for those wishing to donate financially regularly

Our prayer chain for prayer requests – please phone or text Katie on 07777 690026 or Penny 07778 170247

Reflecting our Epistle for Sunday two lines from the last verse of our first hymn

‘Grant us wisdom, grant us courage, that we fail not man nor thee.’

Blessings all

0777 817 0247

Previous notices from the Parish: Sunday 15th September 2024

Dear all

An extract from our Gospel reading for this coming Sunday:

Mark 8:27 “Jesus went on with his disciples to the villages of Caesarea Philippi; and on the way
he asked his disciples, ‘Who do people say that I am?’”


Sunday 15th September

8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just church
9.30am Common Worship Holy Communion St Mawes church
11.00am Common Worship Holy Communion St Just church

No morning prayer on Monday 16th September

Readings: James 3 v 1-12 and Mark 8 v 27-38

Parish Harvest Supper Saturday 21st September 7pm please do come and join in this parish celebration in the Parish Memorial Hall St Mawes, a chance to celebrate ‘all good gifts around us’ with each other with a delicious supper. Please let Steve know if you are able to come and request a steak or vegetarian pie.

Harvest Festival Sunday 29th September: Both St Mawes and St Just churches will be holding a special harvest festival service on that Sunday 9.30 at St Mawes and 11.00 at St Just. Donations to local charities: Chaos, Truro Food Bank and to St Petroc’s and Women’s refuge.

Other notices:

  • Parish Coffee Morning Saturday 14th September 10-12 at Angela Greenwell’s Ploughshares, Pedn Moran – please come if you can – drop in for a while
  • Parish Harvest Supper Saturday 21st September Parish Memorial Hall – notify Steve if you wish to attend and choice of pie
  • Harvest Festival Sunday 29th September – please note in your diary
  • St Just Feast Sunday 13th October – please note and check with Penny or Sophia whether any group or organisation to which you belong are on the invitation list. We do want to ensure we invite the whole community
  • Roseland Shoebox Appeal – featured in September Roseland magazine – please consider putting one together – we can collect in church and then deliver
  • Foodbank – as always – food or cash donations most welcome. Forms available from the Office for those wishing to donate financially regularly
  • Our prayer chain for prayer requests – please phone or text Katie on 07777 690026 or Penny 07778 170247

Blessings all

0777 817 0247

Notices from the Parish: Sunday 8th September 2024

Dear all

A trial of a shorter weekly note containing headline information – all thoughts on this format most welcome


Sunday 8th September

8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just church
9.30am Common Worship Holy Communion St Mawes church
11.00am Common Worship Holy Communion St Just church

4pm Breathing Space St Just Church

No morning prayer on Monday 9th September

Readings: James 2 v 1-10 and 14-17 and Mark7 v 24-37



  • Grateful thanks to the St Mawes church café “staff” for their witness over this summer – donations total £338.38
  • Parish Coffee Morning Saturday 14th September 10-12 at Angela Greenwell’s Ploughshares, Pedn Moran – please come if you can – drop in for a while
  • Parish Harvest Supper Saturday 21st September – notify Steve if you wish to attend and choice of pie
  • Harvest Festival Sunday 29th September – please note in your diary
  • Roseland Shoebox Appeal – featured in September Roseland magazine – please consider putting one together – we can collect in church and then deliver
  • Foodbank – as always – food or cash donations most welcome. Forms available from the Office for those wishing to donate financially regularly
  • Our prayer chain for prayer requests – please phone or text Katie on 07777 690026 or Penny 07778 170247

Blessings all

0777 817 0247

Previous notices from the Parish: Sunday 25th August and Sunday 1st September 2024 –

St Just in Roseland church is open daily from 8.30am – 6.30pm during the summer months and from 8.30 am – 4pm during the winter.

Dear all

This is a two week mailing the next will be sent on Friday 6th September.

Thank you to all who assisted at the RNLI service last Sunday most especially the RNLI

members and supporters who came over on the lifeboat, their presence is a reminder to us of all

they do and the power and importance of this part of God’s creation. Thank you too to St

Anthony Noyse who played beautifully, to Chris Turner and Mark Bowen and for all who assisted

in many ways with chairs, handing out orders of service, the RNLI committee members

encouraging donations and to the St Mawes Sailing Club for their welcome and refreshments.

This coming Sunday, 25th August is a repeat performance this time in Portscatho at 4pm.


Sunday 25th August

8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just church

9.30am Common Worship Holy Communion St Mawes church

11.00am Common Worship Holy Communion St Just church

No morning prayer on Monday 26th August

Readings: Ephesians 6 v10-20 and John 6 v 56-69


Sunday 1st September

8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just church

9.30am Common Worship Holy Communion St Mawes church

11.00am Common Worship Holy Communion St Just church

Monday 2nd September

10.00 Morning Prayer St Mawes Church

Readings: James 1 v 17-27 and Mark 7 v1-8, 14-15 and 21-23.



Portscatho RNLI service takes place on Sunday 25th August 4pm

Jenny Johnson: A memorial service is taking place on Thursday 5th September 11.00 in St Just

Church to remember Jenny.  All welcome. There is an opportunity to share memories, if you

would like to say something or have a piece read please let Penny know.

The St Mawes Church pop up café is continuing to offer its wares on Monday and Thursday

afternoons until Thursday 5th September. Please do come along or offer assistance for the last few weeks before the charity shop closes.

Laura Lootens – classical guitarist please do come to her recital at 3pm on Sunday 1st September at St Just in Roseland Church (tickets CRBO 01726 63513 from £12) 

Advance notice: a date for your diary- Parish Harvest Supper Saturday 21st September. Please let Steve, No.4 The Arcade, know if you would like to attend.

Foodbank: Thank you for all your donations in cash as well as food asthe foodbank continues to be very short of supplies. Financial donations are the most effective form of donation as the foodbank are able to buy in bulk. If you would like to make an occasional or regular financial donation, we are happy to receive these and send through to Truro foodbank. Food boxes in both churches, in the co-op and in Truro supermarkets. Supplies most in demand below.

The Prayer Chain: If you would like a concern ‘covered by prayer’ for upcoming surgery, injury, a challenging situation, or life difficulties, please contact either Katie Taurins or Penny Leach and they will put your request onto the prayer group WhatsApp. Prayer requests are received and held in confidence and, should you so wish, remain anonymous to all in the group, aside from the person you contact with your request. Please phone or text Katie on 07777 690026 or Penny 07778 170247. As Paul tells us in his letter to the Philippians Chapter 4 v6 ‘do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.’

Foodbank- please support the food bank and the foods most required are:











Blessings all

0777 817 0247 revpennyjl@gmail.com

Notices from the Parish: Sunday 18th August.

Dear all

Thank you for all who assisted whilst I was away and for your kind enquiries as to my time in Yorkshire. Thank you I had a lovely relaxing time, returning refreshed.

Thank to Angela and Valerie for leading morning worship on 4th August and to Mary Wren for preaching at both St Mawes and St Just on 11th August. Thank you too to Angela for hosting the coffee morning on Saturday 10th.

St Mawes Church refreshments continue to have a steady stream of visitors, usually on their way from the charity shop. These sessions are offered until the end of August from 2-4pm on Monday and Thursday, please do volunteer if you can, assistance needed in the second half of August –speak to Angela or David.

Sunday 18th August at 5pm: RNLI service on St Mawes Quay accompanied by St Anthony Noyse, please do come if you can. The lifeboat will be in attendance unless on a ‘shout’.


Sunday 18th August

8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just church
9.30am Common Worship Holy Communion St Mawes church
11.00am Common Worship Holy Communion St Just church

5pm RNLI service on St Mawes Quay

Readings: Proverts 9 v 1-6 and John 6 v 51-58


Notices: Morning Prayer continues on Mondays at 10.00, the next on 19th August – all welcome to this informal service – held in the Parish room St Mawes Church. Note this will not be offered on Monday 26th August – Bank holiday Monday

Portscatho RNLI service takes place on Sunday 25th August 4pm

Foodbank: Thank you for all your donations in cash as well as food asthe foodbank continues to be very short of supplies. Financial donations are the most effective form of donation as the foodbank are able to buy in bulk. If you would like to make an occasional or regular financial donation, we are happy to receive these and send through to Truro foodbank. Food boxes in both churches, in the co-op and in Truro supermarkets. Supplies most in demand below.

The Prayer Chain: If you would like a concern ‘covered by prayer’ for upcoming surgery, injury, a challenging situation, or life difficulties, please contact either Katie Taurins or Penny Leach and they will put your request onto the prayer group WhatsApp. Prayer requests are received and held in confidence and, should you so wish, remain anonymous to all in the group, aside from the person you contact with your request. Please phone or text Katie on 07777 690026 or Penny 07778 170247. As Paul tells us in his letter to the Philippians Chapter 4 v6 ‘do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.’

Foodbank- please support the food bank and the foods most required are:











Blessings all

0777 817 0247

Previous notices for Sundays 28th July, 4th and 11th August 2024

Dear all

This mailing covers Sundays 28th July, 4th August and 11th August as Penny is away for 10 days from Monday 29th July – Friday 9th August.

Thank you to Angela for hosting the parish family barbecue, a good number of people came, thank you to all who brought offerings and assisted with the catering. It was good the rain held off and thank you to all who came and supported this event.

The concert given by the choir of All Saints Fulham was thoroughly enjoyed by those who came, comments on the amazing quality and reports of ‘the best we have heard in St Just church in a long while.’ Thank you to those assisting with the organisation of this and to those who came too.

St Mawes Church refreshments continue until the end of August. Offered 2-4pm on Monday and Thursday, please do volunteer if you can, assistance needed in the second half of August –speak to Angela or David.

Saturday 10th August Parish Coffee morning 10-12 at Angela’s Ploughshares, Pedn Moran – all welcome


Sunday 28th July

8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just church
9.30am Common Worship Holy Communion St Mawes church
11.00am Common Worship Holy Communion St Just church

Readings: Ephesians 3 v 14-21 and John 6 v 1-21


Sunday 4th August

8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just church – Rev Douglas Wren

9.30 Morning Worship St Mawes Church led by Angela and Liz

11.00 Morning Worship St Just church led by Valerie

Readings: Ephesians 4 v 1-16, Psalm 51 v.1-12  and John 6 v 24-35


Sunday 11th August

8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just church
9.30am Common Worship Holy Communion St Mawes church, preacher Mary Wren
11.00am Common Worship Holy Communion St Just church, preacher Mary Wren

4pm Breathing Space St Just church

Readings: Ephesians 4 v 25-32 and 5 v 1and 2, John 6 v 35 and v 41-51



Morning Prayer returns on Monday 12th August

Sunday 18th August RNLI service 5pm on the Quay

Foodbank: Thank you for all your donations in cash as well as food asthe foodbank continues to be very short of supplies. Financial donations are the most effective form of donation as the foodbank are able to buy in bulk. If you would like to make an occasional or regular financial donation, we are happy to receive these and send through to Truro foodbank. Food boxes in both churches, in the co-op and in Truro supermarkets. Supplies most in demand below.

The Prayer Chain: If you would like a concern ‘covered by prayer’ for upcoming surgery, injury, a challenging situation, or life difficulties, please contact either Katie Taurins or Penny Leach and they will put your request onto the prayer group WhatsApp. Prayer requests are received and held in confidence and, should you so wish, remain anonymous to all in the group, aside from the person you contact with your request. Please phone or text Katie on 07777 690026 or Penny 07778 170247. As Paul tells us in his letter to the Philippians Chapter 4 v6 ‘do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.’

Foodbank- please support the food bank and the foods most required are:

















Washing Up Liquid

Blessings all

0777 817 0247

Previous notices from the parish: Sunday 21st July 2024

Dear all

Thank you to Angela for hosting the coffee morning last Saturday and to David for his extensive

catering assistant work.

This Sunday 21st July 4-7pm sees the Parish Family Barbecue with garden games at Angela’s at

Ploughshares Pedn Moran. Please do come and join with us and bring a friend or a family. We

look forward to welcoming all from our community.

St Mawes Church refreshments began last Monday 15th July and will continue until the end of

August. Offered 2-4pm on Monday and Thursday, please do volunteer to assist if you can

–speak to Angela or David.

Services Sunday 21st July

8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just church

9.30am Common Worship Holy Communion St Mawes church

11.00am Common Worship Holy Communion St Just church

Readings: Ephesians 2 v 11-22 and Mark 6 v 30-34 and 53-56



Saturday 20th July at 4.30 pm Fulham Church Choir at St Just church

Sunday 21st July 4-7pm Parish Family Barbecue

Monday 22nd July 9.30 Morning Prayer – Morning Prayer is moving permanently to a Monday

morning – all welcome – Parish Room St Mawes Church

Foodbank: Thank you for all your donations in cash as well as food asthe foodbank continues to be very short of supplies. Financial donations are the most effective form of donation as the foodbank are able to buy in bulk. If you would like to make an occasional or regular financial donation, we are happy to receive these and send through to Truro foodbank. Food boxes in both churches, in the co-op and in Truro supermarkets. Supplies most in demand below.

The Prayer Chain: If you would like a concern ‘covered by prayer’ for upcoming surgery, injury, a challenging situation, or life difficulties, please contact either Katie Taurins or Penny Leach and they will put your request onto the prayer group WhatsApp. Prayer requests are received and held in confidence and, should you so wish, remain anonymous to all in the group, aside from the person you contact with your request. Please phone or text Katie on 07777 690026 or Penny 07778 170247. As Paul tells us in his letter to the Philippians Chapter 4 v6 ‘do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.’

Foodbank- please support the food bank and the foods most required are:

















Washing Up Liquid

Blessings all

0777 817 0247

Previous notices from the parish: Sunday 14th July 2024

Dear all

Tomorrow sees our monthly coffee morning with a new venue. Saturday 13th July 10-12 at Angela’s Ploughshares Pedn Moran. Thank you to Angela for offering to continue these.

St Mawes Church refreshments begin on Monday 15th July – thank you to those who have already volunteered – still spaces left – speak to Angela or David.

Next Sunday we have the Parish Family Barbecue with garden games: Sunday 21st July 4-7pm again at Angela’s at Ploughshares Pedn Moran. Please do come and join with us and bring a friend or a family. We look forward to welcoming all from our community. Please spread the word. Assistance also needed and posters are available, please take to distribute.

Note from Penny: Now I have moved I will be in the parish on Sunday, Monday and Friday together with a 4th day depending upon need – Saturday for weddings and other weekdays for funerals and other activities. These will be flexible so please do not hesitate to get in touch if you would like to meet up. My phone number remains 07778 170247.


Sunday 14th July

8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just church
9.30am Common Worship Holy Communion St Mawes church
11.00am Common Worship Holy Communion St Just church

4pm Breathing Space St Just Church – Note earlier time

Readings: Amos7 v 7-15 and Mark 6 v 14-29


Monday 15th July 9.30 Morning Prayer – Morning Prayer is moving permanently to a Monday morning – all welcome – Parish Room St Mawes Church

Saturday 20th July – Fulham Church Choir at St Just in Roseland church – free concert at 4.30 pm

Foodbank: Thank you for all your donations in cash as well as food asthe foodbank continues to be very short of supplies. Financial donations are the most effective form of donation as the foodbank are able to buy in bulk. If you would like to make an occasional or regular financial donation, we are happy to receive these and send through to Truro foodbank. Food boxes in both churches, in the co-op and in Truro supermarkets. Supplies most in demand below.The Prayer Chain: If you would like a concern ‘covered by prayer’ for upcoming surgery, injury, a challenging situation, or life difficulties, please contact either Katie Taurins or Penny Leach and they will put your request onto the prayer group WhatsApp. Prayer requests are received and held in confidence and, should you so wish, remain anonymous to all in the group, aside from the person you contact with your request. Please phone or text Katie on 07777 690026 or Penny 07778 170247. As Paul tells us in his letter to the Philippians Chapter 4 v6 ‘do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.’

Foodbank- please support the food bank and the foods most required are

  • Washing Up Liquid

Blessings all

0777 817 0247

Previous notices from the Parish for 30th June and 7th July 2024

On Saturday 20th July The Fulham Church Choir will perform at St Just Church at 4.30 pm. The concert is free.

Sunday 30th June and 7th July 2024

Dear all

This mailing covers 2 Sundays in the Parish as Penny is away next week. The next will be sent out on Friday 12th July.

Parish Family Barbecue with garden games: Sunday 21st July 4-7pm at Ploughshares Pedn Moran kindly offered by Angela Greenwell. Please put this in your diary and come along with a friend or a family. We look forward to welcoming all from our community. Barbecue chef required and any assistance will be gratefully received.  Flyers and posters will be available next week. Please spread the word.

St Mawes Church refreshments during the Kay Bain Charity Shop opening in the parish hall – Monday and Thursday afternoons 2-4pm from 15th July to the end of August. Most welcome are offerings of cakes and biscuits, homemade or bought and particularly assistance at the sessions, setting up and serving with the opportunity for a chat with visitors, something of mission for our church.

If you are able to place posters in prominent places, posters available at our church services, please do take and display

Truro Food Bank has thanked all for the generous donation last week. £195 was given from both churches and two coffee mornings.

Sunday 30th June – Penny is away that day.

8.00 BCP Holy Communion at St Just – Douglas Wren

9.30 Morning Worship at St Mawes – Angela Greenwell and  Liz German

 11.00 Morning Worship at St Just – Valerie Willis

Readings: 2 Corinthians 8 v 7-15, Mark 5 v 21 – 43 and Psalm 130


No morning prayer this week

Sunday 7th July

8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just church
9.30am Common Worship Holy Communion St Mawes church
11.00am Common Worship Holy Communion St Just church

Readings: Ezekiel 2 v 1-5 and Mark 6 v 1-13


Monday 8th July 9.30 Morning Prayer – Morning Prayer is moving permanently to a Monday morning – all welcome – Parish Room St Mawes Church

Sunday 14th July 4pm Breathing Space St Just Church – Note earlier time

Other notices

Friday 5th July St Mawes School Fair, 1.30-3pm at the School: A celebration of 130 years of the school here in St Mawes. Donations for the cake stall and gifts for the tombola most welcome.

Monday 15th July 2-4pm St Mawes Church Refreshments commence Monday and Thursday – volunteers required – please speak to Angela or David if you can sign up

Sunday 21st July 4-7pm Parish Family Barbecue at Ploughshares, Pedn Moran

Foodbank: Thank you for all your donations in cash as well as food asthe foodbank continues to be very short of supplies. Financial donations are the most effective form of donation as the foodbank are able to buy in bulk. If you would like to make an occasional or regular financial donation, we are happy to receive these and send through to Truro foodbank. Food boxes in both churches, in the co-op and in Truro supermarkets. Supplies most in demand below.

The Prayer Chain: If you would like a concern ‘covered by prayer’ for upcoming surgery, injury, a challenging situation, or life difficulties, please contact either Katie Taurins or Penny Leach and they will put your request onto the prayer group WhatsApp. Prayer requests are received and held in confidence and, should you so wish, remain anonymous to all in the group, aside from the person you contact with your request. Please phone or text Katie on 07777 690026 or Penny 07778 170247. As Paul tells us in his letter to the Philippians Chapter 4 v6 ‘do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.’

Foodbank- please support the food bank and the foods most required are:











Blessings all

0777 817 0247

Previous notices from the Parish: Sunday 23rd June 2024

Dear all
Parish Family Barbecue with garden games: Sunday 21st July 4-7pm at Ploughshares Pedn Moran kindly offered by Angela Greenwell. Please put this in your diary and come along with a friend or a family. We look forward to welcoming all from our community. Please spread the word. Assistance also very welcome, more of that later.

Other calls for volunteers:

St Mawes School Fair: A celebration of 130 years of the school here in St Mawes. Friday 5th July 1.30-3pm at the School. Cakes for the cake stall and gifts for the tombola most welcome. If you are able to offer assistance with running a stall please let Sophia know as soon as possible.

St Mawes Church refreshments during the Kay Bain Charity Shop opening in the parish hall – Monday and Thursday afternoons 2-4pm from 15th July to the end of August. Most welcome are offerings of cakes and biscuits, homemade or bought and particularly assistance at the sessions, setting up and serving with the opportunity for a chat with visitors, something of mission for our church.

If you are able to place posters in prominent places, a supply will be available on Sunday 7th July at our church services, please do take and display.

Sunday 23rd June
8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just church
9.30am Common Worship Holy Communion St Mawes church
11.00am Common Worship Holy Communion St Just church

Readings: Job 38 v 1-11 and Mark 4 v 35-41


Tuesday 25th June

9.30am Morning Prayer St Mawes Church

Sunday 30th June – Penny is away that day.

8.00 BCP Holy Communion at St Just – Douglas Wren

9.30 Morning Worship at St Mawes – Angela Greenwell and Liz German

11.00 Morning Worship at St Just – Valerie Willis

Foodbank: The foodbank continues to be very short of supplies so please do consider donating. Boxes in both churches, in the co-op and in Truro supermarkets. Supplies most in demand below.

The Prayer Chain: If you would like a concern ‘covered by prayer’ for upcoming surgery, injury, a challenging situation, or life difficulties, please contact either Katie Taurins or Penny Leach and they will put your request onto the prayer group WhatsApp. Prayer requests are received and held in confidence and, should you so wish, remain anonymous to all in the group, aside from the person you contact with your request. Please phone or text Katie on 07777 690026 or Penny 07778 170247. As Paul tells us in his letter to the Philippians Chapter 4 v6 ‘do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.’

Foodbank- please support the food bank and the foods most required are:











Blessings all

0777 817 0247

Previous notices from the Parish: Sunday 16th June 2024

Dear all

Thank you to all who came to the coffee morning last Saturday, a relaxing time to chat and share with each other.

Evensong at St Gerrans last Sunday was a very fitting tribute to Nigel. We sang his favourite hymns in the service led by Rev Jill Edwards who incorporated into the service anecdotes which really conveyed Nigel to us in the round. The service was accompanied so well by the Roseland churches choir singing with such love and thanks to their accompanist.

Thursday evening saw our churchwardens Angela and Alison taking their oaths of office in a service at All Saints Highertown with the two Archdeacons, Kelly and Clive and the

Rural Dean, Marc. Thank you to you both for offering to serve our parish in this way.


Sunday 16th June
8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just church
9.30am Common Worship Holy Communion St Mawes church
11.00am Common Worship Holy Communion St Just church

4.30pm Breathing Space – note the earlier time than stated in last week’s notices

Tuesday 18th June

9.30am Morning Prayer St Mawes Church

Readings: 2 Corinthians 5 v 6-10 and 14-17 and Mark 4 v 26-34


Foodbank: The foodbank continues to be very short of supplies so please do consider donating. Boxes in both churches, in the co-op and in Truro supermarkets. Supplies most in demand below.
The Prayer Chain: If you would like a concern ‘covered by prayer’ for upcoming surgery, injury, a challenging situation, or life difficulties, please contact either Katie Taurins or Penny Leach and they will put your request onto the prayer group WhatsApp. Prayer requests are received and held in confidence and, should you so wish, remain anonymous to all in the group, aside from the person you contact with your request. Please phone or text Katie on 07777 690026 or Penny 07778 170247. As Paul tells us in his letter to the Philippians Chapter 4 v6 ‘do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.’

Foodbank- please support the food bank and the foods most required are:


Blessings all

0777 817 0247

Previous notices from Sunday 9th June 2024

Dear all
We had our first taste of the summer season with buzzing villages during the May half term,
numbers swelled by the three weddings in our churches and by weddings elsewhere in the
village. I am sure, like me, you will be appreciating the improvements in the weather.
This week has also seen the Roseland remembering the 80th anniversary of D Day. It was
good to see so many people attending these memorial events. The services taking place in
Normandy were very moving too with their messages on reflections from the past to us in
the present. We continue each week to pray for peace.
Tomorrow morning, Saturday 8th sees our monthly coffee morning at Penny’s, please do
come if you can.
Sunday 9th June
8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just church
9.30am Common Worship Holy Communion St Mawes church
11.00am Common Worship Holy Communion St Just church
No Breathing Space this week – postponed to Sunday 16th as Sunday 9th June 6pm
in memory of Nigel Conway Hewett supported by the Roseland Churches choir
at St Gerrans Church
All welcome as we remember and give thanks for Nigel’s contribution to our churches in the

Readings: 2 Corinthians 4 v13-18 and 2 Corinthians 5 v 1 and Mark 3 v 20-34 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MnPPbDfKBtYef2rK71VlugnBJvBIFN16/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=116936107610901789068&rtpof=true&sd=true

No Morning prayer this week – Penny on training – next on 18th June
Foodbank: The foodbank continues to be very short of supplies so please do consider
donating. Boxes in both churches, in the co-op and in Truro supermarkets. Supplies most in
demand below.
The Prayer Chain: If you would like a concern ‘covered by prayer’ for upcoming surgery,
injury, a challenging situation, or life difficulties, please contact either Katie Taurins or Penny
Leach and they will put your request onto the prayer group WhatsApp. Prayer requests are
received and held in confidence and, should you so wish, remain anonymous to all in the

group, aside from the person you contact with your request. Please phone or text Katie on
07777 690026 or Penny 07778 170247. As Paul tells us in his letter to the Philippians
Chapter 4 v6 ‘do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and
supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.’
Foodbank- please support the food bank and the foods most required are:

Blessings all
0777 817 0247

Previous notices from the parish: Sunday 26th May and 2nd June 2024

Dear all
We are seeing our visitor numbers grow as the season progresses and with a Bank Holiday weekend and half term next week, we say a very warm welcome to visitors coming to our services and visiting our churches.

This is a two week mailing as Sophia is taking some very well-earned time off, next back in the office on Monday 3rd June – anything urgent please get in touch with me, Penny. I will be checking the office phone and emails too.

The next coffee morning will be on Saturday 8th June at 10am – 12 noon at Penny’s – Sunnybanks, Trelawney Road, St Mawes – do come along if you can.

This weekend sees the beginning of the wedding season with three weddings from Friday -Saturday. We congratulate all three couples and wish them a very happy married life together.

You may well have seen in the May edition of the Roseland Magazine of the commemoration of the embarkation of the troops from the Roseland at Turnaware in preparation for the D Say landings 80 years ago. On Saturday 1st June a short service will take place at 11.00 unveiling a new memorial on the hard by the river. All are welcome with no booking required. For the detailed arrangements please see the Roseland magazine.

Very sad news this week hearing of the death of Nigel Cullen from Bear café in St Mawes Castle car park. Nigel and his family of Lucy, Harris and Swift are a much-loved family within the village. Our thoughts and prayers are with Lucy and all the family at this very sad time.


Sunday 26th May Trinity Sunday
8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just church
9.30am Common Worship Holy Communion St Mawes church
11.00am Common Worship Holy Communion St Just church

Sunday 2nd June 1st Sunday after Trinity
8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just church
9.30am Common Worship Holy Communion St Mawes church
11.00am Common Worship Holy Communion St Just church

26th May- Romans 8 v 12-17 and John3 v1-7

2nd June–  2 Corinthians 4 v 5-12 and Mark 2 v 23-28, 3v 1-6

Tuesday 28th May and Tuesday 4th June 9.30 St Mawes Church Morning Prayer

Foodbank: The foodbank continues to be very short of supplies so please do consider donating. Boxes in both churches, in the co-op and in Truro supermarkets. Supplies most in demand below. The Foodbank is also very happy to receive cash donations which allows them to buy what is in demand. It is possible to donate money through the website – https://truro.foodbank.org.uk/give-help/donate-food/
 and follow the link to make a financial donation

The Prayer Chain: If you would like a concern ‘covered by prayer’ for upcoming surgery, injury, a challenging situation, or life difficulties, please contact either Katie Taurins or Penny Leach and they will put your request onto the prayer group WhatsApp. Prayer requests are received and held in confidence and, should you so wish, remain anonymous to all in the group, aside from the person you contact with your request. Please phone or text Katie on 07777 690026 or Penny 07778 170247. As Paul tells us in his letter to the Philippians Chapter 4 v6 ‘do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.’

Foodbank- please support the food bank and the foods most required are:


Blessings all

0777 817 0247

Previous notices from the Parish: Sunday 19th May 2024

Dear all

Thank you to all who came to the coffee morning last Saturday, lovely to see some new faces, old friends but new to this. As usual a very convivial occasion, thank you to our baker this month Susie for delicious offerings.

At our APCM on Monday we reviewed the past year of our activities, the fabric of our churches and our financial position. We also, and most importantly, elected our Churchwardens and PCC members. Angela Greenwell agreed to continue as churchwarden for St Mawes whilst Alison Davy offered to take this position for St Just. Both ably supported by David Blunt in St Mawes and Julian Davy in St Just. Thank you all.

Our PCC membership comprises: Rev Penny Leach (Assistant Curate), Liz German (Reader), our two churchwardens Angela and Alison together with elected members – Steve Chapman (PCC Secretary), Andrew Prince (Treasurer), Katie Taurins (Safeguarding Officer), David Blunt, Julian Davy, Hilary Mimpriss, Nicky Pauncefort, Michael Somers and Valerie Willis.

We said goodbye to James Thomas with heartfelt thanks for 30 years of service on the PCC, as he said, around to help as he can. Thank you very much indeed, James.

This Sunday is Pentecost, the day the Holy Spirit descended upon those gathered in Jerusalem in dramatic circumstances. To celebrate this amazing event our altar colour will be the one we see least – red. Our services follow their usual pattern as below. Hope to see you there.

Sunday 19th May
8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just church
9.30am Common Worship Holy Communion St Mawes church
11.00am Common Worship Holy Communion St Just church

Readings: Acts 2 v 1-21 and John 15 v 26-27 and John 16 v 4b-15 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xaBC05ynOP698x99Gc2DH3ha2VGn0BF5/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=116936107610901789068&rtpof=true&sd=true

Tuesday 21st May 9.30 St Mawes Church Morning Prayer

Foodbank: The foodbank is very short of supplies so please do consider donating. Boxes in both churches, in the co-op and in Truro supermarkets. Supplies most in demand below.

The Prayer Chain: If you would like a concern ‘covered by prayer’ for upcoming surgery, injury, a challenging situation, or life difficulties, please contact either Katie Taurins or Penny Leach and they will put your request onto the prayer group WhatsApp. Prayer requests are received and held in confidence and, should you so wish, remain anonymous to all in the group, aside from the person you contact with your request. Please phone or text Katie on 07777 690026 or Penny 07778 170247. As Paul tells us in his letter to the Philippians Chapter 4 v6 ‘do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.’

Foodbank- please support the food bank and the foods most required are:









Blessings all
0777 817 0247

Previous notices from the Parish: Sunday 12th May 2024

Dear all

We hope you are all enjoying this sunny weather. It is lovely to see folk with smiles on their faces, able to take advantage of God’s great outdoors. We continue to see an increasing number of visitors coming to join us in our services, including some at our Roseland wide Ascension Day service at St Philleigh on Thursday evening. A chance for us to welcome, chat and worship together.

Tomorrow Saturday 11th May is our monthlyCoffee Morning 10-12 at Penny’s: Sunnybanks, Trelawney Road, St Mawes TR2 5BU – lovely to share life and times with each other– please come if you can.

Breathing Space is on offer on Sunday 12th at 6pm in St Just Church – time literally to breathe and relax in the presence of God in the silence – please do come if you have never tried this before.

APCM: Monday 13th 7pm at St Mawes Church sees our annual meetings to elect our churchwardens and PCC members for the coming year as well as to review this past year. The agenda, minutes and report are available at the Sunday services in both churches. Please do come and join us on Monday evening.


Sunday 12th May
8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just church
9.30am Common Worship Holy Communion St Mawes church

11.00am Common Worship Holy Communion St Just church

Readings: Acts 1 v15-17 and 21-26 and John 17 v 6-19

Morning Prayer returns on Tuesday 21st May

Foodbank: The foodbank is very short of supplies so please do consider donating.

Boxes in both churches, in the co-op and in Truro supermarkets. Supplies most in demand below.

The Prayer Chain: If you would like a concern ‘covered by prayer’ for upcoming surgery, injury, a challenging situation, or life difficulties, please contact either Katie Taurins or Penny Leach and they will put your request onto the prayer group WhatsApp. Prayer requests are received and held in confidence and, should you so wish, remain anonymous to all in the group, aside from the person you contact with your request. Please phone or text Katie on 07777 690026 or Penny 07778 170247. As Paul tells us in his letter to the Philippians Chapter 4 v6 ‘do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.’

Foodbank- please support the food bank and the foods most required are:









Blessings all
0777 817 0247

Previous notices from the Parish: Sunday 28th April and 5th May 2024

Dear all

Thank you to all who came to the coffee morning last week. It was lovely to have visitors too, staying above Tavern beach and who came to our service at St Mawes on Sunday. As those of you in attendance then know, I rushed off to a baptism at St Anthony’s church at Place – free passage on the ferry – thank you to whoever paid my passage there and back.

The Roseland Festival concert on Tuesday saw the Falmouth Community Gospel Choir sing to a packed church – tickets sold out. Thank you to all those involved in organising and stewarding this wonderful event.

A 2 week mailing this week – please note Sophia is taking a well earned couple of days off on Monday 29th and Tuesday 30th April and will not be working on Monday 6th May as it is the early May bank holiday. Penny is away too from Friday 3rd May and returning Monday 6th May having yet another significant birthday celebration – this time with her family.

Services Sunday 28th April5th Sunday of Easter
8am BCP service at St Just Church
9.30 am Holy Communion at St Mawes Church
11 am Holy Communion at St Just Church

Readings: Acts 8 v 26-40 , 1 John v 7-21 and John 15 v 1-8

No morning prayer on Tuesday 30th as Penny is on curacy training

Sunday 5th May 6th – Sunday of Easter

8am BCP service at St Just Church

9.30 Morning Worship St Mawes Church

11.00 Morning Worship St Just Church

Readings: Acts 10 v 44-48, Psalm 98 and John 15 v 9-17


Friday 3rd May

St Just Church Project Public meetings on Friday 3rd May to present initial ideas for the design and topics which will feature in the new St Just Interpretive Centre

Inside St Just Church – 11:00am to 1:00pm
St Mawes Church Rooms – 2:00pm to 4:00pm

•We welcome feedback and invite anyone to get involved.
•Do you have family records and stories which you could share? Can you help and volunteer in other ways?

Monday 13th May

Vestry meeting and Annual Parochial Church Meeting 7pm St Mawes Church. Agendas posted on church noticeboards. At these meetings we elect churchwardens and the Parochial Church Council for the next year and consider the annual report on activities and finances of the parish. The report will be available later next week.
The Prayer Chain: If you would like a concern ‘covered by prayer’ for upcoming surgery, injury, a challenging situation, or life difficulties, please contact either Katie Taurins or Penny Leach and they will put your request onto the prayer group WhatsApp. Prayer requests are received and held in confidence and, should you so wish, remain anonymous to all in the group, aside from the person you contact with your request. Please phone or text Katie on 07777 690026 or Penny 07778 170247. As Paul tells us in his letter to the Philippians Chapter 4 v6 ‘do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.’

Foodbank- please support the food bank and the foods most required are:

  • SUGAR (500G BAG)

Blessings all

0777 817 0247

Previous notices from the Parish: Sunday 21st April 2024

Dear all

Thank you to all who assisted whilst I was away especially to Angela and Valerie for leading our common worship services of the word and to Douglas for 8.00 Book of Common Prayer Holy Communion.

Tomorrow, Saturday 20th, sees our monthly coffee morning at Penny’s home – 10-12, please do join us at Sunnybanks, Trelawney Road, St Mawes TR2 5BU. All welcome

Our Easter season continues with readings telling us of Jesus’ resurrection appearances and hearing of the disciples’ activities in the early part of the Acts of the Apostles. This Sunday, the 4th Sunday of Easter (or the third Sunday after Easter in the Book of Common Prayer) is frequently called ‘Good Shepherd Sunday’ with Jesus’ announcement from John’s Gospel of ‘I am the good shepherd’ and our services will be reflecting upon that image this Sunday.

Sunday 21st April
4th Sunday of Easter
8am BCP service at St Just Church
9.30 am Holy Communion at St Mawes Church
11 am Holy Communion at St Just Church

Readings: Acts 4 v 3-12 , Psalm 23 and John 10 v 11-18

Tuesday 23rd April
9.00 Morning Prayer St Mawes Church


Saturday 20th April Coffee Morning: our monthly coffee morning at Penny’s home – 10-12, please do join us at Sunnybanks, Trelawney Road, St Mawes TR2 5BU

Tuesday 23rd April

Falmouth Community Gospel Choir, Roseland Festival, 7.30pm in St Just Church, Tickets £10

Monday 13th May

Vestry meeting and Annual Parochial Church Meeting 7pm St Mawes Church. Agendas will be posted on church noticeboards later next week. At these meetings we elect churchwardens and the Parochial Church Council for the next year and consider the annual report on activities and finances of the parish. The report will be available shortly.
The Prayer Chain: If you would like a concern ‘covered by prayer’ for upcoming surgery, injury, a challenging situation, or life difficulties, please contact either Katie Taurins or Penny Leach and they will put your request onto the prayer group WhatsApp. Prayer requests are received and held in confidence and, should you so wish, remain anonymous to all in the group, aside from the person you contact with your request. Please phone or text Katie on 07777 690026 or Penny 07778 170247. As Paul tells us in his letter to the Philippians Chapter 4 v6 ‘do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.’

Foodbank- please support the food bank and the foods most required are:

  • SUGAR (500G BAG)

Blessings all

0777 817 0247

Previous notices from the Parish: 7th April and 14th April 2024

Dear all

A two-week mailing this time as I am away on leave from 6th-13th April. An enormous thank you to all who helped in so many different ways with our Holy Week services. Holy Week is a special time in our churches and congregations, the culmination of Lent as we walk with Jesus on his way to the cross.  On Good Friday, the walk of witness, taking place in wet and windy weather, drew many who would infrequently come to our usual services to be reminded of the events of that day. Very grateful thanks to the harbour, to Mark for the sound system and the bakery for hot cross buns.

By the time we reached Easter Sunday our churches were beautifully decorated, their Easter gardens a reminder of that first Easter Sunday when the women went to the tomb and found the stone rolled away. It was wonderful to have so many at our Easter Day services joining with us in loud shouts of ‘Jesus is risen, he is risen indeed, alleluia’.

Thank you all, wishing all a very blessed Easter season as we continue to celebrate the risen Christ through to Ascension in May, hearing in our readings the experiences of the first disciples in the Acts of the Apostles.
Services for the next two Sundays
Sunday 7th April
2nd Sunday of Easter
8.00 BCP at St Just Church
9.30 Morning Worship at St Mawes Church
11.00 Morning Worship at St Just Church

No Tuesday morning prayer this week

Readings Acts 4 v 32-35, Psalm 133 v1-3 and John 20 v 19-31


Sunday 14th April

3rd Sunday of Easter

8am BCP service at St Just Church
9.30 am Holy Communion at St Mawes Church
11 am Holy Communion at St Just Church

Tuesday 16th April

9.30 Morning Prayer St Mawes Church
Readings Acts 3 v 12-19 and Luke 24 v 36-48



Mollie and Derek Saveker: Their ashes were recently interred together in St Just Churchyard close to the lower lych gate and the east end of the church in a small family ceremony. A short memorial service for those who would like to share in remembering their friendship and all they did for the church will take place in April. Please let Sophia know if you would like to attend this service which Penny will lead and a convenient time will be found
Saturday 20th April Coffee Morning: our monthly coffee morning at Penny’s home – 10-12, please do join us at Sunnybanks, Trelawney Road, St Mawes TR2 5BU

Revision of the electoral roll – from 15th April the church electoral roll will be under revision in preparation for our APCM on Monday 13th May. The current electoral roll is posted on the church noticeboards. If you are already on this roll and wish to remain on it, no action is required. Please contact Sophia if you wish to join and she will supply you with an electoral roll application form. Similarly if you no longer wish to remain on the roll, please let Sophia know. Please phone 01326 270871 or email office@stjustandstmawes.org.uk


The Prayer Chain: If you would like a concern ‘covered by prayer’ for upcoming surgery, injury, a challenging situation, or life difficulties, please contact either Katie Taurins or Penny Leach and they will put your request onto the prayer group WhatsApp. Prayer requests are received and held in confidence and, should you so wish, remain anonymous to all in the group, aside from the person you contact with your request. Please phone or text Katie on 07777 690026 or Penny 07778 170247. As Paul tells us in his letter to the Philippians Chapter 4 v6 ‘do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.’

Foodbank- please support the food bank and the foods most required are:

  • SUGAR (500G BAG)

Blessings all

0777 817 0247

Previous notices from the parish: Sundays 24th and 31st March 2024 – Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday

Dear all

A two-week mailing this time with a focus upon Easter as next Friday is Good Friday. Easter blessings to you all.

Sunday sees the beginning of Holy Week with Palm Sunday morning services and a special Choral Evensong with the Roseland Churches Choir at St Just Church that day at 6pm.

Our services over this time:

Sunday 24th March
Palm Sunday
8.00 BCP at St Just Church
9.30 Holy Communion with procession of palms St Mawes Church

11.00 Holy Communion with procession of palms St Just Church
6pm Palm Sunday Choral Evensong St Just Church

Readings for Palm Sunday: Mark 11 v 1-11, Philippians 2 v 5-11 and Mark 15 v 1-39


Tuesday 26th March 9.00 Morning Prayer St Mawes Church

Thursday 28th March       

Maundy Thursday 

Communion with a bring and share supper at St. Philleigh 7pm

Friday 29th March           

Good Friday 9.50 am at St Mawes Church 

Walk of Witness to St Mawes Quay with a short service followed by hot cross buns

Friday 29th March           

Good Friday 

The last hour before the Cross 2pm-3pm at St Just Church – readings, prayer and music

Sunday 31st March  

Easter Day

6.30am Sunrise service on Pendower Beach                                 
8am BCP service at St Just Church
9.30 am Holy Communion at St Mawes Church
11 am Holy Communion at St Just Church

Readings for Easter Day: Acts 10 v 34-43 and John 20 v 1-18 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qi5y2FTEm4y0KjuVPXss1d7YQrGEfJCa/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=116936107610901789068&rtpof=true&sd=true


The last hour before the Cross – St Just Church 2pm Good Friday – readers still needed. Please let Penny know if you can assist.

The Prayer Chain: If you would like a concern ‘covered by prayer’ for upcoming surgery, injury, a challenging situation, or life difficulties, please contact either Katie Taurins or Penny Leach and they will put your request onto the prayer group WhatsApp. Prayer requests are received and held in confidence and, should you so wish, remain anonymous to all in the group, aside from the person you contact with your request. Please phone or text Katie on 07777 690026 or Penny 07778 170247. As Paul tells us in his letter to the Philippians Chapter 4 v6 ‘do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.’

In anticipation of the APCM taking place on Monday 13th May and in preparation of this, we will be revising the church electoral roll from 15th April. The current electoral roll is posted on the church noticeboards. If you are already on this roll and wish to remain on it, no action is required. Please contact Sophia if you wish to join and she will supply you with an electoral roll application form. Similarly if you no longer wish to remain on the roll, please let Sophia know. Please phone 01326 270871 or email office@stjustandstmawes.org.uk

Foodbank- please support the food bank and the foods most required are:


Blessings all

0777 817 0247


Previous Notices from the Parish: Sunday 17th March 2024

Dear all

A very well attended coffee morning last Saturday – thank you all for coming and our baker for the delicious cake. The baking rota is empty from now on, so those of you who kindly offer please sign up for another slot, new offers most welcome too. The next coffee morning is on Saturday 20th April.

Thank you too to all who came to our Mothering Sunday services, and a special thank you to James Thomas for organising the daffodils for distribution in all the services and in the community.

Following my refreshing retreat, I am on curacy training from today, Friday through to Sunday, back to usual next week.

We are now on a rapid trajectory towards Easter with this week Passion Sunday, next Sunday 24th Palm Sunday followed by Holy Week and Easter Sunday on 31st. Please do join in our special services at this time of the year.

The Roseland Prayer meeting on Thursday evening focused upon Gerrans and Portscatho this month with Liz Roberts giving us prayer requests for the place and its peoples. These include their mission towards the school, Messy Church, the elderly through Eschol House, the community, both resident, second home and visitors and all whose livelihood is within or around the area with grateful thanks for all who already contribute to church life and community particularly the charities supported through coffee mornings. Gerrans and Tregony parishes are requesting prayer for assistance with social media, whilst both Veryan and Tregony are also seeking support with their buildings. If anyone is unable to attend the prayer meetings but would be willing to add these to their prayers, please let me know.

Roseland Lent activities:

The last few activities below are on offer as we enter the last 2 weeks of Lent.

Tuesday 19th March Lent Nature Walk – Ruan Lanihorne 2.00pm

Details from David Hughes:

Starting at St Rumon’s Church, Ruan Lanihorne at 2pm. We will be walking out to Sett Bridge, stopping every now and then, to look at the nature around us with the occasional prayer/reading. Once we have arrived at Sett Bridge, we will return to the village for a cup of tea/coffee. For those that may find it too much walking both ways, we will have a car at the bridge to bring anyone back that needs assistance. Hopefully the sun will shine on us. There is no charge but donations are welcome.

Sunday 24th March Palm Sunday Evensong – St. Just 6.00pm – Accompanied by the Roseland Churches Choir – all welcome

Thursday 28th March Maundy Thursday Bring and Share Supper and Communion at St. Philleigh 7.00pm

The bring and share supper on Maundy Thursday at St Philleigh is a lovely informal occasion, a chance to meet, greet, chat and worship in a way that is unique to this season of the church year. So please do come – bring something towards the meal but only if you can – and then only enough for you – we always have more than enough food. We will break bread together in an informal communion service around our meal table.

In Parish:


Sunday 17th March

8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just church

9.30am Morning Worship led by Liz German

11.00am Morning Worship led by Liz German

Readings: Hebrews 5 v 5-10, Psalm 51 v 1-13 and John 12 v 20-33 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CXoHmkMenAGfbS7yzu9km4igZuByJg_e/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=116936107610901789068&rtpof=true&sd=true

The coming week:

Morning Prayer returns – Tuesday 19th March 9.30 St Mawes church

Thursday 21st March 10.00 Lent Reflection Session 3 at Penny’s home – all welcome, no need to book, just come along

Sunday 24th March

Palm Sunday

8.00 BCP at St Just Church

9.30 Holy Communion with procession of palms St Just Church

11.00 Holy Communion with procession of palms St Mawes Church

6pm Palm Sunday Evensong St Just Church

Advance requests: Penny would love to hear from anyone willing to assist with the Good Friday services – the walk of witness in St Mawes at 10.00 and the last hour before the cross in St Just 2-3pm. Thank you to those who have already offered, more volunteers needed, primarily for readings.

The Prayer Chain: If you would like a concern ‘covered by prayer’ for upcoming surgery, injury, a challenging situation, or life difficulties, please contact either Katie Taurins or Penny Leach and they will put your request onto the prayer group WhatsApp. Prayer requests are received and held in confidence and, should you so wish, remain anonymous to all in the group, aside from the person you contact with your request. Please phone or text Katie on 07777 690026 or Penny 07778 170247. As Paul tells us in his letter to the Philippians Chapter 4 v6 ‘do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.’

Holy Week and Easter services

Sunday 24th March Palm Sunday 6pm at St Just Church – Choral Evensong for Palm Sunday with the Roseland Churches Choir

Thursday 28th March Maundy Thursday Bring and Share Supper and Communion at St. Philleigh 7.00pm – all welcome

Friday 29th March Good Friday 9.50 am at St Mawes Church – Walk of Witness to St Mawes Quay

Friday 29th March Good Friday service 2pm-3pm at St Just Church

Sunday 31st March Easter Day

6.30am Sunrise service on Pendower Beach

8am BCP service at St Just Church

9.30 am Holy Communion at St Mawes Church

11 am Holy Communion at St Just Church

Blessings all, Penny

0777 817 0247 revpennyjl@gmail.com

Previous notices from the Parish: Sunday 10th March 2024

Dear all

Tomorrow Saturday 9th March is our monthly Coffee Morning 10-12 at Penny’s: Sunnybanks, Trelawney Road, St Mawes TR2 5BU – lovely to share life and times with each other– please come if you can.

On Sunday 10th March – Mothering Sunday – a celebration of all who have cared for others at 9.30 in St Mawes Church and 11.00 at St Just, an invitation to all the family

Then later that day Breathing Space at 4pm in St Just Church – time literally to breathe and relax in the presence of God in the silence – please do come if you have never tried this before.

Roseland Prayer Meeting:

The monthly prayer meeting takes place on Thursday 14th March 7pm at Philleigh Village Hall, also on offer online through Zoom – Note this is a special link for this meeting as Kay and Phil Robinson are away. This is an opportunity to hear about other parishes within the Roseland and to pray for their needs as well as matters affecting us all. There is no requirement to speak, please just come and join in with our prayers.

Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85174829217?pwd=UWcrVUhLWUlIV1hjNXZvbEJUUDBKQT09

Meeting ID: 851 7482 9217

Passcode: 761234

Roseland Lent activities:
Wednesday 13th March Coffee Morning for the Red Cross – St Gerrans 10.30am-12.30         
Tuesday 19th March Lent Nature Walk – Ruan Lanihorne 2.00pm  
Sunday 24th March Palm Sunday Evensong – St. Just 6.00pm
Thursday 28th March Maundy Thursday Bring and Share Supper and Communion at St. Philleigh 7.00pm
In Parish:

Sunday 10th March
8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just church
9.30am Mothering Sunday – Holy Communion St Mawes church
11.00am Mothering Sunday- Holy Communion St Just church

Readings:1 Samuel 1 20-28 and John 19 25-27


Sunday 17th March

8.00 BCP at St Just Church led by Penny

9.30 Morning Prayer at St Mawes Church led by Liz German

11.00 Morning Prayer at St Just Church led by Liz German

Penny is on retreat from Monday – Friday and then on training from Friday 15th pm to Sunday 17th pm.

Morning Prayer on Tuesdays is taking a break until Tuesday 19th March

Advance requests: Penny would love to hear from anyone willing to assist with the Good Friday services – the walk of witness in St Mawes at 10.00 and the last hour before the cross in St Just 2-3pm.

The Prayer Chain: If you would like a concern ‘covered by prayer’ for upcoming surgery, injury, a challenging situation, or life difficulties, please contact either Katie Taurins or Penny Leach and they will put your request onto the prayer group WhatsApp. Prayer requests are received and held in confidence and, should you so wish, remain anonymous to all in the group, aside from the person you contact with your request. Please phone or text Katie on 07777 690026 or Penny 07778 170247. As Paul tells us in his letter to the Philippians Chapter 4 v6 ‘do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.’

Advance notices:

Thursday 14th March 7pm Roseland Prayer Meeting at Philleigh Village Hall
Thursday 21st March 10.00 Lent Reflection Session 3 at Penny’s home
Thursday 28th March Maundy Thursday Bring and Share Supper and Communion at St. Philleigh 7.00pm – all welcome

 Holy Week and Easter services in the Parish of St Just in Roseland & St Mawes
24th March           Palm Sunday 6pm at St Just Church – Choral Evensong for Palm Sunday with the Roseland Churches Choir
29th March           Good Friday 9.50 am at St Mawes Church – Walk of Witness to St Mawes Quay

29th March            Good Friday service 2pm-3pm at St Just in Roseland Church

31st March            Easter Day 6.30am Sunrise service on Pendower Beach
                             8am BCP service at St Just in Roseland Church
                             9.30 am Holy Communion at St Mawes Church
                             11 am Holy Communion at St Just in Roseland Church

Foodbank- please support the food bank and the foods most required are:

  • SUGAR (500G BAG)

Blessings all


0777 817 0247


Previous notices from the Parish: Sunday 3rd March 202

Dear all

Today, Friday 1st March sees the World Day of Prayer service at2pm in St Mawes Church, an opportunity to gather for all Christians to pray for our world. All welcome.
Roseland Lent activities: Remaining activities on offer during Lent:

Wednesday 6th March Lunch with Bishop Graham – Tregony 12.30 – bookings already taken for lunch but others welcome to attend the talk

Wednesday 13th March Coffee Morning for the Red Cross – St Gerrans 10.30am-12.30         

Tuesday 19th March Lent Nature Walk – Ruan Lanihorne 2.00pm  

Sunday 24th March Palm SundayEvensong – St. Just 6.00pm

Thursday 28th March        Maundy Thursday Bring and Share Supper and Communion at St. Philleigh 7.00pm

In parish:

Thursday 7th March 10-12 Lent Session 2 10-12 at Angela Greenwell’s home – anyone not already on the list to attend, please let Penny know if you wish to come – spaces available

Saturday 9th March 10-12 Coffee Morning at Penny’s: Sunnybanks, Trelawney Road, St Mawes TR2 5BU – please come if you can – lovely to share life and times with each other

Sunday 10th March – Mothering Sunday – a celebration of all who have cared for others at 9.30 in St Mawes Church and 11.00 at St Just.

Sunday 10th March 4pm – Breathing Space in St Just Church – time literally to breathe and relax in the presence of God in the silence – please do come if you have never tried this before.

Drop-in days for St Just in Roseland Church and Gardens

Sally and Andrew Prince report a good number of visitors to the ‘drop-in days’ showcasing the proposals for St Just in Roseland church and gardens providing the opportunity to share the vision and address the queries with those who came. Thank you to all who assisted with this too.
The Prayer Chain: If you would like a concern ‘covered by prayer’ for upcoming surgery, injury, a challenging situation, or life difficulties, please contact either Katie Taurins or Penny Leach and they will put your request onto the prayer group WhatsApp. Prayer requests are received and held in confidence and, should you so wish, remain anonymous to all in the group, aside from the person you contact with your request. Please phone or text Katie on 07777 690026 or Penny 07778 170247. As Paul tells us in his letter to the Philippians Chapter 4 v6 ‘do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.’

Sunday 3rd March
8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just church
9.30am Holy Communion St Mawes church
11.00am Holy Communion St Just church

Morning Prayer on Tuesdays is taking a break until Tuesday 19th March
Readings: 1 Corinthians 1 18-25 and John 2 13-22 https://docs.google.com/document/d/154FEPWzeGNiVfm6kHnbwCIhHxPGPLnH9/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=116936107610901789068&rtpof=true&sd=true

Advance notices:
Monday 4th – Friday 8th March –Chapel Terrace will be closed from Grove Hill down to Church Hill for essential works by South West Water. Hopefully the work will be finished by Friday afternoon.
Wednesday 6th March 12.30 Lent Lunch with Bishop Graham Tregony
Thursday 7th March 10.00 Lent Reflection Session 2 at Angela Greenwell’s home
Thursday 14th March 7pm Roseland Prayer Meeting at Philleigh Village Hall

Thursday 21st March 10.00 Lent Reflection Session 3 at Penny’s home

Thursday 28th March Maundy Thursday Bring and Share Supper and Communion at St. Philleigh 7.00pm – all welcome

 Holy Week and Easter services in the Parish of St Just in Roseland & St Mawes
24th March           Palm Sunday 6pm at St Just Church – Choral Evensong for Palm Sunday with the Roseland Churches Choir – note – St Just Church – erratum last week
29th March           Good Friday 9.50 am at St Mawes Church – Walk of Witness to St Mawes Quay

29th March            Good Friday service 2pm-3pm at St Just in Roseland Church

31st March            Easter Day 6.30am Sunrise service on Pendower Beach
                             8am BCP service at St Just in Roseland Church
                             9.30 am Holy Communion at St Mawes Church
                             11 am Holy Communion at St Just in Roseland Church

Foodbank- please support the food bank and the foods most required are:

  • SUGAR (500G BAG)

Blessings Penny

07778170247                                                                       revpennyjl@gmail.com

Previous notices from the parish: Sunday 25th February 2024

Dear all
Last weekCoffee Morning: Thank you to the many who came and shared time together last Saturday. A good time had by all.
Lent Evensong: So ably supported by the Roseland Churches Choir with our grateful thanks, thank you to all who came to this special service for the beginning of Lent.
Lent Reflection Session: Took place on Thursday, an opportunity to reflect upon wildernesses – of Jesus and our own. Thank you to Angela for her hospitality and all who came.

Roseland Lent activities: Each week of Lent a church within the Roseland will be offering a Lenten activity – different activities and at different times comprising talks, walks, refreshments and time spent together. Click here for the full programme

Thursday 29th February 7pm at Veryan – Rev Douglas Wren is giving a talk on his pilgrimage on the Camino trail – all welcome and refreshments on offer

Wednesday 6th March Tregony 12.30pm – Lent lunch with Bishop Graham – please sign up on the list in church this Sunday if you wish to attend or email the parish office on office@stjustandstmawes.org.uk .to book a place over the weekend. Numbers are needed for catering purposes and requested for Monday 26th February.

World Day of Prayer:  Friday 1st March 2pm in St Mawes Church, an opportunity to gather for all Christians to pray for our world. I understand refreshments are to be served after the service for a chance to chat together. All welcome.

Plans for St Just in Roseland Church and Gardens

The PCC of St Just in Roseland church will be running two “drop-in” days to showcase plans for development and refurbishment work at St Just in Roseland in 2024.

Wednesday 28th February – 10:00am to 7:30pm in the Tearoom at St Just
Thursday 29th February – 10:00am to 7:30pm in the Memorial Hall, St Mawes
EVERYONE is very welcome – coffee, tea and biscuits will be served.

The Prayer Chain: If you would like a concern ‘covered by prayer’ for upcoming surgery, injury, a challenging situation, or life difficulties, please contact either Katie Taurins or Penny Leach and they will put your request onto the prayer group WhatsApp. Prayer requests are received and held in confidence and, should you so wish, remain anonymous to all in the group, aside from the person you contact with your request. Please phone or text Katie on 07777 690026 or Penny 07778 170247. As Paul tells us in his letter to the Philippians Chapter 4 v6 ‘do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.’

Sunday 25th February
8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just church
9.30am Holy Communion St Mawes church
11.00am Holy Communion St Just church

Tuesday 27th February

9.30 Morning Prayer St Mawes Church

Readings: Romans 4 v 13-25 and Mark 8 v 31-38 

Advance notices:
Wednesday 28th February Project Open Day 10.00 – 19.30 in Miss V’s cafe
Thursday 29th February Project Open Day 10.00 – 19.30 in Parish Memorial Hall
Thursday 29th February Roseland Lent event – Pilgrimage – an illustrated talk – Douglas Wren 7pm Veryan Church
Friday 1st March 2pm World Day of Prayer St Mawes Church
Wednesday 6th March 12.30 Lent Lunch with Bishop Graham Tregony
Thursday 7th March 10.00 Lent Reflection Session 2
Thursday 14th March 7pm Roseland Prayer Meeting at Philleigh Village Hall

Holy Week and Easter services in the Parish of St Just in Roseland & St Mawes

24th March Palm Sunday
6pm at St Mawes Church – Choral Evensong for Palm Sunday with the Roseland Churches Choir

29th March Good Friday
9.50 am at St Mawes Church – Walk of Witness to St Mawes Quay and service followed by hot cross buns.
2-3pm  Reflection at the Foot of the Cross at St Just in Roseland Church

31st March Easter Day
6.30am  Sunrise service on Pendower Beach
8am BCP service at St Just in Roseland Church
9.30 am Holy Communion at St Mawes Church
11 am Holy Communion at St Just in Roseland Church

Foodbank- please support the food bank and the foods most required are:

  • SUGAR (500G BAG)

Blessings all


07778 170247

Previous notices from the Parish:18th February 2024

Dear all
Grateful thanks to the many who assisted with making the wedding preparation day such a success and then welcomed the couples to our Sunday services. It was a fun time and the couples have expressed appreciation for the welcome and all we offered to assist them with their preparations. They enjoyed meeting the other couples and sharing ideas with each other too.

We are now in Lent, a more sombre time of year of prayer and fasting – no flowers nor gloria and we move to purple on our altar and vestments. Someone asked me why purple? Click on this link https://blog.ecclesiasticalsewing.com/2020/01/22/why-do-we-use-purple-during-lent/ for an explanation. The Church of England is offering ‘Watch and Pray: Wisdom and hope for Lent and life’ with daily reflections. In this parish we held an informal and reflective service Ash Wednesday service in St Just Church on Wednesday morning at which we welcomed folk from across the Roseland. A Roseland wide service also took place in Gerrans that evening.

Coffee Morning: Tomorrow, Saturday 17th, sees our monthly coffee morning at Penny’s home – 10-12, please do join us at Sunnybanks, Trelawney Road, St Mawes TR2 5BU

Lent Evensong: This Sunday 18th February 6pm in St Mawes Church, our service is supported by the Roseland Churches Choir with our thanks.

Lent Reflection Session: The first of these takes place on Thursday 22nd February 10-12 at Angela Greenwell’s home. Thanks to all those who have signed up for these.

Roseland Lent activities: Each week of Lent a church within the Roseland will be offering a Lenten activity – different activities and at different times comprising talks, walks, refreshments and time spent together. This coming Monday 19th February – Roseland wide Lenten craft activities 2pm in St Mawes church led by Penny. Click here for the full programme

World Day of Prayer: Advance notice: Friday 1st March 2pm in St Mawes Church, an opportunity to gather for all Christians to pray for our world. I understand refreshments are to be served after the service for a chance to chat together. All welcome.

In parish
Survey at St Just:
As you see below, a visitor survey is being undertaken – please click on the link below to complete together with open days on offer in later February to showcase the project. Please come along to those too.


St Just-in-Roseland Visitor Survey
St Just Church and its beautiful gardens are a precious part of our Cornish heritage. Things deteriorate over time and the church and gardens now need investment and improvement so they can be better enjoyed for many generations to come.


We are planning a programme of work over the coming year. However, before this starts, we really want to consult widely both within the community and beyond, so we understand what people currently think and feel about the place and identify what needs to be prioritised. 

We cannot say too much about what we want to do yet, but we really want your feedback on things before we firm up our plans. Please give us your honest opinion of things as they are now. We will also be running two open days from 10:00am to 7:30pm on 28th February in Miss V’s Tearoom in St Just and from 10:00am to 7:30pm on 29th February in the Parish Memorial Hall Annexe in St Mawes to showcase the project and to which EVERYONE is very welcome.

We would be most grateful if you could complete this questionnaire which should take approximately 7 minutes. Your responses will be anonymous and used solely to inform us on how best to care for the site for the benefit of the whole community.

Thank you in advance for taking time to respond – it is much appreciated. Your views matter.


The Prayer Chain: If you would like a concern ‘covered by prayer’ for upcoming surgery, injury, a challenging situation, or life difficulties, please contact either Katie Taurins or Penny Leach and they will put your request onto the prayer group WhatsApp. Prayer requests are received and held in confidence and, should you so wish, remain anonymous to all in the group, aside from the person you contact with your request. Please phone or text Katie on 07777 690026 or Penny 07778 170247. As Paul tells us in his letter to the Philippians Chapter 4 v6 ‘do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.’

Sunday 18th February
8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just church
9.30am Holy Communion St Mawes church
11.00am Holy Communion St Just church

6pm Lent Evensong St Mawes Church

Tuesday 20th February

9.30 Morning Prayer St Mawes Church

Readings: Peter 3 18-22 and Mark 1 9-15


Advance notices:

Saturday 17th February 10-12 Coffee Morning – note 3rd Saturday this month
Sunday 18th February 6pm Lent Evensong St Mawes Church
Monday 19th February 2pm – Roseland wide Lenten craft activities led by Penny – St Mawes Church
Thursday 22nd February 10-12 1st of 3 Lent Reflection sessions at Angela Greenwell’s home
Wednesday 28th February Project Open Day 10.00 – 19.30 in Miss V’s cafe
Thursday 29th February Project Open Day 10.00 – 19.30 in Parish Memorial Hall
Thursday 29th February Roseland Lent event – Pilgrimage – an illustrated talk – Douglas Wren 7pm Veryan Church
Friday 1st March 2pm World Day of Prayer St Mawes Church

Foodbank- please support the food bank and the foods most required are:

  • SUGAR (500G BAG)

Blessings all


07778 170247

Previous notices from the Parish 11th February 2024

Dear all

Wedding Preparation: Tomorrow Saturday 10th February sees our wedding preparation weekend for couples marrying in St Just and St Mawes this year with Saturday spent exploring all aspects of their forthcoming nuptials. We look forward to welcoming them to our Sunday services too.

Services: Breathing Space is taking place on Sunday 11th February 4pm in St Just Church and next Sunday 18th February we have Lent Evensong 6pm at St Mawes Church.

Coffee Morning: Taking place on Saturday 17th February this month as the wedding preparation is taking place on our usual 2nd Saturday.

Lent Reflection Sessions:  Planning is now in place and three sessions are on offer on Thursday mornings on 22nd February, 7th and 21st March 10-12 at Angela Greenwell’s house. Please do let me know if you are planning to come, whether to one or more sessions. These sessions involve artefacts and I need to have enough for all.
Roseland Activities
The Roseland wide monthly prayer meeting, attended by folk from across the Roseland churches, took place on Thursday bringing prayers for St Mawes church and community, the Roseland and the wider world.  The next takes place on Thursday 14th March at 7pm in Philleigh Village Hall or online on Zoom.
Lent activities: Next week Ash Wednesday – services 10.00 at St Just and 7pm at St Gerrans
Each week of Lent a church within the Roseland will be offering a Lenten activity – different activities and at different times comprising talks, walks, refreshments and time spent together. Advance notice of Monday 19th February – Roseland wide Lenten craft activities 2pm in St Mawes church led by Penny

World Day of Prayer: Friday 1st March 2pm in St Mawes Church, an opportunity to gather for all Christians to pray for our world. I understand refreshments are to be served after the service for a chance to chat together. All welcome.
In parish

Survey at St Just:

As you see below, a visitor survey is being undertaken – please click on the link below to complete together with open days on offer in later February to showcase the project. Please come along to those too. More details below.


St Just-in-Roseland Visitor Survey

St Just Church and its beautiful gardens are a precious part of our Cornish heritage. Things deteriorate over time and the church and gardens now need investment and improvement so they can be better enjoyed for many generations to come.

We are planning a programme of work over the coming year. However, before this starts, we really want to consult widely both within the community and beyond, so we understand what people currently think and feel about the place and identify what needs to be prioritised. 

We cannot say too much about what we want to do yet, but we really want your feedback on things before we firm up our plans. Please give us your honest opinion of things as they are now. We will also be running two open days from 10:00am to 7:30pm on 28th February in Miss V’s Tearoom in St Just and from 10:00am to 7:30pm on 29th February in the Parish Memorial Hall Annex in St Mawes to showcase the project and to which EVERYONE is very welcome.

We would be most grateful if you could complete this questionnaire which should take approximately 7 minutes. Your responses will be anonymous and used solely to inform us on how best to care for the site for the benefit of the whole community.

Thank you in advance for taking time to respond – it is much appreciated. Your views matter.

The Prayer Chain: If you would like a concern ‘covered by prayer’ for upcoming surgery, injury, a challenging situation, or life difficulties, please contact either Katie Taurins or Penny Leach and they will put your request onto the prayer group WhatsApp. Prayer requests are received and held in confidence and, should you so wish, remain anonymous to all in the group, aside from the person you contact with your request. Please phone or text Katie on 07777 690026 or Penny 07778 170247. As Paul tells us in his letter to the Philippians Chapter 4 v6 ‘do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.’

Sunday 11th February
8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just church
9.30am Holy Communion St Mawes church
11.00am Holy Communion St Just church

4pm Breathing Space
Readings: 2 Kings 2: 1-12 and Mark 9: 2-9


No Tuesday morning prayer this week

Advance notices:
Wednesday 14th February 10.00 Ash Wednesday service St Just Church
Wednesday 14th February 7pm Ash Wednesday St Gerrans Church
Saturday 17th February 10-12 Coffee Morning – note 3rd Saturday this month
Sunday 18th February 6pm Lent Evensong St Mawes Church

Monday 19th February 2pm – Roseland wide Lenten craft activities led by Penny – St Mawes Church

Thursday 22nd February 10-12 1st of 3 Lent Reflection sessions at Angela Greenwell’s home

Wednesday 28th February Project Open Day 10.00 – 19.30 in Miss V’s cafe

Thursday 29th February Project Open Day 10.00 – 19.30 in Parish Memorial Hall

Thursday 29th February Roseland Lent event – Pilgrimage – an illustrated talk – Douglas Wren 7pm Veryan Church
Friday 1st March 2pm World Day of Prayer St Mawes Church

Foodbank- please support the food bank and the foods most required are:

  • SUGAR (500G BAG)

Blessings all



07778 170247

Previous notices from the Parish: Sunday 4th February 2024

Dear all

It was great to see so many from across the Roseland and from different denominations for the service last Sunday at Portscatho United Church for the week of prayer for Christian Unity. A chance to worship and pray together, reflect upon the parable of the Good Samaritan and to share refreshments and chat together.

Thank you to all who have joined with me in many and various ways in celebrating my birthday this week. I have so many cards and presents and my house is bedecked with beautiful flowers. I have had to resort to jugs having run out of vases. Thank you all for your love, support and blessings.

Coffee Morning: Note this is scheduled for the third Saturday this month – 17th February as the wedding preparation is taking place on our usual 2nd Saturday.

Lent Reflection Sessions:  Planning is now in place and three sessions are on offer on Thursday mornings on 22nd February, 7th and 21st March 10-12 at Angela Greenwell’s house. Please do let me know if you are planning to come, whether to one or more sessions. These sessions involve artefacts and I need to have enough for all.
Roseland Activities
The Roseland wide prayer meeting is on next week Thursday 8th February at 7pm in Philleigh Village Hall or online on Zoom. This The zoom link remains the same for all meetings and will be included in this newssheet on Friday 2nd February. This week we are praying for St Mawes, so please do come along or join online if you can. A lift is available. Please contact Katie Taurins on 07777 690026 if you would appreciate a lift.

Zoom link: Prayer meeting information

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 859 0834 9044

Passcode: 717165

Lent activities: Each week of Lent a church within the Roseland will be offering a Lenten activity – different activities and at different times. More details to follow
World Day of Prayer: Friday 1st March 2pm in St Mawes Church, more details to follow

News from Veryan

This weekend we will gather together to mark 110 years of the sinking of the Hera. Join us for a thought-provoking talk and a poignant service, as we pay our respects and remember those who perished.

Saturday 3rd February, all day.

Veryan Church will be displaying photos and memorabilia from the Hera

Saturday 3rd February, 6.30pm. Veryan Church (Church open from 6pm)

Kevin Patience (author of The Hera, A Cornish ShipWreck Tragedy) will be hosting an evening to talk about the Hera; its origins and the evening of the shipwreck.

Sunday 4th February, 11am, Veryan Church

A special service dedicated to the remembrance of the souls who lost their lives.

In parish
Parish Wedding Preparation: Our wedding couples are invited to gather on Saturday 10th February in St Mawes church for a detailed discussion of all elements of their wedding. Help is needed with refreshments and lunch and would be much appreciated. Thank you to those who have already offered. Please let Sophia know if you are able to assist.
The Prayer Chain: If you would like a concern ‘covered by prayer’ for upcoming surgery, injury, a challenging situation, or life difficulties, please contact either Katie Taurins or Penny Leach and they will put your request onto the prayer group WhatsApp. Prayer requests are received and held in confidence and, should you so wish, remain anonymous to all in the group, aside from the person you contact with your request. Please phone or text Katie on 07777 690026 or Penny 07778 170247. As Paul tells us in his letter to the Philippians Chapter 4 v6 ‘do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.’

Sunday 4th February
8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just church
9.30am Holy Communion St Mawes church
11.00am Holy Communion St Just church

Readings Colossians 1 15-20 and John 1 1-14


No morning prayer on Tuesday this week – Penny on curacy training

Advance notices:
Saturday 10th February Wedding preparation St Mawes Church

Sunday 11th February Breathing Space 4pm St Just Church
Wednesday 14th February 10.00 Ash Wednesday service St Just Church
Wednesday 14th February 7pm Ash Wednesday Gerrans Church
Saturday 17th February 10-12 Coffee Morning – note 3rd Saturday this month
Sunday 18th February 6pm Lent Evensong St Mawes Church
Friday 1st March 2pm World Day of Prayer St Mawes Church

Foodbank- please support the food bank and the foods most required are:

  • SUGAR (500G BAG)

Blessings all, Penny

07778 170247          revpennyjl@gmail.com

Previous notices from the Parish: January 28th 2024

Dear all

A bumper coffee morning last Saturday, so lovely to see so many come, including some new attendees. Our next coffee morning will take place on Saturday 17th February.
This Sunday sees a Roseland wide service for the week of prayer for Christian Unity – Sunday 28th 3pm at Portscatho United Church. Please do come and join in with a time of sharing of our faith together.

Easter is early this year and Lent is fast approaching, beginning on 14th February. I am planning to offer some Lent reflection discussion sessions. Thursday morning was a suitable time for many and worked well in Advent but we will agree the best times for all – 3 sessions planned. Please let Penny know if you are interested.
Roseland Activities
 Prayer meeting: The next Roseland wide prayer meeting is Thursday 8th February at 7pm in Philleigh Village Hall or online. The zoom link remains the same for all meetings and will be included in this newssheet on Friday 2nd February.

Lent activities: Each week of Lent a church within the Roseland will be offering a Lenten activity – different activities and at different times. More details to follow
World Day of Prayer: Friday 1st March 2pm in St Mawes Church, more details to follow

In parish
Parish Wedding Preparation: The second pre-marriage preparation session this week was on the topic of conflict and new couples joined us. These thought-provoking videos include exercises for the couples to complete privately to deepen their relationship. On anger a question is asked: ‘are you a rhino or a hedgehog when you are angry?’ Then the presenters explored the consequences of both reactions.
Our wedding couples are invited to gather on Saturday 10th February in St Mawes church for a detailed discussion of all elements of their wedding. Help is needed with refreshments and lunch and would be much. Please let Sophia know if you are able to assist.
The Prayer Chain: If you would like a concern ‘covered by prayer’ for upcoming surgery, injury, a challenging situation, or life difficulties, please contact either Katie Taurins or Penny Leach and they will put your request onto the prayer group WhatsApp. Prayer requests are received and held in confidence and, should you so wish, remain anonymous to all in the group, aside from the person you contact with your request. Please phone or text Katie on 07777 690026 or Penny 07778 170247. As Paul tells us in his letter to the Philippians Chapter 4 v6 ‘do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.’

Sunday 28th January
8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just church
9.30am Holy Communion St Mawes church
11.00am Holy Communion St Just church

3pm Week of prayer for Christian Unity – Roseland wide service – Portscatho United Church

Readings Hebrews 2 v 14-18 and Luke 2 v 22-40 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1e_KeZ9evzv3yhWdy_ve9S9AWDyNR-rOM/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=116936107610901789068&rtpof=true&sd=true

Tuesday 30th January
9.30 Morning Prayer in St Mawes church

Advance notices:
Saturday 10th February Wedding preparation St Mawes Church
Wednesday 14th February 10.00 Ash Wednesday service St Just Church

Wednesday 14th February 7pm Ash Wednesday Gerrans Church
Saturday 17th February 10-12 Coffee Morning – note 3rd Saturday this month
Sunday 18th February 6pm Lent Evensong St Mawes Church
Friday 1st March 2pm World Day of Prayer St Mawes Church

Foodbank- please support the food bank and the foods most required are:

  • SUGAR (500G BAG)

Blessings all


 07778 170247

Previous notices from the Parish: 21st January 2024

Dear all

Tomorrow, Saturday 20th, sees our first coffee morning of 2024, please do come if you are able. A chance to chat amongst ourselves. 10-12 at Penny’s home – Sunnybanks Trelawney Road St Mawes TR2 5BU. Access remains the normal routes despite the current road works lower down the hill towards the castle.

Thank you to all who assisted in many and various ways whilst I was away. I had a lovely break on the canals and yes the boat is warm – it has central heating and a log burner. A trip of its usual mix of prayer and praise, meeting and greeting fellow boaters, seeing God’s world in places well off the tourist map and visits to welcoming hostelries in places through which we pass.

Easter is early this year and Lent is fast approaching, beginning on 14th February. I am planning to offer some Lent reflection discussion sessions. Thursday morning was a suitable time for many and worked well in Advent. Please let me know if you would like to participate and we will work on the best times for all.

Roseland Activities

Prayer meeting: The first Roseland prayer meeting took place on 11th January in Philleigh Community Hall drawing folk from across the Roseland, both in person and online. It is taking place monthly, the next one is Thursday 8th February at 7pm. The zoom link remains the same for all meetings and will be included in this newssheet on Friday 2nd February.

Week of prayer for Christian Unity: A Roseland wide service is taking place on Sunday 28th January 3pm in Portscatho United Church with contributions from many of the Roseland churches. Please do come and join in with a time of sharing of our faith together.

World Day of Prayer: Advance notice – renamed to include us all, this is taking place on Friday 1st March 2pm in St Mawes Church, more details to follow

Parish Wedding Preparation: The firstpre-marriage preparation session took place yesterday, this session the topic title was Communication with thought provoking suggestions and private couple only practical exercises. Next week is Conflict.

Our wedding couples are invited to gather on Saturday 10th February in St Mawes church for a detailed discussion of all elements of their wedding. Help is needed with refreshments and lunch and would be much. Please let Sophia know if you are able to assist.

The Prayer Chain: If you would like a concern ‘covered by prayer’ for upcoming surgery, injury, a challenging situation, or life difficulties, please contact either Katie Taurins or Penny Leach and they will put your request onto the prayer group WhatsApp. Prayer requests are received and held in confidence and, should you so wish, remain anonymous to all in the group, aside from the person you contact with your request. Please phone or text Katie on 07777 690026 or Penny 07778 170247. As Paul tells us in his letter to the Philippians Chapter 4 v6 ‘do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.’


Sunday 21st January

8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just church
9.30am Holy Communion St Mawes church
11.00am Holy Communion St Just church

Readings: Revelation19 6-10 and John 2 1-11


Tuesday 23rd January

9.30 Morning Prayer in St Mawes church

Advance notices:

Sunday 28th January 3pm Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Portscatho United Church

Saturday 10th February Wedding preparation St Mawes Church

Wednesday 14th February 10.00 Ash Wednesday service St Just Church

Saturday 17th February 10-12 Coffee Morning – note 3rd Saturday this month

Sunday 18th February 6pm Lent Evensong St Mawes Church

Friday 1st March 2pm World Day of Prayer St Mawes Church

Foodbank- please support the food bank and the foods most required are:

  • SUGAR (500G BAG)

Blessings all

Penny : 07778 170247

Previous notices from the Parish:

Happy New Year to you all

News for the next 2 weeks covering Sunday 7th and 14th January.
Next newsletter on Friday 19th January.

Our very well attended Christmas services took place in beautifully decorated churches. St Just Church also decorated for a Christmas Eve wedding looked stunning. The Crib service at St Mawes church was a full house with around 150 people squeezed into the pews with 50 of them children who participated in finding and bringing crib characters to the stable and in reading prayers. Thank you to all who helped in so many different ways over the Christmas season. A total of £1471.32 was collected for the three charities – St Petroc, The Children’s Society and the Cornwall Refuge from the Christmas services in the parish.

The Festival of Light took place at St Just Church between Christmas and New Year and attracted a significant number of visitors. As before a lovely light display enhanced on this occasion by high tide in the St Just Pool accompanied by mulled wine, hot chocolate and mince pies and carol singing inside the church. Thank you to the very many volunteers who assisted with this and to the stalwart apparently tireless organisers.

A new Roseland initiative – a monthly prayer meeting attending or online. Please do join us.

Thursday 11th January at 7pm in Philleigh Community Hall and also via Zoom for an hour. This will be a regular event on the second Thursday of each month where we will have a varied diet of topics and styles.

The Zoom link is here:
Kay Robinson is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Prayer meeting
Time: Jan 11, 2024 07:00 PM London
Every month on the Second Thu, until Jul 11, 2024, 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 859 0834 9044
Passcode: 717165

Coffee morning: Our next coffee morning takes place on Saturday 20th January 10-12 at Penny’s home: Sunnybanks, Trelawney Road St Mawes TR2 5BU. All welcome. Please do come, a great chance to chat and get to know one another better.

Breathing Space: A time of meditation and reflection – held monthly usually on 2nd Sunday of the month in St Just Church – 4pm in winter. Please do come and give it a try if you have not been before.

Wedding Preparation: We are beginning our annual round of preparation for our 2024 wedding couples. The pre-marriage preparation course starts online on Thursday 18th January 7pm with 5 sessions of videos and private discussion between the couple. Previous participants comment upon the value of considering aspects of their relationship not previously encountered.

Our wedding preparation weekend takes place on Saturday 10-11th February. Saturday spent in St Mawes Church and Parish Rooms looking at all aspects of a wedding in one of our churches and we hope the couples will then attend our Sunday services in whichever church they plan to marry. Assistance with catering and serving would be much appreciated – we will be offering refreshments and lunch. Please let Sophia know if you are able to assist.

The Prayer Chain: If you would like a concern ‘covered by prayer’ for upcoming surgery, injury, a challenging situation, or life difficulties, please contact either Katie Taurins or Penny Leach and they will put your request onto the prayer group WhatsApp. Prayer requests are received and held in confidence and, should you so wish, remain anonymous to all in the group, aside from the person you contact with your request. Please phone or text Katie on 07777 690026 or Penny 07778 170247. As Paul tells us in his letter to the Philippians Chapter 4 v6 ‘do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.’


Sunday 7th January
8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just church
9.30am Morning Worship St Mawes church
11.00am Morning Worship St Just church

Readings: Isaiah 60 1-6 and Matthew 2 1-12

Sunday 14th January
8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just church
9.30am Holy Communion St Mawes church
11.00am Holy Communion St Just church

4pm Breathing Space St Just Church

Readings:  1Samuel 3 v 1-10 and John 1 v 43-51

No Morning Prayer on Tuesday 9th – Penny is away nor on Tuesday 16th – Penny is on training
Foodbank- please support the food bank and the foods most required are:


Best wishes to all for 2024

Blessings all

Penny : 07778 170247

Previous notices from the Parish: Sunday 24th and 31st December 2023

Dear all
A short news item for both Christmas and New Year
Our carol service on Thursday was simply a splendid start to Christmas: the church looked beautiful with the candles alight, no spare seats in the church and some keen to stay, having to stand. The singing was so well supported by the choir led by Alison Robinson and with Pam Carbis on the organ, thank you both and to the singers who joined the choir to sing for the service. Thank you too to all who assisted in so many different ways for and at the service, it was a real team effort, you know who you all are! Over 200 attended the service, it was lovely to see so many there and such enthusiastic singing including joining in the descants. The carol service, following as it does the whole Christmas story, is such a great opportunity to share the message of Christmas. Around £400 of donations were received. Our Christmas collections this year are being donated to the Children’s Society, the Cornwall Refuge Trust and St Petroc.
Festival of Light: St Just Church on 28th, 29th and 30th December 5pm-7.30pm, last entry at 7pm. Free entry with a request for donations towards the plans to upgrade the churchyard paths and restock some of the planting. If you would like to be a volunteer please contact sallyt@princetraining.co.uk
Please do come along and see the stunning light display, this year with a high tide and thus reflections upon the water, then enjoy some mulled wine and a mince pie, sing carols and if you bring children, an opportunity to dress up. Organised parking and a shuttle bus service down to the church is on offer as are shuttle buses between St Mawes and St Just for those of you living in St Mawes. Buses will depart from St Mawes main carpark ( tickets £2 each way)

St Mawes17.4518.1518.4519.15 
St Just in Roseland17.5518.2518.5519.25 
St Just in Roseland18.0018.3019.0019.3020.00
St Mawes18.1018.4019.1019.4020.10

24th December 

Midnight Mass https://docs.google.com/document/d/17EKpgDUp3ojrPzW_8d_y6-vjefsHlbGt/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=116936107610901789068&rtpof=true&sd=true

Christmas Day

Baptism of Christ

Christmas Services:

Christmas Eve Sunday 24th December
8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just church
9.30am Holy Communion St Mawes church
11.00am Holy Communion St Just church

4pm Crib Service St Mawes church

11.30pm Midnight Mass St Just church

Christmas Day Monday 25th December
8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just church
9.30am Holy Communion St Mawes church
11.00am Holy Communion St Just church

Sunday 31st December
8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just church
9.30am Holy Communion St Mawes church
11.00am Holy Communion St Just church

Tuesday 2nd January 9.30
Morning Prayer at St Mawes Church

Next newsletter Friday 5th January 2024

Wishing all a blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year

Penny and Sophia

Blessings all

Penny : 07778 170247

Previous notices from the Parish: Sunday 17th December 2023

Dear all
The St Mawes School visit to St Mawes Church for their Christingle and Crib service was a very enjoyable occasion. Thank you to all our helpers at this somewhat sticky event, smallest children stickiness rescued by Katie with a bowl of water and some towels. A big thank you to Angela for obtaining oranges gifted from Tesco and obtaining the sweets. The craft team of Penny, Jane, Carolyn and Helen offered a dramatic explanation of the meaning of the Christingle and then after the construction of the Christingles in the upstairs hall with all helpers fully deployed, we explored the Christmas story through the nativity scene, thank you to Pippa for helping throughout and with thanks to her and to David for providing a splendidly decorated Christmas tree dwarfing the pulpit.

The St Mawes School Fair in the Castle was a well-attended event, thank you to church folk who turned up to help, our indefatigable craft duo of Carolyn and Helen, Keith for assisting with refreshments and all who provided donations towards tombola, raffle and lucky dip.

Tresanton Carol singing A tradition has arisen whereby carols are sung at the Tresanton Hotel at 6pm on Christmas Eve. Yvonne Fuller has gathered together a group of singers and the last rehearsal will take place on Sunday 17th December at 10.45 in St Mawes Church. Please do come along to the rehearsal if you would like to take part.

Diocesan Bishop Vacancy

From Fr Simon Robinson, Dean of Truro and Chair of the Vacancy in See committee:
As you are aware, our diocese seeks a new Bishop. As part of the process the people of Cornwall, the Isles of Scilly and our two parishes in Devon are being invited to provide feedback.

We welcome contributions from anyone in our diocese. There are 5 questions we are asking you to consider – you can read the questions and submit your responses here:

Safeguarding Audit

Dear Parish Community Member,

Message from INEQE’s Independent Safeguarding Audit Team

As you may be aware INEQE Safeguarding Group have been commissioned to
conduct Independent Safeguarding Audits of the Church of England to make sure
dioceses and cathedrals are doing all they can to create environments where
everyone feels safe, valued and respected.

As part of the audit process, we hope to engage with parishioners and members of
the parish community through an online survey which will act as a mechanism
through which individuals can comment on any matters relevant to the Audit’s focus.

The survey is both anonymous (we are not seeking to identify you) and confidential
(you will not be identified). We would therefore ask you to be open and honest with
your responses.

The survey results are received directly by INEQE’s Audit Team and not by the
Church of England.

The survey is now live and will close at 11.30 pm on Thursday 8th February 2024.

To access the survey relevant to you please visit:

The Prayer Chain: If you would like a concern ‘covered by prayer’ for upcoming surgery, injury, a challenging situation, or life difficulties, please contact either Katie Taurins or Penny Leach and they will put your request onto the prayer group WhatsApp. Prayer requests are received and held in confidence and, should you so wish, remain anonymous to all in the group, aside from the person you contact with your request. Please phone or text Katie on 07777 690026 or Penny 07778 170247. As Paul tells us in his letter to the Philippians Chapter 4 v6 ‘do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.’

Details of our Church Services

Sunday 17th December 3rd Sunday of Advent

8.00 BCP Holy Communion St Just
9.30 Holy Communion St Mawes
11.00 Holy Communion St Just

Readings: 1Thessalonians 5 verses 16-24 and John 1 6-8 and 19-28 

Tuesday 19th December 9.30 Morning Prayer St Mawes Church

Christmas Services:

Carol Service Thursday 21st December 7pm St Just Church

Christmas Eve Sunday 24th December
8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just church
9.30am Holy Communion St Mawes church
11.00am Holy Communion St Just church

4pm Crib Service St Mawes church

11.30pm Midnight Mass St Just church

Christmas Day Monday 25th December
8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just church
9.30am Holy Communion St Mawes church
11.00am Holy Communion St Just church

Sunday 31st December: 1st Sunday of Christmas
8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just church
9.30am Holy Communion St Mawes church
11.00am Holy Communion St Just church

Truro Food Bank: a special plea at this time of year: please continue to give much needed foods to those who are in difficulty, either in our church boxes or in a supermarket donation box


2024 Charity Christmas Cards, packs priced from £3.50, supporting Children’s Hospice South West and St Just and St Mawes Parish Churches.100% of all sales go to the charities. Available at No.4 The Arcade, St Mawes and Fudge & More, St Mawes.  Thank you to all who have bought the 2024 St Just in Roseland and St Mawes calendars – all sold now!

Blessings all

Penny : 07778 170247

Previous notices from the Parish: Sunday 10th December 2023

Dear all

The Advent Evensong on Sunday 3rd in St Mawes church was a splendid introduction to Advent. The Roseland Churches Choir excelled themselves and we are very grateful to Martin Palmer for stepping in to play for the service. A sad time too as we remember Nigel Hewett who played at so many evensongs and who passed away on 22nd November and whose funeral takes place today.

Our third and last Bible Advent Bible Study took place on Thursday looking at shepherds and wise man. Thank you to all who came to these sessions, we had some good discussions. Your support is much appreciated.
The Roseland Churches Advent Reflection took place on Thursday evening, great fun was had with our nativity scenes with singing and prayers, the singing led by Kay and Phil Robinson and the prayers by Douglas Wren. A great get together of those who came from the Roseland Churches. Thank you to Gerrans – Liz and Kevin Churchwardens for offering the church.

Our churches offered poppies for sale for Remembrance Sunday and we raised a total of £78.52 between the two churches.

Flowers are not on display during Advent but instead we have an Advent wreath with 4 candles around the edge of the wreath and one in the middle to be lit on Christmas Day. The outer candles are lit one extra each week. Each candle represents a different aspect of Advent. There are several traditions, one looking at the history of the Messiah through the patriarchs, prophets, John the Baptist and Mary and another focusing upon hope, faith, joy and peace.

The St Just Church Advent wreath in the process of creation

St Mawes School Fair this evening Friday 8th Please do come along and support them. In St Mawes Castle 4pm-7pm 

Coffee Morning Saturday 9th 10-12, as usual, at Penny’s home: Sunnybanks, Trelawney Road. Great fun and lovely to chat and spend time together. Please come if you can

Breathing Space Sunday 10th 4pm – St Just Church

Coffee morning bakers and assistants still needed – the rota has many blanks for January onwards. Please do sign up with Penny or Sophia if you are able to offer for this.

Tresanton Carol singing A tradition has arisen whereby carols are sung at the Tresanton Hotel at 6pm on Christmas Eve. Yvonne Fuller is gathering together a group of singers and rehearsals will take place on Sunday 10th and 17th December at 10.45 in St Mawes Church. All welcome to join this singing group.

Diocesan Bishop Vacancy

From Fr Simon Robinson, Dean of Truro and Chair of the Vacancy in See committee:

As you are aware, our diocese seeks a new Bishop. As part of the process the people of Cornwall, the Isles of Scilly and our two parishes in Devon are being invited to provide feedback.

The feedback received from parishes, clergy and the wider community will help inform a Statement of Needs created by a committee formed to oversee the process, chaired by The Very Revd Simon Robinson, Dean of Truro.   Called The Vacancy in See Committee it is made up of diocesan members, mostly elected from parishes and deaneries.  The full list can be found here: https://trurodiocese.org.uk/about-us/vacancy-in-see/vacancy-in-see-committee-members/  and this video explains more: https://youtu.be/fmyPZyLyQsI

We welcome contributions from anyone in our diocese. There are 5 questions we are asking you to consider – you can read the questions and submit your responses here: https://forms.office.com/e/N7Jqj59pp2

The Prayer Chain: If you would like a concern ‘covered by prayer’ for upcoming surgery, injury, a challenging situation, or life difficulties, please contact either Katie Taurins or Penny Leach and they will put your request onto the prayer group WhatsApp. Prayer requests are received and held in confidence and, should you so wish, remain anonymous to all in the group, aside from the person you contact with your request. Please phone or text Katie on 07777 690026 or Penny 07778 170247. As Paul tells us in his letter to the Philippians Chapter 4 v6 ‘do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.’

Details of our Church Services

Sunday 10th December 2nd Sunday of Advent
8.00 BCP Holy Communion St Just
9.30 Holy Communion St Mawes
11.00 Holy Communion St Just

4pm Breathing Space St Just Church

readings: 2 Peter 3 verses 8-15 and Mark 1 verses 1-8 https://docs.google.com/document/d/18RLn_nnNJURysgExBS_gxwZnsEjX1Npo/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=116936107610901789068&rtpof=true&sd=true

Tuesday 12th December 9.30 Morning Prayer St Mawes Church

Breathing Space – Sunday 10th 4pm St Just Church – a time to rest and reflect in this busy season

St Mawes School Christingle – Monday 11th December 1.30pm St Mawes Church

Christmas Services:

Carol Service Thursday 21st December 7pm St Just Church

Christmas Eve Sunday 24th December

8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just church
9.30am Holy Communion St Mawes church
11.00am Holy Communion St Just church

4pm Crib Service St Mawes church

11.30pm Midnight Mass St Just church

Christmas Day Monday 25th December

8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just church
9.30am Holy Communion St Mawes church
11.00am Holy Communion St Just church

Truro Food Bank: a special plea at this time of year: please continue to give much needed foods to those who are in difficulty, either in our church boxes or in a supermarket donation box


2024 Charity Christmas Cards, packs priced from £3.50, supporting Children’s Hospice South West and St Just and St Mawes Parish Churches.100% of all sales go to the charities. Available at No.4 The Arcade, St Mawes and Fudge & More, St Mawes.

Blessings all


07778 170 247 revpennyjl@gmail.com

News from the Diocese of Truro

As you are aware, our diocese seeks a new Bishop. As part of the process the people of Cornwall, the Isles of Scilly and our two parishes in Devon are being invited to provide feedback.

The feedback received from parishes, clergy and the wider community will help inform a Statement of Needs created by a committee formed to oversee the process, chaired by The Very Revd Simon Robinson, Dean of Truro.   Called The Vacancy in See Committee it is made up of diocesan members, mostly elected from parishes and deaneries.  The full list can be found here: https://trurodiocese.org.uk/about-us/vacancy-in-see/vacancy-in-see-committee-members/  and this video explains more: https://youtu.be/fmyPZyLyQsI.

We welcome contributions from anyone in our diocese. There are 5 questions we are asking you to consider – you can read the questions and submit your responses here: https://forms.office.com/e/N7Jqj59pp2

The deadline for submissions is 31 December 2023 at midnight.

If you would rather submit your responses on paper, please contact info@truro.anglican.org and we can send you a paper copy.

Please note that this email has been sent to everyone for whom we hold contact details for in the diocese. We will send a paper copy to those people without email.

Please do share with your networks.

There will be a public consultation on Zoom on 6 February 2024 (more information will be sent out in the new year).

Any questions please contact info@truro.anglican.org.

Finally, a message from Fr Simon: “Please do pray for this whole process, for all those tasked with discerning who will be the next Bishop of Truro.”


Sunday 3rd December 2023

Dear all

The Tresillian Singers concert on Tuesday was a lovely preparation for the Advent and Christmas season with a wide range of entertaining material and audience participation. Thank you to all who came and supported this event and thank you to Valerie for proposing and organising as well as all who assisted especially Sue and Alison on refreshments.

Advent Evensong: Sunday 3rd December 6pm at St Mawes Church with the Roseland Churches Choir. Please do join us as we celebrate the beginning of Advent and our Christmas season.

Our third and last Bible Advent Bible Study is taking place on Thursday morning, 7th December 10.00 at Angela Greenwell’s home, Ploughshares, Pedn Moran. We will be looking at shepherds and wise men. All welcome to come along.
Roseland Churches Advent Reflection – Thursday 7th December 7pm Gerrans Church an opportunity to gather together with song, prayer and an advent activity – please do come if you can. If you can offer or need a lift please let Sophia or Penny know.

St Mawes School: as you know we have a close connection with the school with several church folk regular visitors to support the two classes. Please do support their Christmas Fair at St Mawes Castle on Friday 8th December 4-7pm. Thank you to those who have volunteered to assist with crafts and refreshments. Donations towards their raffle and tombola by Tuesday please – leave in St Mawes church or with Sophia in the church office she is there all day on Monday. Many thanks all.

Coffee Morning: The next coffee morning is on Saturday 9th December 10-12, as usual, at Penny’s home: Sunnybanks, Trelawney Road. Great fun and lovely to chat and spend time together. Please come if you can.
Good news: St Just Church heating has been mended, just in time for this cold snap.
Coffee morning bakers and assistants needed – the rota is currently blank for January onwards. Please do sign up with Penny or Sophia if you are able to offer for this.
The Prayer Chain: If you would like a concern ‘covered by prayer’ for upcoming surgery, injury, a challenging situation, or life difficulties, please contact either Katie Taurins or Penny Leach and they will put your request onto the prayer group WhatsApp. Prayer requests are received and held in confidence and, should you so wish, remain anonymous to all in the group, aside from the person you contact with your request. Please phone or text Katie on 07777 690026 or Penny 07778 170247. As Paul tells us in his letter to the Philippians Chapter 4 v6 ‘do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.’

Nigel Hewett’s funeral takes place on Friday 8th December 11.00 at St Just Church

 Details of our Church Services

Sunday 3rd December 1st Sunday of Advent
8.00 BCP Holy Communion St Just
9.30 Holy Communion St Mawes
11.00 Holy Communion St Just

6pm Advent Evensong at St Mawes Church with the Roseland Churches’ Choir

No morning prayer on Tuesday – another day of training for Penny.


Switching on of the Christmas Tree and Harbour Lights – St Mawes Friday 1st December at 6pm in the Square

Coffee morning – Saturday 9th December 10-12 at Penny’s

Breathing Space – Sunday 10th 4pm St Just Church – a time to rest and reflect in this busy season

St Mawes School Christingle – Monday 11th December 1.30pm St Mawes Church

Truro Food Bank: please continue to give much needed foods to those who are in difficulty, either in our church boxes or in a supermarket donation box


2024 Charity Christmas Cards, packs priced from £3.50, supporting Children’s Hospice South West and St Just and St Mawes Parish Churches.100% of all sales go to the charities. Available at No.4 The Arcade, St Mawes and Fudge & More, St Mawes.

Blessings all, Penny

07778 170247


Previous Notices from the Parish: Sunday 26th November 2023

Dear all
Next Tuesday 28th November the Tresillian Singers are giving a fund-raising concert in support of St Just in Roseland Church on November 28th, 7.30 p.m. Tickets £8 in advance from No.4 The Arcade or £10 on the door. Please do come, it promises to be an entertaining evening.

Our second Bible Advent Bible Study is taking place on Thursday morning 30th November 10.00 at Angela Greenwell’s home, Ploughshares, Pedn Moran. We will be looking at Mary and Joseph. All welcome to come along.

Advent Evensong: Sunday 3rd December 6pm at St Mawes Church with the Roseland Churches Choir. Please do join us as we celebrate the beginning of Advent and our Christmas season.

Roseland Churches Advent Reflection – Thursday 7th December 7pm Gerrans Church – please do come if you can. If you can offer or need a lift please let Sophia or Penny know.

St Just Church heating is still awaiting repair. Please dress warmly for our Sunday services.

Coffee morning bakers and assistants needed – the rota is currently blank for December onwards. Please do sign up with Penny or Sophia if you are able to offer for this.
Assistance too needed for the visit from St Mawes School on Monday 11th December at 1.30pm to St Mawes Church for their Christingle creation – usually a somewhat sticky experience – in the hall followed by a service in the church exploring the message of these oranges. Please let Penny or Sophia know if you can help.
On the school theme, volunteers to assist at the School Christmas Fair at the Castle on Friday 8th December. We have been asked if we could assist with refreshments and with a simple craft and offer donations to prizes for the raffle and tombola.
The Prayer Chain: If you would like a concern ‘covered by prayer’ for upcoming surgery, injury, a challenging situation, or life difficulties, please contact either Katie Taurins or Penny Leach and they will put your request onto the prayer group WhatsApp. Prayer requests are received and held in confidence and, should you so wish, remain anonymous to all in the group, aside from the person you contact with your request. Please phone or text Katie on 07777 690026 or Penny 07778 170247. As Paul tells us in his letter to the Philippians Chapter 4 v6 ‘do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.’

Nigel Hewett passed away on Wednesday 22nd November. Please remember him and his family in your prayers. His funeral takes place on Friday 8th December 11.00 at St Just Church.

Details of our Church Services

Sunday 26th November Christ the King
8.00 BCP Holy Communion St Just
9.30 Holy Communion St Mawes
11.00 Holy Communion St Just

Tuesday 28th November
9.30 Morning Prayer St Mawes

Tresillian Singers Tuesday 28th November. Tickets: £8 in advance from No.4 The Arcade or £10 on the door.

Switching on of the Harbour Lights St Mawes Friday 1st December 6pm in the Square

St Mawes School Fair in the Castle – Friday 8th December 4pm-7pm – help and donations requested

Truro Food Bank: please continue to give much needed foods to those who are in difficulty, either in our church boxes or in a supermarket donation box


2024 Charity Christmas Cards, packs priced from £3.50, supporting Children’s Hospice South West and St Just and St Mawes Parish Churches.100% of all sales go to the charities. Available at No.4 The Arcade, St Mawes and Fudge & More, St Mawes.

Blessings all, Penny

07778 170 247


Previous Notices from the Parish: Sunday 19th November 2023

Dear all 

A bumper coffee morning last Saturday, thank you to all who came and to our baker of the month too.

The Remembrance Service at the Parish Memorial Hall, Hillhead saw uncertainty of the weather so a decision was needed as to in or out. Rain held off for the wreath laying but started again shortly afterwards so the service moved indoors. So well attended, around 150 people came to share in this service. Thank you to all who helped from across our community including those who stood outside the post office selling poppies in the previous fortnight.

St Just Church heating is still awaiting repair. Please dress warmly for our Sunday services.

Advent Bible Study is taking place on Thursday mornings; 23rd and 30th November and 7th December 10.00 at Angela Greenwell’s home, Ploughshares, Pedn Moran. All welcome to come along, no need to attend all sessions, just come when you can.

Advent Evensong: Sunday 3rd December 6pm at St Mawes Church with the Roseland Churches Choir. Please do join us as we celebrate the beginning of Advent and our Christmas season.

On Tuesday 28th November the Tresillian Singers are giving a fund-raising concert in support of St Just in Roseland Church on November 28th, 7.30 p.m. Tickets £8 in advance from No.4 The Arcade or £10 on the door. Please do come, it promises to be an entertaining evening.

Carols by candlelight – Rehearsals, Thursdays at 6pm, have already begun for the supporting choir  but if this is of interest, please contact the church office and the message will be passed on.
Coffee morning bakers and assistants needed – the rota is currently blank for December onwards. Please do sign up with Penny or Sophia if you are able to offer for this.
Assistance too needed for the visit from St Mawes School on Monday 11th December at 1.30pm to St Mawes Church for their Christingle creation – usually a somewhat sticky experience – in the hall followed by a service in the church exploring the message of these oranges. Please let Penny or Sophia know if you can help.
On the school theme, volunteers to assist at the School Christmas Fair at the Castle on Friday 8th December. We have been asked if we could assist with refreshments and with a simple craft and offer donations to prizes for the raffle and tombola.
The Prayer Chain: If you would like a concern ‘covered by prayer’ for upcoming surgery, injury, a challenging situation, or life difficulties, please contact either Katie Taurins or Penny Leach and they will put your request onto the prayer group WhatsApp. Prayer requests are received and held in confidence and, should you so wish, remain anonymous to all in the group, aside from the person you contact with your request. Please phone or text Katie on 07777 690026 or Penny 07778 170247. As Paul tells us in his letter to the Philippians Chapter 4 v6 ‘do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.’
Please keep Nigel Hewett in your prayers as he is now seriously ill.
Details of our Church Services
Sunday 19th November 2nd Sunday before Advent
8.00 BCP Holy Communion St Just taken By Rev Douglas Wren
9.30 Morning Worship St Mawes led by Angela Greenwell
11.00 Morning Worship at St Just led by Valerie Willis
Tuesday 21st November

9.00 Morning Prayer St Mawes – note earlier time this week


Tresillian Singers are giving a fund-raising concert in support of St Just in Roseland Church on November 28th, 7.30pm. Tickets £8 in advance from No.4 The Arcade or £10 on the door.

St Mawes School Fair in the Castle – Friday 8th December 4pm-7pm -help and donations requested

Truro Food Bank: please continue to give much needed foods to those who are in difficulty, either in our church boxes or in a supermarket donation box


2024 Charity Christmas Cards, packs priced from £3.50, supporting Children’s Hospice South West and St Just and St Mawes Parish Churches.100% of all sales go to the charities. Available at No.4 The Arcade, St Mawes and Fudge & More, St Mawes.

Blessings all, Penny.

Previous Notices from the Parish: Sunday 12th November

Dear all 

Thanks to all who were able to attend Emma’s installation in Mylor Church last Wednesday, a lovely service led by Bishop Hugh, lovely too to see Emma and her family.

Tomorrow Saturday 11th November is our regular coffee morning 10-12 at Penny’s home, Sunnybanks, Trelawney Road St Mawes TR2 5BU. Please do come if you can, just drop in to say hello, it is a great chance to meet and chat.

St Just Church has no central heating at present. Clive and Will have supplied some plug in heaters – thank you both. If you are attending church on Sunday, please wrap up warm – hats, gloves and blankets welcome.

On Sunday 12th November the Remembrance Service takes place at 10.45 outside the Parish Memorial Hall, Hillhead with our usual 8.00at St Just, then a said Holy Communion service at St Mawes at 9.30 with no service at St Just at 11.00.

Breathing Space is on Sunday too at 4pm in St Just Church  – note the earlier time as we are back to GMT – wrap up warm for that too.

On Tuesday 28th November TheTresillian Singers are giving a fund-raising concert in support of St Just in Roseland Church on November 28th, 7.30 p.m. Tickets £8 in advance from No.4 The Arcade or £10 on the door. Please do come, it promises to be an entertaining evening.

Carols by candlelight – Rehearsals began this week for the supporting choir and it is not too late to join. 6pm on Thursday evening in St Just Church. All welcome.

Last call: Preparation for Advent – 3 sessions – planned for weeks beginning 20th and 27th November and 4th December. Thank you to those who have indicated this is of interest, any others please let me know as soon as possible and we will shortly discuss when in the week suits us all best.

Coffee morning bakers and assistants needed – the rota is currently blank for December onwards. Please do sign up with Penny or Sophia if you are able to offer for this.

Assistance too needed for the visit from St Mawes School on Monday 11th December at 1.30pm to St Mawes Church for their Christingle creation – usually a somewhat sticky experience – in the hall followed by a service in the church exploring the message of these oranges. Please let Penny or Sophia know if you can help.

On the school theme, volunteers to assist at the School Christmas Fair at the Castle on Friday 8th December. We have been asked if we could assist with refreshments and with a simple craft and offer donations to prizes for the raffle and tombola.

The Prayer Chain: If you would like a concern ‘covered by prayer’ for upcoming surgery, injury, a challenging situation, or life difficulties, please contact either Katie Taurins or Penny Leach and they will put your request onto the prayer group WhatsApp. Prayer requests are received and held in confidence and, should you so wish, remain anonymous to all in the group, aside from the person you contact with your request. Please phone or text Katie on 0777 690026 or Penny 07778 170247. As Paul tells us in his letter to the Philippians Chapter 4 v6 ‘do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.’

Please keep Nigel Hewett in your prayers as he is now seriously ill. 

Details of our Church Services Sunday 12th November Remembrance Sunday
8.00 BCP Holy Communion St Just
9.30 Said Holy Communion St Mawes (readings: Wisdom of Solomon 6 verses 12-16 and Matthew 25:1-13)
No service at 11.00 at St Just

10.45 Parish Memorial Hall Hillhead

4pm Breathing Space St Just Church

No Morning Prayer on 14th November – Penny on training

Sunday 19th November services: Penny is away

8.00 BCP Holy Communion led by Rev Douglas Wren

9.30 St Mawes Morning Worship led by Angela Greenwell

11.00 St Just Morning Worship led by Valerie Willis

Rehearsals commenced on November 9th at St Just church for the Carols by Candlelight service (on 21st December at 7pm) – anyone is eligible to join in with the carol singing rehearsals – 6pm each Thursday.

Tresillian Singers are giving a fund-raising concert in support of St Just in Roseland Church on November 28th, 7.30pm. Tickets £8 in advance from No.4 The Arcade or £10 on the door.

St Mawes School Fair in the Castle – Friday 8th December 4pm-7pm -help and donations requested

Truro Food Bank: please continue to give much needed foods to those who are in difficulty, either in our church boxes or in a supermarket donation box


2024 Charity Christmas Cards, packs priced from £3.50, supporting Children’s Hospice South West and St Just and St Mawes Parish Churches.100% of all sales go to the charities. Available at No.4 The Arcade, St Mawes and Fudge & More, St Mawes.

Blessings all, Penny.

Previous Notices from the Parish: 5th November 2023

Dear all 

Writing this in the aftermath of Storm Ciaran with debris spread across the roads and electricity interrupted we do hope that all are safe after the storm.

Our two half term family craft sessions were much appreciated with local and visitor families attending. Thank you to Carolyn, Helen and Jane for producing and running their crafts, we are quite a team now and much appreciated.

The annual Thanksgiving and Remembrance Service on Sunday afternoon provided an opportunity to reflect upon and light a candle in memory of one or more loved ones. This service had a special reflective quality and was appreciated by those who came, others had asked for their loved one to be remembered, too difficult at this moment as they grieve. We continue to hold those who mourn in our prayers.

Next Saturday 11th November our regular coffee morning 10-12 at Penny’s home, Sunnybanks, Trelawney Road St Mawes TR2 5BU. Please do come if you can, just drop in to say hello, it is a great chance to meet and chat.

Remembrance Service 12th November 10.45 outside the Parish Memorial Hall, Hillhead – our usual 8.00 occurs that day, then a said Holy Communion service at St Mawes at 9.30 with no service at St Just at 11.00.

Preparation for Advent – 3 sessions – 2nd half of November and 1st week of December. Thank you to those who have indicated this is of interest, any others please let me know as soon as possible and we will discuss when in the week suits us all best.
Emma’s Installation Service If anyone can offer a lift or would like a lift to Emma’s service on Wednesday 8th November, 7pm Mylor Church, please let Sophia or Penny know and we will put you in touch.
The Prayer Chain: If you would like a concern ‘covered by prayer’ for upcoming surgery, injury, a challenging situation, or life difficulties, please contact either Katie Taurins or Penny Leach and they will put your request onto the prayer group WhatsApp. Prayer requests are received and held in confidence and, should you so wish, remain anonymous to all in the group, aside from the person you contact with your request. Please phone or text Katie on 07777 690026 or Penny 07778 170247. As Paul tells us in his letter to the Philippians Chapter 4 v6 ‘do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.’
Details of our Church Services Sunday 5th November celebrating All Saints
8.00 BCP Holy Communion St Just
9.30 Holy Communion St Mawes
11.00 Holy Communion St Just

 No Morning Prayer on 7th or 14th November – Penny on training
Readings: Revelation 7 verses 9-17 and Matthew 5 verses 1-12 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JErcKXaIFUg4t-SuMi6xkxQ2f-y16xDQ/edit?usp=drive_link&ouid=116936107610901789068&rtpof=true&sd=true

Wednesday 8th November – Rev’d Emma Durose installation 7pm at St Mylor Church
Saturday 11th November 10-12 Coffee Morning at Penny’s
Sunday 12th November 10.45 – Remembrance Day service outside the Parish Memorial Hall, Hillhead (No service at 11.00 in St Just that day)
Advance Notices:
Rehearsals commence on November 9th at St Just church for the Carols by Candlelight service (on 21st December at 7pm) – anyone is eligible to join in with the carol singing rehearsals. More details to follow.
Tresillian Singers are giving a fund-raising concert in support of St Just in Roseland Church on November 28th.
St Mawes School Fair in the Castle – Friday 8th December 4pm-7pm -help and donations requested
Advent begins in a few weeks. If anyone is interested in joining in with three sessions preparing for Advent, please let Penny know. To be held in the second half of November and into the first week of December, before Christmas planning overwhelms us.
Truro Food Bank: please continue to give much needed foods to those who are in difficulty, either in our church boxes or in a supermarket donation box


2024 Charity Christmas Cards, packs priced from £3.50, supporting Children’s Hospice South West and St Just and St Mawes Parish Churches.100% of all sales go to the charities. Available at No.4 The Arcade, St Mawes and Fudge & More, St Mawes.

Blessings all Penny

Previous notices from the Parish: Sunday 29th October

Dear all 

Well, what a splendid St Just Feast. An enormous thank you to Liam Mulvin for his informative and entertaining talk on the work of NCI as a volunteer Coastwatcher. Many thanks to all who came, so many different organisations and community groups represented, often with a fair few joining with the banner holder. At the start of the service, the banners and other items representing the groups are placed around the altar, these vary in size. Some of the Rainbows brought their mascots. Two unusual and easily missed items were the ‘kill’ cord brought by Mike Garside, illustrating the St Mawes Sailing Club safety boat, the cord is looped around the boat driver’s hand so in the event of falling in the water the engine stops. Another was a large wooden spoon brought by Julian German inscribed with the words – St Just Institute Warm Hub. And then the Feast, a great spread. Thank you to all who organised this, it provided a lovely opportunity to chat and greet old friends.

At the time of writing one of the half term sessions has occurred with a great attendance joining in with the autumn theme of our crafts this time. Thank you to Carolyn, Helen and Jane for producing and running their crafts – a great help to me and much appreciated by those who come, some of whom are clearly budding artists.

Sunday sees our annual Thanksgiving and Remembrance Service at 2pm – a special service to give thanks and remember our loved ones. Everyone is welcome to come to this service in memory of a loved one, no matter how long ago and you are welcome to add their name to the list before the start of the service and light a candle in memory.

Remembrance Service 12th November 10.45 outside the Parish Memorial Hall, Hillhead – our usual 8.00 occurs that day, then a said Holy Communion service at St Mawes at 9.30 with no service at St Just at 11.00.

Preparation for Advent – 3 sessions – 2nd half of November and 1st week of December. Thank you to those who have indicated this is of interest, any others please let me know as soon as possible and we will discuss when in the week suits us all best.

Emma’s Installation Service If anyone can offer a lift or would like a lift to Emma’s service on Wednesday 8th November, 7pm Mylor Church, please let Sophia or Penny know and we will put you in touch.

The Prayer Chain: If you would like a concern ‘covered by prayer’ for upcoming surgery, injury, a challenging situation, or life difficulties, please contact either Katie Taurins or Penny Leach and they will put your request onto the prayer group WhatsApp. Prayer requests are received and held in confidence and, should you so wish, remain anonymous to all in the group, aside from the person you contact with your request. Please phone or text Katie on 0777 690026 or Penny 07778 170247. As Paul tells us in his letter to the Philippians Chapter 4 v6 ‘do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.’

Remember the clocks change on Saturday night – ‘fall forward’ so an extra hour in bed

Details of our Church Services

Sunday 29th October 21st Sunday after Trinity

8.00 BCP Holy Communion St Just

9.30 Holy Communion St Mawes

11.00 Holy Communion St Just

14.00 Thanksgiving and remembrance service for those who have lost loved ones St Just Church

Tuesday 31st October 9.30 Morning Prayer St Mawes

Readings: 1 Thessalonians 2 verses 1-8 and Matthew 22 verses 34-45



Sunday 29th October – Thanksgiving and Remembrance Service 2pm St Just Church

Wednesday 8th November – Rev’d Emma Durose installation 7pm at St Mylor Church

Saturday 11th November 10-12 Coffee Morning at Penny’s

Sunday 12th November 10.45 – Remembrance Day service outside the Parish Memorial Hall, Hillhead (No service at 11.00 in St Just that day)

Advance Notices:

Rehearsals commence on November 9th at St Just church for the Carols by Candlelight service (on 21st December at 7pm) – anyone is eligible to join in with the carol singing rehearsals. More details to follow.

Tresillian Singers will be giving a fund-raising concert in support of St Just in Roseland Church on November 28th.

St Mawes School Fair in the Castle – Friday 8th December 4pm-7pm -help and donations requested

Advent begins in a few weeks. If anyone is interested in joining in with three sessions preparing for Advent, please let Penny know. To be held in the second half of November and into the first week of December, before Christmas planning overwhelms us.

Truro Food Bank: please continue to give much needed foods to those who are in difficulty, either in our church boxes or in a supermarket donation box


2024 Charity Christmas Cards, packs priced from £3.50, supporting Children’s Hospice South West and St Just and St Mawes Parish Churches.100% of all sales go to the charities. Available at No.4 The Arcade, St Mawes and Fudge & More, St Mawes

Blessings all Penny                                      

revpennyjl@gmail.com   07778 170247

Previous Notices from the Parish: Sunday 22nd October

Dear all 
We have received a lovely card from Emma – thanking all for a ‘splendid send off’ and generous gifts.  She says ‘my love and prayers are with you’ and our prayers are with her as she starts this new role.

Last week’s coffee morning saw a smaller gathering than usual, due to a variety of excellent reasons from our usual regulars. It did provide a chance for a table wide discussion on aspects of our faith and services, very useful to me, thank you. Our next coffee morning is on Saturday 11th November.

I am now a Hub Councillor at St Mawes School – still working on what that means more precisely! I have been asked if the church would be able to support their Christmas Fair, taking place in St Mawes Castle on Friday 8th December from 4-7pm. Donations to a bottle tombola and to a raffle of food hampers would be much appreciated together with cakes for the cake stall. Anyone willing to help on the refreshments or craft stall would be most welcome too. Please put the date in your diary.

This Sunday: St Just Feast –We are welcoming Liam Mulvin to give us a talk on Coastwatch. You may recall he frequently provides an update on their activities in the Roseland Magazine. Please do come and share in the service and the feast. Finger food contributions are welcome – where no cutlery needed and please no salad.

Half Term Family Craft Sessions on offer next week on Thursday 26th and Friday 27th October 10.30-12 in the Millennium Rooms. Note revised date from Monday to Thursday (hall double booked)

Thanksgiving and Remembrance Service Sunday 29th October 2pm – a special service to give thanks and remember our loved ones. Everyone is welcome to come to this service in memory of a loved one. Those whose funerals have taken place at the church who have lost loved ones in the last 2 years will receive an invitation but all are welcome.

The Prayer Chain: If you would like a concern ‘covered by prayer’ for upcoming surgery, injury, a challenging situation, or life difficulties, please contact either Katie Taurins or Penny Leach and they will put your request onto the prayer group WhatsApp. Prayer requests are received and held in confidence and, should you so wish, remain anonymous to all in the group, aside from the person you contact with your request. Please phone or text Katie on 0777 690026 or Penny 07778 170247. As Paul tells us in his letter to the Philippians Chapter 4 v6 ‘do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.’

Details of our Church Services
Sunday 22nd October –20th Sunday after Trinity
8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just
No service at St Mawes
11.00 am St Just Feast

Tuesday 24th October 9.30 Morning Prayer St Mawes

Readings: Mark 4 verses 35-41 

Sunday 22nd October – St Just Feast (no service at St Mawes that day)
Tuesday 24th October 9.30 – Morning Prayer St Mawes
Thursday 26th October 10.30 – 12 Half term family craft session in the Millennium Rooms St Mawes
Friday 27th October 10.30-12 Half term family craft session in the Millennium Rooms St Mawes
Sunday 29th October – Thanksgiving and Remembrance Service 2pm St Just Church
Wednesday 8th November – Rev’d Emma Durose installation 7pm at St Mylor Church
Saturday 11th November 10-12 Coffee Morning at Penny’s
Sunday 12th November 10.30 – Remembrance Day service outside the Parish Memorial Hall, Hillhead (No service at 11.00 in St Just that day)

Advance Notices
Rehearsals commence on November 9th at St Just church for the Carols by Candlelight service (on 21st December at 7pm) – anyone is eligible to join in with the carol singing rehearsals. More details to follow.
Tresillian Singers will be giving a fund-raising concert in support of St Just in Roseland Church on November 28th.
Advent begins in a few weeks. If anyone is interested in joining in with three sessions preparing for Advent, please let Penny know. To be held in the second half of November and into the first week of December, before Christmas planning overwhelms us.
Truro Food Bank: please continue to give much needed foods to those who are in difficulty, either in our church boxes or in a supermarket donation box.


2024 Charity Christmas Cards, packs priced from £3.50, supporting Children’s Hospice South West and St Just and St Mawes Parish Churches.100% of all sales go to the charities. Available at No.4 The Arcade, St Mawes
Blessings all

Penny : 07778 170247

Previous notices from the Parish: Sunday 15th October 2023

Dear all 

Thank you to all who came last Sunday to say farewell to Emma at her final services. It was good to see so many folk from other Roseland churches come to say their goodbyes at 11.00 St Just service. Emma was presented with a lovely picture painted by Yvonne Fuller, thank you Yvonne, which showed various scenes of Emma’s life here in this parish together with another gift. Our prayers and blessings go with Emma in her new ministry in Penryn. Emma’s installation will take place on Wednesday 8th November 7pm at St Mylor Church.

A big thank you to all who came and all who contributed to the Parish Harvest Supper last Saturday, delicious food, thank you Keith and all who provided desserts. A thank you to Steve too for all the organisation. A time of eating and chatting and a very enjoyable quiz – thanks again to Keith.

Thursday afternoon saw the School Harvest Festival, with parents and friends invited. A theme of the fruits of autumn based upon the colours of the rainbow as Ship Class, the older class of 7-11 years had been learning about Noah’s Ark and God’s promise from a rainbow. Each child took part in some way in the service which was followed by tea and cake. Thank you to the families of St Mawes Primary School for your generosity in supplying four boxes of groceries to be donated to the Truro Refuges.

Tomorrow Saturday 14th October sees our monthly coffee morning at Penny’s home: Sunnybanks Trelawney Road St Mawes TR2 5BU. It is a lovely time of sharing of friendship and tasty refreshments. For the first time tomorrow cheese scones will be on offer as well as cake.

Next Sunday 22nd October St Just Feast –We are welcoming Liam Mulvin to give us a talk on Coastwatch. You may recall he frequently provides an update on their activities in the Roseland Magazine. Please do come and share in the service and the feast.

Half term family craft sessions will be on offer on Thursday 26th and Friday 27th October 10.30-12 in the Millennium Rooms. Note revised date from Monday to Thursday (hall double booked)

Thanksgiving and Remembrance Service Sunday 29th October 2pm – a special service to give thanks and remember our loved ones. Everyone is welcome to come to this service in memory of a loved one. Those whose funerals have taken place at the church who have lost loved ones in the last 2 years will receive an invitation but all are welcome.

The Prayer Chain: If you would like a concern ‘covered by prayer’ for upcoming surgery, injury, a challenging situation, or life difficulties, please contact either Katie Taurins or Penny Leach and they will put your request onto the prayer group WhatsApp. Prayer requests are received and held in confidence and, should you so wish, remain anonymous to all in the group, aside from the person you contact with your request. Please phone or text Katie on 0777 690026 or Penny 07778 170247. As Paul tells us in his letter to the Philippians Chapter 4 v6 ‘do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.’

Details of our Church Services
Sunday 15th October
19th Sunday after Trinity

8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just
9.30am Holy Communion St Mawes
11.00 am Holy Communion St Just

Tuesday 17th October 9.30 Morning Prayer St Mawes

Readings: Philippians 4 verses 1-9 and Matthew 22 verses 15-22



Saturday 14th October 10-12 Coffee morning at Penny’s: Sunnybanks Trelawney Road St Mawes TR2 5BU

Sunday 22nd October – St Just Feast (no service at St Mawes that day)

Thursday 26th October 10.30-12 Half term family craft session in the Millennium Rooms St Mawes

Friday 27th October 10.30-12 Half term family craft session in the Millennium Rooms St Mawes

Sunday 29th October – Thanksgiving and Remembrance Service 2pm St Just Church

Wednesday 8th November – Rev’d Emma Durose installation 7pm at St Mylor Church

Sunday 12th November 10.30 – Remembrance Day service outside the Parish Memorial Hall, Hillhead (No service at 11.00 in St Just that day)

Advance Notices
Rehearsals commence on November 9th at St Just church for the Carols by Candlelight service (on 21st December at 7pm) – anyone is eligible to join in with the carol singing rehearsals. More details to follow.
Tresillian Singers will be giving a fund raising concert in support of St Just in Roseland Church on November 28th.
Truro Food Bank: please continue to give much needed foods to those who are in difficulty, either in our church boxes or in a supermarket donation box


2024 Charity Christmas Cards, packs priced from £3.50, supporting Children’s Hospice South West and St Just and St Mawes Parish Churches.100% of all sales go to the charities. Available at No.4 The Arcade, St Mawes and Fudge & More, St Mawes

Blessings all

revpennyjl@gmail.com  07778 170247

Previous notices from the parish: Sunday 8th October

Dear all 
Many thanks for all the donations which were given towards the Harvest Festival Service last Sunday. The non perishable items from both churches were gratefully received by the Foodbank. The perishable items which came to two large boxes full were given to St Petroc who were delighted to be able to distribute the food to families and household they support across Truro. It meant that on this occasion there was nothing left for the Women’s Refuge but I have been assured that they will be remembered during the charitable collections at Christmas and if you were not able to provide food for the Harvest Festival then you might consider making them a personal donation on the following link;


Emma’s goodbye message:
It is with a lot of sadness I say goodbye to all the wonderful people I have met on the Roseland and worshipped with in the different churches over the last nine years. As I leave to discover new churches and communities on the other side of the river Fal, I want to say thank you to all those who have been part of the journey of the last few years. These years have been an adventure which would not have been the same without you. It has been a huge privilege to be invited into those special times of bereavement and celebration and be part of the all the colourful variety of community life. The Roseland means different things to different people but there is still a lot of work to be done address the imbalance of poverty and isolation which may be hidden but still exists for many people. I leave you in very capable hands as ministry across the Roseland becomes a team of churches working together under the oversight of Rev Douglas Wren and I look forward to seeing how the God continues to work out his purposes amongst you and within you,
With every blessing

Details of our Church Services

Sunday 8th October 
18th Sunday after Trinity

8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just
9.30am Holy Communion St Mawes
11.00 am Holy Communion St Just 
6pm Breathing Space St Just

The zoom services are taking a break for October

Readings:  Exodus 20 verses 1-21 and Matthew 21 verses 33- 46

Other news:
Reminder: Hungrytown folk duo are performing at Veryan Church on Tuesday, 10 October 7.30pm, featuring the American husband and wife folk duo. They are on a tour of Scotland and England until the end of October. The concert in Veryan is the only performance in Cornwall and West Devon. They are internationally renowned so it is a big thing to have them here. Tickets £10 from CRBO.co.uk. U16 free with a paying adult.

Roseland Prayer Meeting
Starting in the autumn, the plan is to offer a monthly prayer meeting in Philleigh Community Centre and simultaneously online through Zoom for a time of prayer. An opportunity for us across the Roseland to pray for our coming together as a benefice and for the needs of our churches and villages. More information on the link below with the opportunity to select the most suitable time for you. Note: you may need to open this email in a new window to open the document.


St Just Feast 22nd October – our local organisations are invited but if you wish to invite one with which you are involved, please check with Sophia they are on our list. This year we are welcoming Liam Mulvin to give us a talk on Coastwatch. You may recall he frequently provides an update on their activities in the Roseland Magazine.

Half term family craft sessions will be on offer on Monday 23rd and Friday 27th October 10.30-12 in the Millennium Rooms.

The Prayer Chain: If you would like a concern ‘covered by prayer’ for upcoming surgery, injury, a challenging situation, or life difficulties, please contact either Katie Taurins or Penny Leach and they will put your request onto the prayer group WhatsApp. Prayer requests are received and held in confidence and, should you so wish, remain anonymous to all in the group, aside from the person you contact with your request. Please phone or text Katie on 0777 690026 or Penny 07778 170247. As Paul tells us in his letter to the Philippians Chapter 4 v6 ‘do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.’

No Tuesday morning prayer this week – Penny is on curacy training
Tuesday 10th October 7.30pm Hungrytown concert at Veryan church
Saturday 14th October 10-12 Coffee Morning at Penny’s, Sunnybanks Trelawney Road St Mawes TR2 5BU All welcome
Sunday 22nd October – St Just Feast (no service at St Mawes that day)
Monday 23rd October 10.30-12 Half term family craft session in the Millennium Rooms St Mawes
Friday 27th October 10.30-12 Half term family craft session in the Millennium Rooms St Mawes
Sunday 29th October – Thanksgiving and Remembrance Service 2pm St Just Church

Truro Food Bank: please continue to give much needed foods to those who are in difficulty, either in our church boxes or in a supermarket donation box



2024 Charity Christmas Cards, packs priced from £3.50, supporting Children’s Hospice South West and St Just and St Mawes Parish Churches .100% of all sales go to the charities. Available at No.4 The Arcade, St Mawes and Fudge & More, St Mawes

Emma and Penny 

Emma: 07854 719655

Penny : 07778 170247

Previous notices from the Parish: Sunday 1st October 2023

Dear all 

This Sunday our Harvest Festival services are taking place at 9.30 in St Mawes and 11.00 in St Just. Please do bring contributions to the harvest – fresh or tinned or dried food. We will be donating items to the Woman’s Refuge, St Petroc and Truro Food Bank.

Last call to book for the Parish Harvest Supper on Saturday 7th October 7pm being held at 7pm in the Parish Memorial Hall St Mawes. A choice of a meat or vegetarian pie – please pop into 4 The Arcade to let us know you wish to come (no charge) and your choice of pie or email sparcat@hotmail.com with your request and choice. Desserts requested – please let Steve know if you can offer one.

Cakes and biscuits request please for Emma’s leaving service on Sunday 8th October for the 11.00 service at St Just to which all the Roseland churches have been invited. Please sign on the list in church at the Sunday services or let Sophia know if you are able to offer. Many thanks

A message from Father Doug Robins: Hungrytown folk duo are performing at Veryan Church on Tuesday, 10 October 7.30pm, featuring the American husband and wife folk duo. They are on a tour of Scotland and England until the end of October. The concert in Veryan is the only performance in Cornwall and West Devon. They are internationally renowned so it is a big thing to have them here. Tickets £10 from CRBO.co.uk. U16 free with a paying adult.

Roseland Prayer Meeting
Starting in the autumn, the plan is to offer a monthly prayer meeting in Philleigh Community Centre and simultaneously online through Zoom for a time of prayer. An opportunity for us across the Roseland to pray for our coming together as a benefice and for the needs of our churches and villages. More information on the link below with the opportunity to select the most suitable time for you. Note: you may need to open this email in a new window to open the document.

Roseland Prayer meeting letter https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZAMze33JQaEzY-FgDC0xwg7CfkxGYVzi/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=116936107610901789068&rtpof=true&sd=true

St Just Feast 22nd October – our local organisations are invited but if you wish to invite one with which you are involved, please check with Sophia they are on our list. This year we are welcoming Liam Mulvin to give us a talk on Coastwatch. You may recall he frequently provides an update on their activities in the Roseland Magazine.

Half term family craft sessions will be on offer on Monday 23rd and Friday 27th October 10.30-12 in the Millennium Rooms.

The Prayer Chain: If you would like a concern ‘covered by prayer’ for upcoming surgery, injury, a challenging situation, or life difficulties, please contact either Katie Taurins or Penny Leach and they will put your request onto the prayer group WhatsApp. Prayer requests are received and held in confidence and, should you so wish, remain anonymous to all in the group, aside from the person you contact with your request. Please phone or text Katie on 0777 690026 or Penny 07778 170247. As Paul tells us in his letter to the Philippians Chapter 4 v6 ‘do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.’

No Tuesday morning prayer this week – Penny is on leave
Details of our Church Services
Sunday 1st October Harvest Festival
17th Sunday after Trinity

8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just
9.30am Holy Communion St Mawes
11.00 am Holy Communion St Just

The Zoom service is taking a break for October

Readings: Exodus 17 verses 1-7 and Matthew 21 verses 23- 32



Saturday 7th October 7pm Parish Harvest Supper in Parish Memorial Hall St Mawes

Sunday 8th October Emma’s leaving services – cakes and biscuits requested please

Sunday 8th October 6pm Breathing Space St Just Church – a time for meditation and contemplation

Tuesday 10th October 7.30pm Hungrytown concert at Veryan church

Saturday 14th October 10-12 Coffee Morning at Penny’s, Sunnybanks Trelawney Road St Mawes TR2 5BU All welcome

Sunday 22nd October – St Just Feast (no service at St Mawes that day)

Monday 23rd October 10.30-12 Half term family craft session in the Millennium Rooms St Mawes

Friday 27th October 10.30-12 Half term family craft session in the Millennium Rooms St Mawes

Sunday 29th October – Thanksgiving and Remembrance Service 2pm St Just Church
Truro Food Bank: please continue to give much needed foods to those who are in difficulty, either in our church boxes or in a supermarket donation box


2024 Charity Christmas Cards, packs priced from £3.50, supporting Children’s Hospice South West and St Just and St Mawes Parish Churches .100% of all sales go to the charities. Available at No.4 The Arcade, St Mawes and Fudge & More, St Mawes

Emma and Penny

Emma: 07854 719655 rev.emmalouise012@gmail.com

Penny: 07778170247 revpennyjl@gmail.com

Previous notices from the Parish: September 24th 2023

Our coffee morning last Saturday and our Parish Family Garden Party were most enjoyable events. Heavy rain on Sunday morning passed to leave us with a warm sunny afternoon and the garden party was appreciated by all who came. Thank you to Angela for the idea, the offer of her garden, providing the refreshments and the treasure hunt. Jonathan Delbridge’s organ recital too was enjoyed and appreciated by everyone attending.

On Sunday 1st October our Harvest Festival services are taking place at 9.30 in St Mawes and 11.00 in St Just. Please do bring contributions to the harvest – fresh or tinned or dried food. We will be donating items to the Woman’s Refuge, St Petroc and Truro Food Bank.

In a fortnight’s time, on Saturday 7th October the Parish Harvest Supper is being held at 7pm in the Parish Memorial Hall St Mawes. A choice of a meat or vegetarian pie – please pop into 4 The Arcade to let us know you wish to come (no charge) and your choice of pie or email sparcat@hotmail.com with your request and choice. Desserts requested – please let Steve know if you can offer one.

Cakes request please for Emma’s leaving service on Sunday 8th October for the 11.00 service at St Just to which all the Roseland churches have been invited. Please sign on the list at the Sunday services or let Penny or Sophia know if you can offer cakes or biscuits. Many thanks

Roseland Prayer Meeting
Starting in the autumn, the plan is to offer a monthly prayer meeting in Philleigh Community Centre and simultaneously online through Zoom for a time of prayer. An opportunity for us across the Roseland to pray for our coming together as a benefice and for the needs of our churches and villages. More information on the link below with the opportunity to select the most suitable time for you. Note: you may need to open this email in a new window to open the document.


St Just Feast – our local organisations are invited but if you wish to invite one with which you are involved, please check with Sophia they are on our list. This year we are welcoming Liam Mulvin to give us a talk on Coastwatch. You may recall he frequently provides an update on their activities in the Roseland Magazine.

The Prayer Chain: If you would like a concern ‘covered by prayer’ for upcoming surgery, injury, a challenging situation, or life difficulties, please contact either Katie Taurins or Penny Leach and they will put your request onto the prayer group WhatsApp. Prayer requests are received and held in confidence and, should you so wish, remain anonymous to all in the group, aside from the person you contact with your request. Please phone or text Katie on 0777 690026 or Penny 07778 170247. As Paul tells us in his letter to the Philippians Chapter 4 v6 ‘do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.’
Details of our Church Services
Sunday 24th September
16th Sunday after Trinity

8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just
9.30am Holy Communion St Mawes
11.00 am Holy Communion St Just

4pm Zoom service

Zoom code for 4pm Service
Meeting ID: 879 0353 9912
Passcode: 342846

Readings: Jonah 3 v 10 and Jonah 4 v 1-11 and Matthew 20 v 1-16


Sunday 1st October Harvest Festival at both St Mawes and St Just Churches

Saturday 7th October 7pm Parish Harvest Supper in Parish Memorial Hall St Mawes

Sunday 8th October Emma’s leaving services – cakes and biscuits requested, please let Penny know if you can assist

Sunday 22nd October – St Just Feast (no service at St Mawes that day)

Sunday 29th October – Thanksgiving and Remembrance Service 2pm St Just Church
Truro Food Bank: please continue to give much needed foods to those who are in difficulty, either in our church boxes or in a supermarket donation box


2024 Charity Christmas Cards, packs priced from £3.50, supporting Children’s Hospice South West and St Just and St Mawes Parish Churches .100% of all sales go to the charities. Available at No.4 The Arcade, St Mawes and Fudge & More, St Mawes

Emma and Penny

Emma: 07854 719655 rev.emmalouise012@gmail.com

Penny: 07778170247 revpennyjl@gmail.com

Previous notices from the parish: 17th September 2023 
Tomorrow sees our September coffee morning, a week later than usual. Please come if you can 10-12 at Penny’s Sunnybanks, Trelawney Road St Mawes TR2 5BU

Then on Sunday:

Our Parish Family Garden Party: Sunday 17th September 3pm-5pm. Please do come to that too – it is being held at Angela Greenwell’s Ploughshares, Pedn Moran, St Mawes

Later still on Sunday 5-6pm at St Just Church Jonathan Delbridge organ recital – tickets from 4 The Arcade £8 or £10 on the door

A thought a little ahead: Parish Harvest Supper – Saturday 7th October 7pm in the Parish Memorial Hall St Mawes. A choice of a meat or vegetarian pie – please pop into 4 The Arcade to let us know you wish to come (no charge) and your choice of pie or email sparcat@hotmail.com with your request and choice. Desserts requested – please let Steve know if you can offer one.

Cakes request please for Emma’s leaving service on Sunday 8th October for the 11.00 service at St Just to which all the Roseland churches have been invited. Please let Penny or Sophia know if you can offer cakes or biscuits. Many thanks

Roseland Prayer Meeting
Starting in the autumn, the plan is to offer a monthly prayer meeting in Philleigh Community Centre and simultaneously online through Zoom for a time of prayer. An opportunity for us across the Roseland to pray for our coming together as a benefice and for the needs of our churches and villages.

Roseland Prayer meeting link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZAMze33JQaEzY-FgDC0xwg7CfkxGYVzi/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=116936107610901789068&rtpof=true&sd=true

St Just Feast – our local organisations are invited but if you wish to invite one with which you are involved, please check with Sophia they are on our list. This year we are welcoming Liam Mulvin to give us a talk on Coastwatch. You may recall he frequently provides an update on their activities in the Roseland Magazine.

The Prayer Chain: If you would like a concern ‘covered by prayer’ for upcoming surgery, injury, a challenging situation, or life difficulties, please contact either Katie Taurins or Penny Leach and they will put your request onto the prayer group WhatsApp. Prayer requests are received and held in confidence and, should you so wish, remain anonymous to all in the group, aside from the person you contact with your request. Please phone or text Katie on 0777 690026 or Penny 07778 170247. As Paul tells us in his letter to the Philippians Chapter 4 v6 ‘do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.’
 A reminder of the farewell to Bishop Philip with Choral Evensong on Sunday 17th September 4pm in Truro Cathedral.

Details of our Church Services
Sunday 17th September
15th Sunday after Trinity

8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just
9.30am Holy Communion St Mawes
11.00 am Holy Communion St Just

4pm Zoom service


Meeting ID: 879 0353 9912
Passcode: 342846

Readings: Romans 14 v 1-12 and Matthew 18 v 21-26 https://docs.google.com/document/d/16H7D39nJzCj-LDGKFHUwY8uiBb2S7GHt/edit?usp=drive_link&ouid=116936107610901789068&rtpof=true&sd=true

Saturday 16th September Parish Coffee morning 10-12 at Penny’s Sunnybanks, Trelawney Road St Mawes TR2 5BU
Sunday 17th September Parish Garden Party 3pm-5pm at Angela Greenwell’s Ploughshares, Pedn Moran, St Mawes
Sunday 17th September Evensong 4pm: Farewell to Bishop Philip, Truro Cathedral – all welcome
Sunday 17th September 5-6pm Jonathan Delbridge organ recital at St Just in Roseland church. Tickets £8 from No.4 The Arcade or on the door £10. 

Sunday 1st October Harvest Festival at both St Mawes and St Just Churches
Saturday 7th October 7pm Parish Harvest Supper in Parish Memorial Hall St Mawes
Sunday 8th October Emma’s leaving services – cakes and biscuits requested, please let Penny know if you can assist

Sunday 22nd October – St Just Feast (no service at St Mawes that day)
Truro Food Bank: please continue to give much needed foods to those who are in difficulty, either in our church boxes or in a supermarket donation box

2024 Charity Christmas Cards, packs priced from £3.50, supporting Children’s Hospice South West and St Just and St Mawes Parish Churches .100% of all sales go to the charities. Available at No.4 The Arcade, St Mawes and Fudge & More, St Mawes

Emma and Penny



Previous notices from the parish: Sunday 10th September  2023

Dear all 

As the school holidays have come to an end, so have our offerings of craft sessions in the St Mawes playgroup hut. Likewise refreshments at St Mawes church as the charity shop closes its doors for this season. Thank you to all who assisted in many different ways with both activities. Donations for refreshments at St Mawes reached £500 and donations at the craft sessions were given to the Recreation Committee with our thanks for the use of the premises, the location and toys available added to the attraction.

Note: Our usual 2nd Saturday coffee morning is now taking place on Saturday 16th September due to Generosity Fika
Breathing Space remains on its usual 2nd Sunday – 10th September 6pm at St Just Church – a meditative experience.

Next on the horizon:
Our Parish Family Garden Party: Sunday 17th September 3pm-5pm for which help is needed. Please do offer if you can – contact Angela Greenwell

Sunday 17th September 5-6pm St Just Church Jonathan Delbridge organ recital – tickets from 4 The Arcade or on the door – see notices

A thought ahead: Parish Harvest Supper – Saturday 7th October 7pm in the Parish Memorial Hall St Mawes. A choice of a meat or vegetarian pie – please pop into 4 The Arcade to let us know you wish to come (no charge) and your choice of pie or email sparcat@hotmail.com with your request and choice. Desserts requested – please let Steve know if you can offer one.

Roseland Prayer Meeting
Starting in the autumn, the plan is to offer a monthly prayer meeting in Philleigh Community Centre and simultaneously online through Zoom for a time of prayer. An opportunity for us across the Roseland to pray for our coming together as a benefice and for the needs of our churches and villages. Please click on this link for further details – with the opportunity to indicate the most suitable time for you.

The Prayer Chain: If you would like a concern ‘covered by prayer’ for upcoming surgery, injury, a challenging situation, or life difficulties, please contact either Katie Taurins or Penny Leach and they will put your request onto the prayer group WhatsApp. Prayer requests are received and held in confidence and, should you so wish, remain anonymous to all in the group, aside from the person you contact with your request. Please phone or text Katie on 0777 690026 or Penny 07778 170247. As Paul tells us in his letter to the Philippians Chapter 4 v6 ‘do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.’

 A reminder of the farewell to Bishop Philip with Choral Evensong on Sunday 17th September 4pm in Truro Cathedral.

Details of our Church Services

Sunday 10th September
14th Sunday after Trinity

8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just
9.30am Holy Communion St Mawes
11.00 am Holy Communion St Just

4pm Zoom service
6pm Breathing Space St Just Church

Zoom code for 4pm Service


Meeting ID: 879 0353 9912
Passcode: 342846

Readings: Romans 13 verses 8-13 and Matthew 18 verses 15-20 

Saturday 16th September Parish Coffee morning 10-12 at Penny’s Sunnybanks, Trelawney Road St Mawes TR2 5BU

Sunday 17th September Parish Garden Party 3pm-5pm at Angela Greenwell’s Ploughshares, Pedn Moran, St Mawes

Sunday 17th September Evensong 4pm: Farewell to Bishop Philip, Truro Cathedral – all welcome

Sunday 17th September 5-6pm Jonathan Delbridge organ recital at St Just in Roseland church. Tickets £8 from No.4 The Arcade or on the door £10. 

Sunday 1st October Harvest Festival at both St Mawes and St Just Churches

Saturday 7th October 7pm Parish Harvest Supper in Parish Memorial Hall St Mawes

Sunday 8th October Emma’s leaving services – cakes and biscuits requested, please let Penny know if you can assist

Sunday 22nd October – St Just Feast (no service at St Mawes that day)

Truro Food Bank: please continue to give much needed foods to those who are in difficulty, either in our church boxes or in a supermarket donation box



2024 Charity Christmas Cards, packs priced from £3.50, supporting Children’s Hospice South West and St Just and St Mawes Parish Churches -100% of all sales go to the charities. Available at No.4 The Arcade, St Mawes and Fudge & More, St Mawes

Emma and Penny

Penny : 07778 170247

Previous notices from the Parish: Sunday 3rd September 2023

Dear all

So good to see so many of regulars and visitors at all our services last Sunday on the bank holiday weekend.

Church refreshments are continuing this week on Monday and Thursday afternoons in St Mawes church whilst the charity shop remains open and with many thanks to all who are baking and serving.

Generosity Fika Saturday 9th September 9.00 for 9.30 in Tregony Church Hall.

Please come and join if you can – see the poster and let Douglas know if you are able to come.

Note: Our usual 2nd Saturday coffee morning is now taking place on Saturday 16th September due to Generosity Fika

Help needed: Please help if you can: Planning for our Parish Family Garden Party on Sunday 17th September 3pm-5pm continues with our offering parachute games, races, a treasure hunt and cream teas and hot dogs in a bun. An afternoon for all the family. If you are able to assist, please let Angela know, all help in advance or on the afternoon gratefully received.

Roseland Prayer Meeting

Starting in the autumn, the plan is to offer a monthly prayer meeting in Philleigh Community Centre and simultaneously online through Zoom for a time of prayer. An opportunity for us across the Roseland to pray for our coming together as a benefice and for the needs of our churches and villages. More details to follow.

The Prayer Chain: If you would like a concern ‘covered by prayer’ for upcoming surgery, injury, a challenging situation, or life difficulties, please contact either Katie Taurins or Penny Leach and they will put your request onto the prayer group WhatsApp. Prayer requests are received and held in confidence and, should you so wish, remain anonymous to all in the group, aside from the person you contact with your request. Please phone or text Katie on 0777 690026 or Penny 07778 170247. As Paul tells us in his letter to the Philippians Chapter 4 v6 ‘do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.’

Other News

Saturday 9th September 9.00 Generosity Fika in Tregony Church Hall

Douglas Wren sends this invitation and asks all coming to let him know. Please do give this a priority if you are able to attend:

“Dear brothers and sisters

Please see the poster about the Fika to be held on 9th September.

People can sign up by emailing me: roseland.rector@gmail.com, calling me on 01872 229861, writing to me at 39 Fore Street, TR2 5RW or inviting me to supper in order to tell me face to face. The deadline for bookings is 2pm on Friday 8th.

I do hope that all the churches will be represented, not only because the content should be good but also because it will be a great opportunity to build relationships between our church communities. Anyone is welcome to come and I hope that PCC members in particular will be able to be with us.

Yours Douglas

Revd. Douglas Wren

Oversight Minister for the Roseland

Confirmation classes

As you may have seen in the Roseland Magazine, Confirmation Classes will be starting in the autumn for those who have been baptised but not yet confirmed. Please have a word with Penny if this is of interest to hear more. A Confirmation Service led by Bishop Hugh will be taking place at Veryan in November.

Farewell to Bishop Philip

All are invited to Choral Evensong on Sunday 17th September 4pm in Truro Cathedral.

Details of our Church Services
Sunday 3rd September
13th Sunday after Trinity

8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just
9.30am Holy Communion St Mawes
11.00 am Holy Communion St Just

4pm Zoom service


Meeting ID: 879 0353 9912
Passcode: 342846

Readings: Exodus 1 verses 8-22 and Exodus 2 verses 1-10 and Matthew 16 verses 21-28



Monday 4th September 2-4pm St Mawes Church Refreshments

Tuesday 5th September 9.30 Morning Prayer in the Parish Room, St Mawes Church, all welcome

Thursday 7th September 2-4pm St Mawes Church Refreshments

Saturday 9th September Generosity Fika 9.00 Tregony Church Hall

Sunday 10th September 6pm Breathing Space St Just Church

Looking Ahead

Saturday 16th September Parish Coffee morning 10-12 at Penny’s

Sunday 17th September Parish Garden Party 3pm-5pm at Angela Greenwell’s Ploughshares, Pedn Moran, St Mawes

Sunday 17th September – 5-6pm Jonathan Delbridge organ recital at St Just in Roseland Church. Tickets £8 from No.4 the Arcade, St Mawes  or £10 on the door.

Sunday 17th September Evensong – farewell to Bishop Philip, Truro Cathedral – all welcome

Sunday 1st October Harvest Festival at both St Mawes and St Just Churches

Saturday 7th October Harvest Supper in Parish Memorial Hall St Mawes

Sunday 8th October Emma’s leaving services – cakes and biscuits requested, please let Penny know if you can assist

Truro Food Bank: please continue to give much needed foods to those who are in difficulty, either in our church boxes or in a supermarket donation box
Church calendar: The St Mawes and St Just in Roseland calendar for 2024 is now available and can be purchased for £6 from No.4 The Arcade, Fudge & Moore and Miss Vs. Proceeds are for the church funds.


Emma and Penny

Emma: 01326 722618 rev.emmalouise012@gmail.com

Penny: 07778170247 revpennyjl@gmail.com

Previous Notices from the parish 27th August 2023

Dear all

Welcome Companions – Sunday 27 th 11.00 service at St Just is our annual service, an opportunity to say thank you to our companions who continue to support this church.

Last Sunday’s RNLI service on St Mawes Quay was attended by the Falmouth lifeboat and their crew, thankfully not called out at that time. It was lovely to welcome them back after several years break. Thank you to them for joining us and for offering tours around the lifeboat, an offer taken up by many. Good to chat too on their visit to the St Mawes Sailing Club after the service. A very big thank you to St Anthony Noyse, wonderful accompaniment to the hymns and rousing music before and after.

As they say ‘it wouldn’t have been the same without you!’

Planning for our Parish Family Garden Party on Sunday 17 th September 3pm-5pm continues with our offering parachute games, races, a treasure hunt and cream teas and hot dogs in a bun. An afternoon for all the family. If you are able to assist please let Angela know, all help in advance or on the afternoon gratefully received.

Church refreshments on Monday and Thursday afternoons in St Mawes church continue with a steady stream of visitors and with many thanks to all who are baking and serving.

Next week Thursday 31st August sees the last of our summer holiday craft activities with schools returning the following week. These sessions have attracted both local and visitor families and the offer of the playgroup hut provides play opportunities beyond the paper plate jellyfish and underwater sticking picture which thoroughly entertained the children and allowed more time with the adults of the families to relax and chat. It has been a very successful venue and a thank you to Lydia and Katiewhose face painting has proved very popular too.

Roseland Prayer Meeting

Starting in the autumn, the plan is to offer a monthly prayer meeting in Philleigh Community Centre and simultaneously online through Zoom for a time of prayer. An opportunity for us across the Roseland to pray for our coming together as a benefice and for the needs of our churches and villages. More details to follow.

The Prayer Chain: If you would like a concern ‘covered by prayer’ for upcoming surgery, injury, a challenging situation, or life difficulties, please contact either Katie Taurins or Penny Leach and they will put your request onto the prayer group WhatsApp. Prayer requests are received and held in confidence and, should you so wish, remain anonymous to all in the group, aside from the person you contact with your request. Please phone or text Katie on 0777 690026 or Penny 07778 170247.

As Paul tells us in his letter to the Philippians Chapter 4 v6 ‘do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.’

Other News

Saturday 9 th September 9.00 Generosity Fika in Tregony Church Hall

Douglas Wren sends this invitation and asks all coming to let him know. Please do give this a priority if you are able to attend:

“Dear brothers and sisters

Please see the poster about the Fika to be held on 9th September.

People can sign up by emailing me: roseland.rector@gmail.com, calling me on

01872 229861, writing to me at 39 Fore Street, TR2 5RW or inviting me to supper in

order to tell me face to face. The deadline for bookings is 2pm on Friday 8th.

I do hope that all the churches will be represented, not only because the content

should be good but also because it will be a great opportunity to build relationships

between our church communities. Anyone is welcome to come and I hope that PCC

members in particular will be able to be with us.



Revd. Douglas Wren

Oversight Minister for the Roseland”

Confirmation classes

As you may have seen in the Roseland Magazine, Confirmation Classes will be starting in the autumn for those who have been baptised but not yet confirmed. Please have a word with Penny if this is of interest to hear more.

A Confirmation Service led by Bishop Hugh will be taking place at Veryan in November.

Farewell to Bishop Philip All are invited to Choral Evensong on Sunday 17 th September 4pm in Truro Cathedral.

Details of our Church Services : Sunday 27 th August 12 th Sunday after Trinity

8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just

9.30am Holy Communion St Mawes

11.00 am Holy Communion St Just with thanks to the St Just Companions

4pm Zoom service

Readings: Exodus 1 verses 8 -22 and Exodus 2 verses 1-10 and Matthew 16 verses 13-20



Monday 28th August 2-4pm St Mawes Church Refreshments

Tuesday 29th August 9.30 Morning Prayer in the Parish Room, St Mawes Church,all welcome

Thursday 31st August 10-12 Family craft activities in the Playgroup Hut, Recreation Ground St Mawes

Thursday 31st August 2-4pm St Mawes Church Refreshments

Looking Ahead

Saturday 9 th September Generosity Fika 9.00 Tregony Church Hall

Sunday 17th September Parish Garden Party 3pm-5pm at Angela Greenwell’s Ploughshares, Pedn Moran, St Mawes

Sunday 17th September 5-6pm Jonathan Delbridge Organ Recital at St Just in Roseland Church. Tickets £8 from No.4 the Arcade, St Mawes  or £10 on the door.

Sunday 17 th September Evensong – farewell to Bishop Philip, Truro Cathedral –all welcome

Sunday 1 st October Harvest Festival at both St Mawes and St Just Churches

Saturday 7 th October Harvest Supper in Parish Memorial Hall St Mawes

Sunday 8 th October Emma’s leaving services – cakes and biscuits requested, please let Penny know if you can assist

Truro Food Bank: please continue to give much needed foods to those who are in difficulty, either in our church boxes or in a supermarket donation box

Church calendar: The St Mawes and St Just in Roseland calendar for 2024 is now available and can be purchased for £6 from No.4 The Arcade, Fudge & Moore and Miss Vs. Proceeds are for the church funds.


Emma and Penny





Previous notices from the parish 20th August 2023

Dear all

Sunday 20th at 6pm sees the RNLI service on St Mawes Quay, the first time since before Covid. This is a chance to celebrate God’s creation and give thanks for the maritime emergency services who support  ‘all those in peril on the sea’. Musical accompaniment is being provided by St Anthony Noyse, please do come if you can.

Our coffee morning last Saturday was its usual convivial occasion with delicious apple cake and chocolate brownies.  Plea from Penny – vacancies for bakers in September and October – anyone who can bake please offer to Penny!

It was lovely to welcome Douglas to our services last Sunday, a chance to say hello and share a little time together. In anticipation of the formation of the Roseland Benefice and Douglas’ formal appointment as Oversight Minister, Douglas has been exploring our churches and villages and meeting Roseland folk, often on foot with their dog, Pip.

A rather murky evening provided a quiet peaceful backdrop to Breathing Space last Sunday with a meditation around psalm 62.

Next Sunday 27th at 11.00 our annual Companions Service is taking place at St Just Church as an integral part of our Holy Communion service. An opportunity to say thank you to companions who wish to continue to support our church.

Advance notice of plans now in place for our Parish Garden Party on Sunday 17th September 3pm-5pm offering family games, races, a treasure hunt and cream teas and hot dogs in a bun. An afternoon for all the family. Please put the date in your diary.

Church refreshments on Monday and Thursday afternoons in St Mawes church and craft activities on Thursday mornings in the playgroup hut, St Mawes, continue with a steady stream of visitors and with many thanks to all who are helping with these activities.

Emma thanks all who have given her newspapers –she now has plenty! Emma’s last service with us is Sunday 8th October. All the Roseland churches are invited to attend the 11.00 service at St Just which will be followed by coffee, tea and cake. Please put the date in your diary.

The Prayer Chain: If you would like a concern ‘covered by prayer’ for upcoming surgery, injury, a challenging situation, or life difficulties, please contact either Katie Taurins or Penny Leach and they will put your request onto the prayer group WhatsApp. Prayer requests are received and held in confidence and, should you so wish, remain anonymous to all in the group, aside from the person you contact with your request. Please phone or text Katie on 0777 690026 or Penny 07778 170247. As Paul tells us in his letter to the Philippians Chapter 4 v6 ‘do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.’

Other News

Saturday 9th September 9.00 Generosity Fika in Tregony Church Hall

Please see the poster below and do come along as we gather together from the Roseland churches

Confirmation classes

As you may have seen in the Roseland Magazine, Confirmation Classes will be starting in the autumn for those who have been baptised but not yet confirmed. Please have a word with Penny if this is of interest to hear more. A Confirmation Service led by Bishop Hugh will be taking place at Veryan in November.

Farewell to Bishop Philip

All are invited to Evensong on Sunday 17th September 4pm in Truro Cathedral

Details of our Church Services
Sunday 20th August
11th Sunday after Trinity

8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just
9.30am Holy Communion St Mawes
11.00 am Holy Communion St Just
4pm Zoom service

6pm RNLI service on St Mawes Quay

Readings: Genesis 45 verses 1-15 and Matthew 15 verses 21-28


The week ahead:

Monday 21st August 2-4pm St Mawes Church Refreshments

Tuesday 22nd August 9.30 Morning Prayer in the Parish Room, St Mawes Church, all welcome

Thursday 24th August 10-12 Family craft activities in the Playgroup Hut, Recreation Ground St Mawes

Thursday 24th August 2-4pm St Mawes Church Refreshments

Sunday 27th August Companions Service 11.00 St Just Church

Looking further ahead:

Saturday 9th September Generosity Fika 9.00 Tregony Church Hall

Sunday 17th September Parish Garden Party 3pm-5pm at Angela Greenwell’s Ploughshares, Pedn Moran, St Mawes

Sunday 17th September Evensong – farewell to Bishop Philip, Truro Cathedral – all welcome

Sunday 1st October Harvest Festival at both St Mawes and St Just Churches

Saturday 7th October Harvest Supper in Parish Memorial Hall St Mawes, details to follow

Sunday 8th October Emma’s leaving services

Truro Food Bank: please continue to give much needed foods to those who are in difficulty, either in our church boxes or in a supermarket donation box

Church calendar: The St Mawes and St Just in Roseland calendar for 2024 is now available and can be purchased for £6 from No.4 The Arcade, Fudge & Moore and Miss Vs. Proceeds are for the church funds.


Emma and Penny

rev.emmalouise012@gmail.com 07854719655

revpennyjl@gmail.com 07778170247

Previous notices from the parish: 12th August 2023

Dear all

Tomorrow, 12th August 10-12 sees our monthly coffee morning at Penny’s home, Sunnybanks Trelawney Road, St Mawes TR2 5BU. Please do come if you can, as always coffee, tea and delicious cake on offer.

Sunday 13th August Revd Douglas Wren, the Roseland Oversight Minister, is participating in our services, presiding at 8.00 Book of Common Prayer at St Just and preaching and sharing leading at 9.30 in St Mawes and 11.00 at St Just with Penny. We look forward to welcoming Douglas.

Also on Sunday 13th August our monthly Breathing Space takes place – 6pm St Just Church – a chance to meditate, pray and soak up the atmosphere of this ancient church.

Next Sunday 20th August sees the RNLI Lifeboat service to be held at 6pm on St Mawes Harbour Quay, hymns and prayers as we celebrate this part of God’s creation.
Emma has asked for folk to save newspapers in preparation for her packing up for her move to Penryn in a few weeks’ time. Emma’s last service with us is Sunday 8th October. Please put the date in your diary and let Emma know if you are able to provide her with newspaper.  All the Roseland churches are invited to attend the 11.00 service at St Just on 8th October which will be followed by coffee, tea and cake.

Advance notice of plans now in place for our Parish Garden Party on Sunday 17th September 3pm-5pm offering family games, races, a treasure hunt and cream teas and hot dogs in a bun. An afternoon for all the family. Please put the date in your diary.

Church refreshments on Monday and Thursday afternoons in St Mawes church and craft activities on Thursday mornings in the playgroup hut, St Mawes, continue with a steady stream of visitors and with many thanks to all who are helping with these activities.

The Prayer Chain: If you would like a concern ‘covered by prayer’ for upcoming surgery, injury, a challenging situation, or life difficulties, please contact either Katie Taurins or Penny Leach and they will put your request onto the prayer group WhatsApp. Prayer requests are received and held in confidence and, should you so wish, remain anonymous to all in the group, aside from the person you contact with your request. Please phone or text Katie on 0777 690026 or Penny 07778 170247. As Paul tells us in his letter to the Philippians Chapter 4 v6 ‘do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.’

Details of our Church Services
Sunday 13th August
10th Sunday after Trinity

8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just
9.30am Holy Communion St Mawes
11.00 am Holy Communion St Just

4pm Zoom service
Readings: Romans 10 verses 5- 15 and Matthew 14 verses 22-33


Saturday 12th August 10-12 Monthly Coffee Morning at Penny’s home, Sunnybanks Trelawney Road, St Mawes TR2 5BU

Sunday 13th August 6pm Monthly Breathing Space at St Just Church. Please come to this relaxing space

Monday 14th August 2-4pm St Mawes Church Refreshments

Tuesday 15th August 9.30 Morning Prayer in the Parish Room, St Mawes Church, all welcome

Thursday 17th August 10-12 Family craft activities in the Playgroup Hut, Recreation Ground St Mawes

Sunday 20th August 6pm -RNLI service on St Mawes Quay

Thursday 17th August 2-4pm St Mawes Church Refreshments

Looking Ahead

Sunday 27th August Companions Service 11.00 St Just Church

Sunday 17th September Parish Garden Party 3pm-5pm at Angela Greenwell’s Ploughshares, Pedn Moran, St Mawes

Sunday 1st October Harvest Festival at both St Mawes and St Just

Saturday 7th October Harvest Supper in Parish Memorial Hall St Mawes, details to follow

Sunday 8th October Emma’s leaving services

Truro Food Bank: please continue to give much needed foods to those who are in difficulty, either in our church boxes or in a supermarket donation box

Church calendar: The St Mawes and St Just in Roseland calendar for 2024 is now available and can be purchased for £6 from No.4 The Arcade, Fudge & Moore and Miss Vs. Proceeds are for the church funds.

Emma and Penny

Emma: 01326 722618
Penny : 07778 170247

Previous notices from the Parish: Sunday 6th August 2023

Dear all

Next Saturday, 12th August 10-12 sees our monthly coffee morning at Penny’s home, Sunnybanks Trelawney Road, St Mawes TR2 5BU. Please do come if you can, as always coffee, tea and delicious cake on offer.

On Sunday 13th August our monthly Breathing Space takes place – 6pm St Just Church – a chance to meditate, pray and soak up the atmosphere of this ancient church. Next Sunday also sees our first visit of Revd Douglas Wren, the Roseland Oversight Minister, to our Sunday services, we look forward to welcoming Douglas.

Both St Mawes and St Just churches are receiving many visitors, a chance to see our churches, light a candle and take a moment to experience the peace of these places.

Moving On

Emma has asked for folk to save newspapers in preparation for her packing up for her move to Penryn in a few weeks’ time. Emma’s last service with us is Sunday 8th October. All the Roseland churches are invited to attend the 11.00 service at St Just which will be followed by coffee, tea and cake. Please put the date in your diary and let Emma know if you are able to provide her with newspaper.

Around the villages

St Just in Roseland Institute Summer Fete had great support last Sunday with lovely raffle prizes, plants and cakes accompanied by Du Hag Owr whose voices filled the room. Church refreshments on Monday and Thursday afternoons and craft activities on Thursday mornings continue with thanks to all who are helping with these activities.

St Mawes Carnival has provided entertainment this week with full houses for the quiz night and family bingo. Despite the rain, families lined the harbour walls for the crabbing competition with great patience as the crabs chose to remain elusive. Saturday sees stalls on the quay, the dog show on harbour beach and the carnival.

The Prayer Chain: If you would like a concern ‘covered by prayer’ for upcoming surgery, injury, a challenging situation, or life difficulties, please contact either Katie Taurins or Penny Leach and they will put your request onto the prayer group WhatsApp. Prayer requests are received and held in confidence and, should you so wish, remain anonymous to all in the group, aside from the person you contact with your request. Please phone or text Katie on 0777 690026 or Penny 07778 170247. As Paul tells us in his letter to the Philippians Chapter 4 v6 ‘do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.’

Details of our Church Services
Sunday 6th August
9th Sunday after Trinity

8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just
9.30am Holy Communion St Mawes
11.00 am Holy Communion St Just

4pm Zoom service
Readings: Daniel 7 verses 9-10 and 13- 14  and Luke 9 verses 28-36


Monday 7th August 2-4pm St Mawes Church Refreshments

Tuesday 8th August 9.30 Morning Prayer in the Parish Room, St Mawes Church, all welcome

Thursday 10th August 10-12 Family craft activities in the Playgroup Hut, Recreation Ground St Mawes

Thursday 10th August 2-4pm St Mawes Church Refreshments

Saturday 12th August 10-12 Monthly Coffee Morning at Penny’s home, Sunnybanks Trelawney Road, St Mawes TR2 5BU

Sunday 13th August 6pm Monthly Breathing Space at St Just Church. Please come to this relaxing space

Looking Ahead

Sunday 13th August – all services – we welcome Revd Douglas Wren

Sunday 20th August – RNLI service at 6pm on St Mawes Quay

Sunday 27th August Companions Service 11.00 St Just Church

Sunday 1st October Harvest Festival at both St Mawes and St Just

Sunday 8th October Emma’s leaving services

Truro Food Bank: please continue to give much needed foods to those who are in difficulty, either in our church boxes or in a supermarket donation box



Church calendar: The St Mawes and St Just in Roseland calendar for 2024 is now available and can be purchased for £6 from No.4 The Arcade, Fudge & Moore and Miss Vs. Proceeds are for the church funds.

Emma and Penny

Emma: 01326 722618
Penny : 07778 170247

Previous notices from: Sunday 30th July 2023

Dear all

After a quiet start a steady stream of visitors are taking a refreshment break in St Mawes church, on offer Monday and Thursday afternoons. A welcome refreshment after visiting the Kay Bain charity shop. Thank you to all who are baking and assisting and a particular thank you to David for organising all the signage.

The first session of the family craft activities took place on Thursday, local and visitor families making sea side scene pictures, a paper plate jellyfish and colouring. One whole family of 3 generations had great fun filling a lorry with playdough figures.  Many leaving the premises walked through the village bedecked with face paints – thank you to the face painting team:  Lydia, Anna, Evie and Isla.  It was a real draw to the other craft activities that are on offer.  Thank you to all the craft helpers.

The playgroup hut makes a great venue, such a good size room and currently with playgroup equipment still present. The playgroup has sadly closed as too few young children are attending but the aim is to use the building for a youth group starting in the autumn, a good location for both outside and inside activities.

St Just in Roseland Institute Summer Fete is taking place on Sunday 30th 2.30-4.30pm. Please do come and support this if you are able. Entertainment is promised.

St Mawes Carnival Week commences on Monday 31st July, with daily family events and activities. The carnival programme front cover was designed by Maria (known to us as Mary at St Mawes school) is one of our Ukrainian guests.  The programme is available from St Mawes Post Office and details online on the Falriver website:


We continue to welcome our summer visitors, many returning and others on their first visit.

St Mawes Church Refreshments

Over the summer period St Mawes Church are offering refreshments on Monday and Thursday afternoons – 2-4pm whilst the Kay Bain charity shop is open in St Mawes Church hall. Please do time your visit to the charity shop to come and join us or just come and join in with a cuppa and cake (there’s always cake!).

Whilst at the other end of the village:

Family Children Summer activities

Each week on Thursdays 10-12 from 27th July-31st August in the St Mawes playgroup hut in the Recreation Ground.  Crafts and face painting on offer, make a jellyfish or an ice lolly, an underwater sea scene or use your imagination. No charge

The Prayer Chain: If you would like a concern ‘covered by prayer’ for upcoming surgery, injury, a challenging situation, or life difficulties, please contact either Katie Taurins or Penny Leach and they will put your request onto the prayer group WhatsApp. Prayer requests are received and held in confidence and, should you so wish, remain anonymous to all in the group, aside from the person you contact with your request. Please phone or text Katie on 0777 690026 or Penny 07778 170247. As Paul tells us in his letter to the Philippians Chapter 4 v6 ‘do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.’

Details of our Church Services
Sunday 30th July
8th Sunday after Trinity

8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just
9.30am Holy Communion St Mawes
11.00 am Holy Communion St Just

4pm Zoom service
Zoom link for 4pm service
4 pm Zoom Sunday Service Spiritual Communion

Meeting ID: 875 9697 8725
Passcode: 366304

Readings: Romans 8 verses 26- 39 and Matthew 13 verses 31-33 and 44-52



Sunday 30th July 2.30 – 4.30 pm St Just Fete, St Just Institute

Monday 31st July 2-4pm St Mawes Church Refreshments

Tuesday 1st August 9.30am Morning Prayer in the Parish Room, St Mawes Church, all welcome

Thursday 3rd August 10am -12 noon Family craft activities in the Playgroup Hut, Recreation Ground St Mawes

Thursday 3rd August 2-4pm St Mawes Church Refreshments

Looking Ahead

Sunday 20th August at 6pm RNLI Service on St Mawes Quay

Sunday 27th August at 11.00am Companions Service St Just Church

Truro Food Bank: please continue to give much needed foods to those who are in difficulty, either in our church boxes or in a supermarket donation box



Church calendar: The St Mawes and St Just in Roseland calendar for 2024 is now available and can be purchased for £6 from No.4 The Arcade, Fudge & Moore and Miss Vs. Proceeds are for the church funds.

Emma and Penny

Emma: 01326 722618
Penny : 07778 170247

Previous notices : Sunday 23rd July 2023

Dear all

This weekly mailing returns with news of our churches for the coming week.

Rev’d Emma has announced her move to pastures new. Emma has been appointed Oversight Minister in Penryn, part of Carnmarth South Deanery and will be moving to her new role in October. Congratulations Emma, we will miss you. Her leaving service will take place on Sunday 8th October, more details to follow in due course. Thank you, Emma for all your work during your time here. Please pray for Emma as she begins preparations for her move.

The concert given by organist Dr Rebekah Okpoti’s in St Just church was very much appreciated and the July coffee morning attendance exceeded expectations, a good time was had by all.

St Mawes Primary School term finishes today, we say goodbye and best wishes for the future for Year 6 moving to secondary school in September.

The students very actively supported the St Mawes Garden Show, an example of exhibits below and the end of term play ‘The Island that Rocks’ was both extremely entertaining and with a serious message. Well done all.

Clive Johns has a new granddaughter, Elodie Jane, congratulations to Laura and Stephen. Elodie was born on 15th July and weighed 8lbs 91/4 oz. Mother and baby are doing well!

We welcome our summer visitors, many returning and others on their first visit.

St Mawes Church Refreshments

Over the summer period St Mawes Church are offering refreshments on Monday and Thursday afternoons – 2-4pm whilst the Kay Bain charity shop is open in St Mawes Church hall. Please do time your visit to the charity shop to come and join us or just come and join in with a cuppa and cake (there’s always cake!).

Whilst at the other end of the village:

Family Children Summer activities

Each week on Thursdays 10-12 from 27th July-31st August in the St Mawes playgroup hut in the Recreation Ground.  Crafts and face painting on offer, make a jellyfish or an ice lolly, an underwater sea scene or use your imagination. No charge

The Prayer Chain: If you would like a concern ‘covered by prayer’ for upcoming surgery, injury, a challenging situation, or life difficulties, please contact either Katie Taurins or Penny Leach and they will put your request onto the prayer group WhatsApp. Prayer requests are received and held in confidence and, should you so wish, remain anonymous to all in the group, aside from the person you contact with your request. Please phone or text Katie on 0777 690026 or Penny 07778 170247. As Paul tells us in his letter to the Philippians Chapter 4 v6 ‘do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.’

Details of our Church Services
Sunday 23rd July
7th Sunday after Trinity

8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just
9.30am Holy Communion St Mawes
11.00 am Holy Communion St Just

4pm Zoom service

4 pm Zoom Sunday Service Spiritual Communion

Meeting ID: 875 9697 8725
Passcode: 366304

Readings: Genesis 28 v 10-19a and John 1 v 43-51 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wUIA5bx7mmxSmJR1jZdB9Vv9sgwBTU9f/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=116936107610901789068&rtpof=true&sd=true


Monday 24th July 2-4pm St Mawes Church Refreshments

Tuesday 25th July 9.30 Morning Prayer in the Parish Room, St Mawes Church, all welcome

Thursday 27th July 10-12 Family craft activities in the Playgroup Hut, Recreation Ground St Mawes

Thursday 27th July 2-4pm St Mawes Church Refreshments

Truro Food Bank: please continue to give much needed foods to those who are in difficulty, either in our church boxes or in a supermarket donation box

Church calendar: The St Mawes and St Just in Roseland calendar for 2024 is now available and can be purchased for £6 from No.4 The Arcade, Fudge & Moore and Miss Vs. Proceeds are for the church funds.

Emma and Penny

Emma: 01326 722618
Penny : 07778 170247

Previous notices from the Parish: Sunday 2nd, 9th and 16th July 2023

Dear all




Last Saturday saw Penny’s priesting in Truro Cathedral, followed by her first communion on Sunday in St Just with a packed church, then the delicious buffet lunch. Penny says ‘it has been an amazing time. I am gradually descending from those dizzy heights. Thank you to so many of you who came to this joyous occasion and one or both services. Thank you too for all the cards, texts, emails and presents, so much appreciated and with lovely messages. Another thank you is to the Roseland Churches Choir and to the Phillies for their contribution to the music for the Sunday service, they added so much and it is so lovely to be able to sing together ‘raising the roof’. I really appreciated seeing so many friends from other Roseland churches, thank you for giving up your local service to enable us all to join together. I do hope we are able to do this again in one of your churches. Blessings all.’

Thursday Organ Recital:

The Girly Organist aka Dr Rebekah Okpoti is an Organist, Composer, Academic and Influencer in the UK. She is a music lecturer at Liverpool Hope University and in May 2023 Dr Rebekah Okpoti was appointed coordinator of a quarter of a million pounds Church of England project for the Diocese of Blackburn. Together with the Choir Church Foundation this project will see 24 new congregations launched across the red rose county by 2026.

Our organist Nigel Conway-Hewett writes ‘Rebekah caught my attention whilst on a visit to St Ives last year. She is what one might say, ‘A bright spark’ which is reflected in the way she interprets organ music. I introduced myself and asked if she would be interested to visit St Just in Roseland Church and give a recital. Rebekah had heard of us and offered to give a recital. Rebekah is worthy of ‘bums on seats’ so please do come. I am confident you will be entertained.’

Coffee Morning: Saturday 8th July 10-12 at

Penny’s home: Sunnybanks, Trelawney Road, St Mawes TR2 5BU

Please do come and join us

Family Children Summer activities: Dates: weekly on Thursdays 10-12 from 27th July-31st August. Thank you to all who have already offered to assist. Assistance with craft preparation, serving refreshments and generally helping would be much appreciated at one or more sessions. Please let Penny know if you can help.

Charity Shop Church Refreshments

Refreshments will be on offer on Monday and Thursday afternoons between 2-4 in the Parish Room or outside weather permitting. The charity shop opens on Monday 17th July and continues until the end of August. Contributions of cakes and biscuits welcome as well as volunteers to run the sessions. Please do sign up if you can help on one or more sessions.

The Prayer Chain: If you would like a concern ‘covered by prayer’ for upcoming surgery, injury, a challenging situation, or life difficulties, please contact either Katie Taurins or Penny Leach and they will put your request onto the prayer group WhatsApp. Prayer requests are received and held in confidence and, should you so wish, remain anonymous to all in the group, aside from the person you contact with your request. Please phone or text Katie on 0777 690026 or Penny 07778 170247. As Paul tells us in his letter to the Philippians Chapter 4 v6do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.’

Details of our Church Services for Sunday 2nd, 9th and 16th July
Sundays 2nd, 9th & 16th July
4th, 5th & 6th Sunday after Trinity

8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just
9.30am Holy Communion St Mawes
11.00 am Holy Communion St Just

4pm Zoom service

Sunday 9th July Breathing Space 6pm St Just Church

Zoom link for 4pm service
4 pm Zoom Sunday Service Spiritual Communion

Meeting ID: 875 9697 8725
Passcode: 366304


2nd July: Jeremiah 28 v 5-9, Matthew 10 v 40 – end

9th July:  Zechariah 9 v 9-12, Matthew 11 v 16-19 and 25 – end

16th July: Isaiah 53 v 10-13, Matthew 13 v 1-9 and 18 -23


NO Tuesday Morning Prayer 4th July – Penny is at her last training day of this academic year. On offer again Tuesday 11th and 18th 9.30 St Mawes Church

Thursday 6th July 6pm: Organ recital: Rebekah Okpoti, Associate Organist at Leeds Cathedral, is giving a recital at St Just Church. Tickets £5 from No.4 The Arcade, St Mawes

Saturday 8th July Coffee Morning 10-12 at Penny’s Sunnybanks, Trelawney Road, St Mawes TR2 5BU

Sunday 9th July Breathing Space 6pm St Just Church – a peaceful time of meditation and reflection, an opportunity to rest and soak up the atmosphere in St Just Church – please do come if you have never tried this

Tuesday 11th 9.30 Morning Prayer St Mawes Church

Tuesday 18th 9.30 Morning Prayer St Mawes Church

Church calendar: The St Mawes and St Just in Roseland calendar for 2024 is now available and can be purchased for £6 from No.4 The Arcade, Fudge & Moore and Miss Vs. Proceeds are for the church funds.

Truro Food Bank: please continue to give much needed foods to those who are in difficulty



Emma and Penny

Emma: 01326 722618
Penny : 07778 170247

Previous notices from the parish: Sunday 25th June 2023

Dear all

On Monday 12th June Angela Greenwell and David Blunt were commissioned as Church Wardens for St Mawes Church at a special service by the Archdeacon at All Saints, Highertown. It was a wonderful service and we are very grateful for their support and commitment.

Tomorrow, Saturday sees Penny’s priesting in Truro Cathedral 10.30 by Bishop Hugh. All are welcome – please do come and support Penny in this very special service. Then on Sunday 25th June at 10.30 at St Just Church Penny is offering her first communion service, to which all the Roseland churches are invited and all most welcome. Please do come to that too. This will be followed by a buffet lunch for all in the Parish Hall in St Mawes.

Summer activities: the recreation committee have kindly agreed to the use of the playgroup hut in the recreation ground for a weekly two-hour family craft session in the school holidays. This will take place on Thursday mornings from 10-12. Assistance with craft preparation, serving refreshments and generally helping would be much appreciated at one or more sessions. These sessions will run from Thursday 27th July for 6 weeks to 31st August. Please let Penny know if you can help.

Volunteers also sought to assist with refreshments in St Mawes church whilst the charity shop is open. Timings have yet to be determined as this will depend upon volunteers availability. Please do offer for this – it could be offering to bake or serve as time and commitments permit. Speak to Penny.

The Prayer Chain: If you would like a concern ‘covered by prayer’ for upcoming surgery, injury, a challenging situation, or life difficulties, please contact either Katie Taurins or Penny Leach and they will put your request onto the prayer group WhatsApp. Prayer requests are received and held in confidence and, should you so wish, remain anonymous to all in the group, aside from the person you contact with your request. Please phone or text Katie on 0777 690026 or Penny 07778 170247. As Paul tells us in his letter to the Philippians Chapter 4 v6 ‘do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.’

Details of our Church Services this Sunday
Sunday 25th June
3rd Sunday after Trinity

8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just
No service at St Mawes
10.30 am Holy Communion St Just – note earlier time

4pm Zoom service – no service this week
Readings: Acts 12 verses 1-11 and Matthew 16 verses 13-19


Penny’s priesting: Saturday 24th June 10.30 Truro Cathedral: Penny is being priested in the Cathedral that morning by Bishop Hugh. All are welcome – please do come and support Penny in this very special service.

Sunday 25th June 10.30 St Just Church: Penny’s 1st Communion Service, guest preacher Rev Canon Paul Arthur. Buffet lunch follows in St Mawes

Tuesday 27th June 9.30 Morning Prayer at St Mawes Church

Organ recital: Rebekah Okpoti, Associate Organist at Leeds Cathedral, is giving a recital at St Just Church, Thursday 6th July at 6.00 p.m. Tickets £5 from No.4 The Arcade, St Mawes
Church calendar: The St Mawes and St Just in Roseland calendar for 2024 has just arrived in and can be purchased for £6 from No.4 The Arcade, Fudge & Moore and Miss Vs. Proceeds are for the church funds.

Emma and Penny

Emma: 01326 722618
Penny : 07778 170247

Previous notices from the parish: Sunday 18th June 2023

Dear all
Saturday 24th June  just a week away sees Penny’s priesting in Truro Cathedral 10.30. Lift sharing would be a great idea for a Saturday trip to Truro. Please sign on the list if you are able to offer lifts or in need of one. If you are not in church but would like to offer or attend please let Sophia know and she will put you in touch with others office@stjustandstmawes.org.uk 01326 270871

A lively and well attended coffee morning last Saturday with thanks to the baker for the delicious cake and interesting biscuits and assiduous attention from the catering assistant to our guests. It was lovely folk stayed and chatted for so long, such a time of sharing. All are welcome, the next is on Saturday 8th July, our usual 2nd Saturday of the month, please do come.

Breathing Space too was very well supported, a focus this time on Rublev’s icon of Abraham’s visitors/the Holy Trinity, a time to just sit, meditate, pray and rest. Next one Sunday 9th July.

Summer activities: the recreation committee have kindly agreed to the use of the playgroup hut in the recreation ground for a weekly two-hour family craft session in the school holidays. This will take place on Thursday mornings from 10-12. Assistance with craft preparation, serving refreshments and generally helping would be much appreciated at one or more sessions. These sessions will run from Thursday 27th July for 6 weeks to 31st August. Please let Penny know if you can help.

Volunteers also sought to assist with refreshments in St Mawes church whilst the charity shop is open. Timings have yet to be determined as this will depend upon volunteers availability. Please do offer for this – it could be offering to bake or serve as time and commitments permit. Speak to Penny.

The Prayer Chain: If you would like a concern ‘covered by prayer’ for upcoming surgery, injury, a challenging situation, or life difficulties, please contact either Katie Taurins or Penny Leach and they will put your request onto the prayer group WhatsApp. Prayer requests are received and held in confidence and, should you so wish, remain anonymous to all in the group, aside from the person you contact with your request. Please phone or text Katie on 0777 690026 or Penny 07778 170247. As Paul tells us in his letter to the Philippians Chapter 4 v6 ‘do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.’

Details of our Church Services this Sunday

Sunday 18th  June
2nd Sunday after Trinity
8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just
9.30am Holy Communion St Mawes
11.00am Holy Communion St Just
4pm Zoom service

Zoom link
4 pm Zoom Sunday Service Spiritual Communion
Meeting ID: 875 9697 8725
Passcode: 366304

Readings: Romans 5 verses 1-8 and Matthew 9 verses 35- end and Matthew 10 verses 1-8


Tuesday 20th  June 9.30 Morning Prayer at St Mawes Church

Penny’s priesting: Saturday 24th  June 10.30 Truro Cathedral: Penny is being priested in the Cathedral that morning by Bishop Hugh. All are welcome – please do come and support Penny in this very special service.

On Sunday 25th June at 10.30 at St Just Church Penny is offering her first communion service, to which all the Roseland churches are invited and all most welcome. Please do come to that too. This will be followed by a buffet lunch for all in the Parish Hall in St Mawes. We look forward to welcoming all our friends from the Roseland churches.

Organ recital: Rebekah Okpoti, Associate Organist at Leeds Cathedral, is giving a recital at St Just Church, Thursday 6th  July at 6.00 p.m. Tickets £5 from No.4 The Arcade, St Mawes

Church calendar: The St Mawes and St Just in Roseland calendar for 2024 has just arrived in and can be purchased for £6 from No.4 The Arcade, Fudge & Moore and Miss Vs. Proceeds are for the church funds.

Emma and Penny

Emma: 01326 722618
Penny : 07778 170247

Previous notices: Sunday 11th June 2023

Dear all

Tomorrow sees our monthly coffee morning, as usual 10-12 at Penny’s home, Sunnybanks, Trelawney Road, St Mawes. Please do come if you can. It is a lovely occasion to share informally with each other and welcome newcomers.

Then in addition to our usual Sunday services we have Breathing Space this Sunday 6pm in St Just church. A time of meditation and prayer in this peaceful church. Lasts around 45 minutes – do come if you have never tried it – an opportunity to put aside the activities of the day and rest in God’s presence.

This week’s PCC meeting discussed possible ways in which we could support our community during the summer period with our many visitors. We are hoping to offer a weekly morning family craft session during the school holidays and also to offer refreshments on occasion in St Mawes church whilst the Kay Bain Charity shop is offering its wares from the church hall. If anyone is able to offer to assist with either of these please get in touch with Penny. Assistance can take many forms other than being present at the activity e.g baking or craft preparation (cutting out mainly). Further ideas on what we might be able to offer are very welcome. Please do send Emma any thoughts.

The Prayer Chain: If you would like a concern ‘covered by prayer’ for upcoming surgery, injury, a challenging situation, or life difficulties, please contact either Katie Taurins or Penny Leach and they will put your request onto the prayer group WhatsApp. Prayer requests are received and held in confidence and, should you so wish, remain anonymous to all in the group, aside from the person you contact with your request. Please phone or text Katie on 0777 690026 or Penny 07778 170247. As Paul tells us in his letter to the Philippians Chapter 4 v6
do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.’

As we move further into the summer period we ask you to pray for those who visit our beautiful churches and for those who attend the churches for Sunday services and special family services.

Details of our Church Services this Sunday
Sunday 11th June
1st Sunday after Trinity

8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just
9.30am Holy Communion St Mawes
11.00am Holy Communion St Just

4pm Zoom service

6pm Breathing Space at St Just

4 pm Zoom Sunday Service Spiritual Communion
Meeting ID: 875 9697 8725
Passcode: 366304

Readings: Job 29 11-16, John 15 12-17



Monday 12th June: The St Mawes School after school club starts for this half term with a team of Penny, Helen and Carolyn. We ask for your prayers for this. We never know who will be coming but an opportunity to get to know some of the young children and talk with them about Jesus.

Tuesday 13th June 9.30: Morning Prayer at St Mawes Church

Penny’s priesting: Saturday 24th June 10.30 Truro Cathedral: Penny is a couple of weeks away from the end of her deacon year and is being priested in the Cathedral that morning by Bishop Hugh. All are welcome – please do come and support Penny in this very special service.

On Sunday 25th June at 10.30 at St Just Church Penny is offering her first communion service, to which all the Roseland churches are invited and all most welcome. Please do come to that too.

This will be followed by a buffet lunch for all in the Parish Hall in St Mawes. Penny says ‘This seemed so far off and now it is nearly here. I am so grateful to all who have been with me on this journey, I really have appreciated all your love and support.’

Organ recital: Rebekah Okpoti, Associate Organist at Leeds Cathedral, is giving a recital at St Just Church, Thursday 6th July at 6.00 p.m. Tickets £5 from No.4 The Arcade, St Mawes

Kay Bain Charity Shop: opens on Monday 17th July at St Mawes Church Rooms.

Church calendar: The St Mawes and St Just in Roseland calendar for 2024 has just arrived in and can be purchased for £6 from No.4 The Arcade, Fudge & Moore and Miss Vs. Proceeds are for the church funds.

Emma and Penny

Emma: 01326 722618
Penny: 07778 170247

Previous notices: Sunday 4th June 2023

Dear all

What an amazing week of sunny weather for all sharing this beautiful place – we hope it was a restful and refreshing break for everyone joining us for the half term holiday. With well populated beaches and many enjoying sand and sea, we pray for safe travel as our visitors return home.

The Bishops Deanery visit took place last Saturday hosted by Veryan Parish in their Sports and Social Club. Many thanks indeed for their hospitality with a splendid spread. Thank you to the donor of the tea, very much appreciated. A well-attended gathering especially by folk from the Roseland churches with presentations from both Bishops Philip and Hugh on the Saints Way and On the Way with an extensive Q & A session following. With a focus upon growing God’s church, encouraging examples of a range of church activities were offered, a good start of sharing for the Roseland as it aims to move towards a single benefice. All in all, a very stimulating and interesting session.

Prayer Chain: Katie Taurins’ suggestion of a confidential prayer group is now in place. If you would like a concern ‘covered by prayer’ for upcoming surgery, injury, a challenging situation, or life difficulties, please contact either Katie Taurins or Penny Leach and they will put your request onto the prayer group WhatsApp. Prayer requests are received and held in confidence and, should you so wish, remain anonymous to all in the group, aside from the person you contact with your request. Please phone or text Katie on 0777 690026 or Ktaurins@btinternet.com or Penny 07778 170247 or revpennyjl@gmail.com

As Paul tells us in his letter to the Philippians Chapter 4 v6
do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.’

Next Saturday 10th June sees our monthly coffee morning, as usual 10-12 at Penny’s home, Sunnybanks, Trelawney Road, St Mawes. Please do come if you can, we may be able to spend time outside, weather permitting. It is a lovely occasion to share informally with each other and welcome newcomers.

Breathing Space: Sunday 11th June at 6pm in St Just church. A time of meditation and prayer in this peaceful church. Lasts around 45 minutes – do come if you have never tried it – an opportunity to put aside the activities of the day and rest.

Details of our Church Services this Sunday
Sunday 4th June
Trinity Sunday

8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just
9.30am Holy Communion St Mawes
11.00am Holy Communion St Just
4pm Zoom service

4 pm Zoom Sunday Service Spiritual Communion
Meeting ID: 875 9697 8725
Passcode: 366304

Readings: Psalm 8 and 2 Corinthians 13.11-14 and Matthew 28 16- 20



Tuesday 6th June 9.30 Morning Prayer at St Mawes Church

Saturday 10th June 10-12 Monthly coffee morning at Penny’s, Sunnybanks, Trelawney Road, St Mawes. Please do come for coffee, cake and chat

Sunday 11th June 6pm St Just church Breathing Space: A time of meditation and reflection. Take a break from the day and spend time in this special place of worship.

The St Mawes Primary School after school club will be starting again on Monday 12th June, plans are now in place for the remainder of the summer term with grateful thanks to Helen and Carolyn

Penny’s priesting: Saturday 24th June 10.30 Truro Cathedral: Penny is close to the end of her deacon year and is being priested in the Cathedral that morning by Bishop Hugh. All are welcome – please do come and support Penny in this very special service.

On Sunday 25th June at 10.30 at St Just Church Penny is offering her first communion service, to which all the Roseland churches are invited and all most welcome. Please do come to that too.

This will be followed by a buffet lunch for all in the St Mawes Memorial Hall on which we will need an idea of numbers in due course. Penny says ‘This seemed so far off and now it is nearly here. I am so grateful to all who have been with me on this journey, I really have appreciated all your love and support.’

Organ recital: Rebekah Okpoti, Associate Organist at Leeds Cathedral, is giving a recital at St Just Church, Thursday 6th July at 6.00 p.m. Tickets £5 from No.4 The Arcade, St Mawes

Church calendar: The St Mawes and St Just in Roseland calendar for 2024 has just arrived in and can be purchased for £6 from No.4 The Arcade, Fudge & Moore and Miss Vs. Proceeds are for the church funds.

Emma and Penny

Emma: 01326 722618
Penny : 07778 170247

Previous Notices from the Parish: Sunday 28th May 2023

Dear all
Blessings to you all and I hope that you have enjoyed the lovely weather and getting outside into the gardens, countryside and for those a bit more adventurous, the sea!
Thank you to the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra Brass Octet for a wonderful concert at St Just Church on Thursday evening – the church was full and the audience really appreciated their concert which showed the range and versatility of brass instruments from classical to pop.
Saturday 27th May 4pm-6pm Veryan Sports and Social Club
Bishops Deanery Visit
Tomorrow we are all invited to Veryan Sports and Social Club to welcome both our bishops who will be available for questions and discussion.

Our two Bishops, Bishop Philip Mounstephen, Bishop of Truro and Bishop Hugh Nelson, Bishop of St Germans, our Suffragan Bishop, are visiting each Deanery in our Diocese over a few months. Ours in Powder Deanery covering Truro, the Waterside Benefice, the Probus churches and the Roseland.
This is an opportunity to meet with the Bishops, listen as they share their vision for the future and ask them questions. The session is planned to run from 4pm-6pm commencing with tea, then we hear from the Bishops with the chance to ask questions, followed by a period of worship together and the opportunity to continue with our conversations. We are very grateful to the folk of St Symphorian in Veryan for agreeing to host this event. 

Our newest PCC member Katie Taurins is starting a Prayer Chain. Having seen remarkable answers to prayer herself Katie wanted to create a Prayer Chain that would be able to offer people we love and care about special prayers which would be personal, uplifting, powerful and healing. If you would like a concern ‘covered by prayer’ for upcoming surgery, injury, a challenging situation, or life difficulties, please contact either Katie Taurins or Penny Leach and they will put your request onto the prayer group WhatsApp. Prayer requests are received and held in confidence and, should you so wish, remain anonymous to all in the group, aside from the person you contact with your request. Please phone or text Katie on 0777 690026 or Penny 07778 170247.

As Paul tells us in his letter to the Philippians Chapter 4 v6
do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.’

Details of our Church Services this Sunday
Sunday 28th May

8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just
9.30am Holy Communion St Mawes
11.00am Holy Communion St Just

4pm Zoom service
Zoom link
4 pm Zoom Sunday Service Spiritual Communion


Meeting ID: 875 9697 8725
Passcode: 366304

Readings: Acts 2 v 1-21, John 7 v 37-39


Tuesday 30th May  Morning Prayer at 9.30 am at St Mawes Church

Penny will be running the After School club at St Mawes school after half term on a Mondays from 3.15pm.  Thank you to Helen Baker and Carolyn Salisbury who are going to help her out during these sessions. 

Saturday 24th June 10.30 Truro Cathedral: Penny is almost at the end of her deacon year and is being priested in the Cathedral that morning by Bishop Hugh. All are welcome – please do come and support Penny in this very special service.
On Sunday 25th June at 10.30 at St Just Church Penny is offering her first communion service, to which all the Roseland churches are invited and all most welcome. Please do come to that too.
This will be followed by a buffet lunch for all in the St Mawes Memorial Hall on which we will need an idea of numbers in due course. Penny says ‘This seemed so far off and now suddenly it is only a few weeks away. I am so grateful to all who have been with me on this journey, I really have appreciated all your love and support.’

Hot off the press notice
:  The St Mawes and St Just in Roseland calendar for 2024 has just arrived in and can be purchased for £6  from No.4 The Arcade, Fudge & Moore and Miss Vs. Proceeds are for the church funds.

Emma and Penny

Emma: 01326 722618
Penny : 07778 170247

Previous notices from the Parish: Sunday 21st May 2023

Dear all
A busy few days last weekend – a more than usually full coffee morning – lovely to see everyone, delicious cake and very efficient assistance – thank you all for participating in these – it is good to meet in this informal way with both St Mawes and St Just folk joining together.
Breathing Space too had a good attendance with that special time of just meditating in silence together on a peaceful Sunday evening in St Just Church.
Monday evening saw our annual vestry and annual parochial church meetings at which we heard over the activities of the last year, reviewed our financial position and saw goodbyes to those stepping back and hellos to those taking on new roles. Thank you to all for their years of service and to those now volunteering for new roles. The report considered by the meeting can be found here.

Thursday was Ascension Day – with a Roseland wide service in St Philleigh – a moving celebratory occasion as we recall our Saviour’s ascension to His father. Thank you to Kay and Phil for offering us this opportunity to celebrate.
Please put the Bishops Deanery visit on 27th May into your diary – it is a great opportunity to meet our Bishops and we are very grateful to St Symphorian, Veryan for agreeing to host this, so please do support if you are able. Details below
A new initiative: an emergency confidential prayer chain on What’s App.
If you would like a concern ‘covered by prayer’ for upcoming surgery, injury, challenging situation or life difficulties, please contact Penny Leach or Katie Taurins, they will put your request onto the prayer group WhatsApp. Prayer requests are received and held in confidence and, should you so wish, remain anonymous to all in the group, aside from the person you contact with your request. Please phone or text Katie on 0777 690026 or Penny 07778 170247.
As Paul tells us in his letter to the Philippians Chapter 4 v6
do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.’

Details of our Church Services this Sunday

Sunday 21st May
7th Sunday of Easter

8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just
9.30am Holy Communion St Mawes
11.00am Holy Communion St Just

4pm Zoom service

Zoom link
4 pm Zoom Sunday Service Spiritual Communion

4 pm Zoom Sunday Service Spiritual Communion

Meeting ID: 875 9697 8725
Passcode: 366304
Readings: Acts 1 v6-14, John 17 v 1-11



No Tuesday Morning Prayer – Penny is on leave this week

Thursday 25th May St Just Church at 7pm Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra Brass Ensemble. Tickets from Carn to Cove 01726 63513 carntocove.co.uk

Saturday 27th May 4pm-6pm Veryan Sports and Social Club
Bishops Deanery Visit

Our two Bishops, Bishop Philip Mounstephen, Bishop of Truro and Bishop Hugh Nelson, Bishop of St Germans, our Suffragan Bishop, are visiting each Deanery in our Diocese over a few months. Ours in Powder Deanery covering Truro, the Waterside Benefice, the Probus churches and the Roseland.

This is an opportunity to meet with the Bishops, listen as they share their vision for the future and ask them questions. The session is planned to run from 4pm-6pm commencing with tea, then we hear from the Bishops with the chance to ask questions, followed by a period of worship together and the opportunity to continue with our conversations. We are very grateful to the folk of St Symphorian in Veryan for agreeing to host this event.

All welcome, no need to book, please put the date in your diary

Saturday 24th June 10.30 Truro Cathedral: Penny is almost at the end of her deacon year and is being priested in the Cathedral that morning by Bishop Hugh. All are welcome – please do come and support Penny in this very special service.
On Sunday 25th June at 10.30 at St Just Church Penny is offering her first communion service, to which all the Roseland churches are invited and all most welcome. Please do come to that too.
This will be followed by a buffet lunch for all in the St Mawes Memorial Hall on which we will need an idea of numbers in due course. Penny says ‘This seemed so far off and now suddenly it is only a few weeks away. I am so grateful to all who have been with me on this journey, I really have appreciated all your love and support.’
Emma and Penny

Emma: 01326 722618
Penny : 07778 170247

Previous notices from the Parish:

Sunday 14th May 2023

Over 150 visitors climbed Church Hill to St Mawes Church to view the Coronation exhibition regalia made and organised by Yvonne Fuller and hear about the meaning of the various artefacts as did the 40 pupils and staff from St Mawes Primary School. Thank you, Yvonne, for the idea and all the work involved, all very much appreciated. The exhibition ended with the reflective Vigil of Prayer service in preparation for the coronation the following morning.

Village festivities after the coronation service in both St Mawes and St Just were much enjoyed, thank you to all who organised these. Sunday morning in both churches saw beautifully decorated churches and a special Holy Communion service focusing upon the events of the day before.   

Tomorrow sees our monthly coffee morning on its usual 2nd Saturday of the month from 10-12. Thank you to bakers and catering assistants who responded to the ‘urgent’ call from last week’s mailing. The next four months are now staffed – further offerings appreciated for the future. All welcome at Penny’s: Sunnybanks, Trelawney Road St Mawes TR2 5BU

On Sunday our monthly Breathing Space takes place 6pm at St Just Church. A short meditation followed by a period of silence. If you have not experienced this form of contemplation which many find very helpful, please do come along and, as they say, ‘give it a go’.

This week sees Ascension Day and the start of Thy Kingdom Come on Thursday 18th May. St Philleigh Church are holding an Ascension Day service for the Roseland for Christians of all denominations, please do come:

Join The Roseland Churches

To celebrate Ascension Day and Thy Kingdom Come

At St. Philleigh

18th May at 7.00pm

In both St Mawes and St Just churches you will find copies of Thy Kingdom Come prayer journal with reflections for each day and a bookmark asking us to pray for 5 people we know and love to come to know the love of Christ. Please do pick these up when you come to church.
APCM: Our annual meeting is being held on Monday 15th May 7pm in St Mawes Church. Please do come. We will be electing officers for the coming year and hearing about the past year of our church life.

 Details of our Church Services this Sunday
Sunday 14th May
6th Sunday of Easter

8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just
9.30am Holy Communion St Mawes
11.00am Holy Communion St Just

4pm Zoom service
Zoom link
4 pm Zoom Sunday Service Spiritual Communion


Meeting ID: 875 9697 8725
Passcode: 366304

6pm Breathing Space at St Just church


Saturday 13th May Coffee Morning 10-12 at Sunnybanks, Trelawney Road St Mawes TR2 5BU
No Morning Prayer this week – Penny is on a training day
Monday 15th May 7pm St Mawes Church: Annual Parochial Church Meeting
Thursday 18th May 7pm Ascension Day Service St Philleigh Church
Thursday 25th May St Just Church at 7pm Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra Brass Ensemble. Tickets from Carn to Cove 01726 63513 carntocove.co.uk

Saturday 27th May 4pm-6pm Veryan Sports and Social Club
Bishops Deanery Visit
Our two Bishops, Bishop Philip Mounstephen, Bishop of Truro and Bishop Hugh Nelson, Bishop of St Germans, our Suffragan Bishop, are visiting each Deanery in our Diocese over a few months. Ours in Powder Deanery covering Truro, the Waterside Benefice, the Probus churches and the Roseland.
This is an opportunity to meet with the Bishops, listen as they share their vision for the future and ask them questions. The session is planned to run from 4pm-6pm commencing with tea, then we hear from the Bishops with the chance to ask questions, followed by a period of worship together and the opportunity to continue with our conversations. We are very grateful to the folk of St Symphorian in Veryan for agreeing to host this event.
All welcome, no need to book, please put the date in your diary.

Blessings Emma and Penny

rev.emmalouise012@gmail.com  07854719655

rev.pennyjl@gmail.com  07778170247

Previous notices from the Parish:

Sunday 7th May 2023

Dear all
The coronation tomorrow… Bunting and lights adorn St Mawes Harbour and Saturday afternoon sees a variety of village festivities follow the morning coronation service. Do join in with these. Sunday sees a special liturgy in our 9.30 and 11.00 Holy Communion services celebrating the coronation of King Charles III.

Coronation Exhibition: In preparation for this, Yvonne’s exhibition of coronation regalia in St Mawes church was a great success.  Many visitors climbed Church Hill to learn more about what this ancient ritual involves. A highlight was visits from the two classes of pupils at St Mawes School, thoroughly enjoyed, particularly the wearing of the royal robes and being ‘crowned’.  One of the boys from the school was awed by the fact that Yvonne had made the items herself. Thank you, Yvonne for promoting this idea and all the work and organisation you have put into this. It has been very much appreciated.

Later today Friday 5th May 3pm, a Vigil of Prayer service will be held in St Mawes Church– all welcome to pray for the King ahead of his coronation tomorrow.

Thursday 4th May saw a packed church in St Cuby, Tregony for the installation by Bishop Hugh of Rev Douglas Wren as our new oversight minister. The service was accompanied by the Roseland Churches Choir and Douglas was very warmly welcomed by folk from all the Roseland churches. A splendid buffet followed with the chance to catch up with friends around the Roseland. Thank you to folk in Tregony for all the organisation that went into this.

Looking ahead, Thy Kingdom Come, a worldwide time of prayer between Ascension Day and Pentecost, this year Thursday 18th May- Sunday 28th May. In both St Mawes and St Just churches you will find copies of a prayer journal with reflections for each day and a bookmark asking us to pray for 5 people we know and love to come to know the love of Christ. Please do pick these up when you come to church. An Ascension Day service for the whole Roseland will be held at Philleigh Church on the evening of 18th May – time to follow.

APCM: A reminder our annual meeting is being held on Monday 15th May 7pm in St Mawes Church.

URGENT: Bakers and catering assistants needed for the coffee mornings -please do sign up on the rota in the church if you can help. If not, please do come. The coffee mornings are a lovely opportunity to meet and chat – we can always eat biscuits!

Please continue to remember in your prayers those grieving around us in our community.

Details of our Church Services this Sunday

Sunday 7th May
5th Sunday of Easter
Celebration of the Coronation

8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just
9.30am Holy Communion St Mawes
11.00am Holy Communion St Just

4pm Zoom service

Zoom link
4 pm Zoom Sunday Service Spiritual Communion

4 pm Zoom Sunday Service Spiritual Communion

Meeting ID: 875 9697 8725
Passcode: 366304

This week’s readings –https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ob95u1zwxJVT4-sLAZqzkS9wcjLcr7bp/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=116936107610901789068&rtpof=true&sd=true


Monday 8th May 9.30 Morning Prayer St Mawes Church NB Change of day this week

Monday 15th May 7pm St Mawes Church
Annual Parochial Church Meeting

Please note the details of the APCM meeting. An agenda and supporting documents will be available shortly.

Thursday 18th May Ascension Day Service Philleigh Church – time to follow

Thursday 25th May St Just Church at 7pm Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra Brass Ensemble. Tickets from Carn to Cove 01726 63513 carntocove.co.uk

Saturday 27th May 4pm-6pm Veryan Sports and Social Club
Bishops Deanery Visit

Our two Bishops, Bishop Philip Mounstephen, Bishop of Truro and Bishop Hugh Nelson, Bishop of St Germans, our Suffragan Bishop, are visiting each Deanery in our Diocese over a few months. Ours in Powder Deanery covering Truro, the Waterside Benefice, the Probus churches and the Roseland.

This is an opportunity to meet with the Bishops, listen as they share their vision for the future and ask them questions. The session is planned to run from 4pm-6pm commencing with tea, then we hear from the Bishops with the chance to ask questions, followed by a period of worship together and the opportunity to continue with our conversations. We are very grateful to the folk of St Symphorian in Veryan for agreeing to host this event.

All welcome, no need to book, please put the date in your diary

Emma and Penny

Emma: 01326 722618
Penny : 07778 170247

Previous notices from the parish: 30th April 2023
Sunday 30th April 2023

Dear all
A bank holiday beckons on Monday 1st followed by another on the coronation weekend 6th-8th May. Within our villages, the coronation celebration plans are now in place and advertised in our villages and the Roseland Magazine. We look forward to meeting with you at these events.The exhibition of coronation regalia in St Mawes church opens on Monday. Yvonne Fuller has put together this exhibition displaying artefacts she has lovingly made and cared for and used in previous village Jubilee and coronation re-enactments. Please do come and along and see this display from Monday 1st May – Thursday 4th May 11am-4pm.

St Mawes School are coming to the church to visit the exhibition and hear all about what happens at a coronation and the significance of the different artefacts at the Coronation. We look forward to greeting them.

Attached is Yvonne’s guide to the coronation. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yYSq_CMBuPx5KttvhS3zINQdhbocQF62/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=116936107610901789068&rtpof=true&sd=true

Next week on Thursday 4th
 May Douglas Wren’s licensing service takes place in St Cuby. Please continue to pray for Douglas and Mary as Douglas begins his ministry with us. Due to the size of St Cuby, the folk there need to know who is coming. If anyone wishes to come and has not yet received an invitation, please phone, email or speak to Penny urgently.

Our community has seen sad times recently with several adult deaths and this week little Amber Milnes’ funeral took place on Thursday in a beautiful decorated and packed church sharing memories of her short life. Please pray for her family as they adjust to life without her and remember all those who mourn in your prayers. A huge thank you to all involved with this service.Breathing Space returns on second Sunday of the month as does our monthly coffee morning. The existing Coffee Morning rota has now come to an end, so volunteers needed to bake and help with catering, please do sign up if you can help.Details of our Church Services this Sunday

Sunday 30th April
4th Sunday of Easter8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just
9.30am Holy Communion St Mawes
11.00am Holy Communion St Just4pm Zoom service

Zoom link
4 pm Zoom Sunday Service Spiritual Communion


Meeting ID
893 0035 9238

This week’s readings – https://docs.google.com/document/d/13D2Q7sr1DgtAGa8qyn5PXfRMx6gd6SyY/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=116936107610901789068&rtpof=true&sd=true

NoticesTuesday 2nd May
Morning Prayer 9.30 in the Parish Room – come along or attend online
Meeting ID: 859 5625 0165
Passcode: 256297Wednesday 3rd May 13.45
St Mawes School Class 1 visit to the coronation exhibition
Thursday 4th May 13.45
St Mawes School Class 2 visit to the coronation exhibition
Friday 5th May
A Vigil of Prayer ahead of the Coronation of King Charles III 3pm St Mawes Church.Sunday 7th May
Special Holy Communion liturgies celebrating the coronation in our services at their usual times

Advance notices
Saturday 13th May 10-12 Coffee Morning
Penny’s home: Sunnybanks, Trelawney Road, St Mawes TR2 5BU
Please do come and join us

Sunday 14th May 6pm St Just Church
Breathing Space – a time of meditation and reflection. Please do come and experience this contemplative worship.Monday 15th May 7pm St Mawes Church
Annual Parochial Church Meeting

The electoral roll is now closed and the revised roll will shortly be posted on church noticeboards. Please note the details of the APCM meeting. An agenda and supporting documents will be available shortly.Thursday 25 May 7pm St Just Church
Concert: Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra, Wind Ensemble Concert entitled: Let’s Dance: From Baroque to Bowie
Tickets available online from carntocove.co.uk £13 reserved, £10 unreserved

Saturday 27th May 4pm-6pm Veryan Sports and Social Club
Bishops Deanery Visit

Our two Bishops, Bishop Philip Mounstephen, Bishop of Truro and Bishop Hugh Nelson, Bishop of St Germans, our Suffragan Bishop, are visiting each Deanery in our Diocese over a few months. Ours in Powder Deanery covering Truro, the Waterside Benefice, the Probus churches and the Roseland.

This is an opportunity to meet with the Bishops, listen as they share their vision for the future and ask them questions. The session is planned to run from 4pm-6pm commencing with tea, then we hear from the Bishops with the chance to ask questions, followed by a period of worship together and the opportunity to continue with our conversations. We are very grateful to the folk of St Symphorian in Veryan for agreeing to host this event.  All welcome, no need to book, please put the date in your diary.

Emma and PennyEmma: 01326 722618
Penny : 07778 170247
Previous notices from the Parish: 23rd April 2023
Dear all
Thank you to all who attended the coffee morning last Saturday. As usual a convivial occasion supported by delicious cake, thank you to the baker and assistants and a special thank you to Hilary for standing in as host. Penny reports: ‘I was on a train to Bristol with Sofiia and Solomiia on their journey to pastures new. They are renting a flat and looking for wider opportunities than those available to them here in St Mawes. I shall miss them and so will my cat and dog who spent many hours being walked and petted by them. I ask for your prayers for them as they embark on this new chapter. Thank you too for all the donations I received of bedding and kitchen equipment to set them up on their move. They asked me to pass on their thanks.’

Plans are afoot for an exhibition of coronation regalia in St Mawes church. Our Yvonne Fuller is putting together this exhibition displaying artefacts she has lovingly made and cared for and used in previous village Jubilee and coronation re-enactments. Please do come and along and see this display from Monday 1st May – Thursday 4th May 11am-4pm. Yvonne would be very appreciative of assistance with stewarding for a couple of hours during the exhibition. Please contact Yvonne  ymm.fuller@btinternet.com if you can help.  Attached is Yvonne’s guide to the coronation.https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yYSq_CMBuPx5KttvhS3zINQdhbocQF62/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=116936107610901789068&rtpof=true&sd=trueExcitement is building within our community of the forthcoming coronation of King Charles III. Festivities are planned for both St Mawes and St Just villages, details of which are being circulated via the Roseland magazine with dedicated church services taking place in our churches over this time.

Around the same time we are looking forward to welcoming Rev Douglas Wren, our new oversight minister for the Roseland, who is being licensed in St Cuby on Thursday 4th May. Please pray for Douglas and Mary as they move into their new home in Tregony and Douglas begins his ministry with us.

We continue to remember in our prayers the family and friends of those whose funerals took place last week: John, Chris and David and the family and friends of Amber Milnes, age 5 whose funeral service is planned for Thursday 27th April at midday in St Just Church. We continue to pray for St Mawes School as the staff and children mourn for their classmate.Details of our Church Services this Sunday

Sunday 23rd April
3rd Sunday of Easter8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just
9.30am Holy Communion St Mawes
11.00am Holy Communion St Just4pm Zoom service

Zoom link
4 pm Zoom Sunday Service Spiritual Communion
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87596978725?pwd=bjhTdHFhSWNFRDkxRFlVeVJ6M3dMUT09Meeting ID: 875 9697 8725
Passcode: 366304

This week’s readings – 

NoticesNo Morning prayer on Tuesday this week – Penny is on a training day

Coronation services
The Church of England has issued some special services in order to celebrate the coronation of King Charles III. One of these is a special communion service which will be offered on Sunday 7th May within our Sunday services.
Another of these services is:
A Vigil of Prayer ahead of the Coronation of King Charles III on Friday 5th May at 3pm at St Mawes Church.Monday 15th May 7pm St Mawes Church
Annual Parochial Church Meeting

The electoral roll is now closed and the revised roll will shortly be posted on church noticeboards. Please note the details of the APCM meeting. An agenda and supporting documents will be available shortly.

Saturday 27th May 4pm-6pm Veryan Sports and Social Club
Bishops Deanery Visit

Our two Bishops, Bishop Philip Mounstephen, Bishop of Truro and Bishop Hugh Nelson, Bishop of St Germans, our Suffragan Bishop, are visiting each Deanery in our Diocese over a few months. Ours in Powder Deanery covering Truro, the Waterside Benefice, the Probus churches and the Roseland.

This is an opportunity to meet with the Bishops, listen as they share their vision for the future and ask them questions. The session is planned to run from 4pm-6pm commencing with tea, then we hear from the Bishops with the chance to ask questions, followed by a period of worship together and the opportunity to continue with our conversations. We are very grateful to the folk of St Symphorian in Veryan for agreeing to host this event.

All welcome, no need to book, please put the date in your diary
Emma and PennyEmma: 01326 722618
Penny : 07778 170247

Previous notices from the Parish: 16th April 2023

Dear all
Easter Sunday began in the Roseland with a sunrise service on Pendower Beach at 6.30 am. Attended by around 70 people from across the Roseland, it was a very special experience shouting out ‘Jesus is Risen, He is risen indeed. Alleluia!’ as the sun rose. Grateful thanks to Trounce, Annie and their helpers for the fire and the bread and fish.

Both St Just and St Mawes churches were beautifully decorated with flowers and an Easter garden. Thank you to all who contributed. Both churches had so many people drawn to the Easter services, it was such a joy to welcome so many and share this most special day of the year with them. ‘Jesus is Risen, He is risen indeed. Alleluia!’

Amidst the joy and hope of Easter, in our community we have had several bereavements in close succession, leaving such a sense of sadness across our villages. Our thoughts and prayers have been with the families and friends of Sylvia McCree, John Brokenshire, Chris Green and David Green.  

And now most recently with the family and friends of Amber Milnes, aged 5, a pupil at St Mawes Primary School. Both St Just and St Mawes churches have a special book for Amber for folk to come to offer their love and support to her family and friends, light a candle and say a prayer. We ask for your prayers for Amber’s family and for the staff and children of St Mawes Primary School as they return to school on Monday.Details of our Church Services this Sunday

Sunday 16th April
2nd Sunday of Easter8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just
9.30am Holy Communion St Mawes
11.00am Holy Communion St Just4pm Zoom service

Zoom link
4 pm Zoom Sunday Service Spiritual Communion
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87596978725?pwd=bjhTdHFhSWNFRDkxRFlVeVJ6M3dMUT09Meeting ID: 875 9697 8725
Passcode: 366304

This week’s readings –
Events this week

Saturday 15th April
Coffee morning: 10-12 at Penny’s home: Sunnybanks, Trelawney Road St Mawes TR2 5BU
Please do come if you can.Tuesday 18th April
Morning Prayer 9.30 in the Parish Room – come along or attend online

Meeting ID: 859 5625 0165
Passcode: 256297

Advance Notices
Monday 15th May 7pm St Mawes Church
Annual Parochial Church Meeting

In preparation for this, the church electoral roll has been open from 6th April for 2 weeks for revision. This allows new applicants to join and requests for removal from the roll for anyone no longer wishing to be on it. Electoral roll forms for new applicants are available from both churches. For removal, please contact the Church Office. Those already on the electoral roll do not need to take any action.

Note: The roll closes on Friday 21st April so please complete application forms and submit within the next few days.

Saturday 27th May 4pm-6pm Veryan Sports and Social Club
Bishops Deanery Visit

Our two Bishops, Bishop Philip Mounstephen, Bishop of Truro and Bishop Hugh Nelson, Bishop of St Germans, our Suffragan Bishop, are visiting each Deanery in our Diocese over a few months. Ours in Powder Deanery covering Truro, the Waterside Benefice, the Probus churches and the Roseland.

This is an opportunity to meet with the Bishops, listen as they share their vision for the future and ask them questions. The session is planned to run from 4pm-6pm commencing with tea, then we hear from the Bishops with the chance to ask questions, followed by a period of worship together and the opportunity to continue with our conversations. We are very grateful to the folk of St Symphorian in Veryan for agreeing to host this event.

All welcome, no need to book, please put the date in your diaryBlessings
Emma and PennyEmma: 01326 722618
Penny : 07778 170247

Palm Sunday saw processions with large palm leaves into both St Mawes and St Just churches, kindly provided by our church gardeners from the palm trees in St Just churchyard. A special service then ensued with readings from Isaiah and the Gospel of Matthew following the passion of Christ. Please see the photo below of the altar at St Just decorated with the palms. The later evensong at St Just with the Roseland Church Choir provided a fitting reflection on the significance of this special day.

This mailing is coming earlier than usual as we are now in Holy Week with a reminder of Holy Week services and those for Easter Sunday, both in our churches and elsewhere.

Wishing everyone a blessed Easter.

Holy Week services

We look forward to welcoming our regulars and our visitors at services for this very special time of year

Thursday 6th April

2pm Maundy Thursday service with foot washing (optional) at St Mawes. There is no need to offer your foot to be washed. This reflective service allows us to focus quietly upon what Jesus was showing his disciples by this simple act.

Agape Maundy Thursday shared meal 7pm atPhilleigh church. A chance to sit around tables, worshipping and passing bread and wine to each other with a shared meal. Please do come if you can. Contributions towards food are welcome but not essential – just bring yourself

Friday 7th April Good Friday

9.45 Walk of witness from St Mawes church to the harbour for the placing of the cross and a short service. Please gather at St Mawes church as we process from there to the harbour with a service of readings, hymns and prayers on the Quay

14.00 Taize service at St Just in Roseland
A reflective service of readings accompanied by Taize chants as we recall Jesus’ last hour on the cross and what his death means for us.

Easter Sunday – A celebration of Jesus’ resurrection

6.30 Easter Day Dawn service Pendower Beach

8.00 Holy Communion St Just
9.30 Holy Communion St Mawes
11.00 Holy Communion St Just in Roseland

4pm Zoom service

Zoom link
4 pm Zoom Sunday Service Spiritual Communion

Meeting ID: 875 9697 8725
Passcode: 366304

Readings for Easter Day:

Maundy Thursday 10.30 Truro Cathedral also sees the Chrism Service, a service at which all are welcome for a time of renewal, blessing and reflection

We ask for prayers for a full return to health for our organist Doreen and say thank you to our organist, Nigel, for stepping in on Palm Sunday

We place in our prayers those amongst us who have recently died and those who miss and mourn them.

Funeral arrangements for the week after Easter:

Tuesday 11th April 2pm John Brokenshire at Penmount Crematorium
Wednesday 12th April 11am Chris Green at St Just Church
Thursday 13th April 2pm David Green at St Just Church

Events after Easter
Tuesday 11th April
 Morning Prayer 9.30 in the Parish Room – come along or attend online


Meeting ID: 859 5625 0165
Passcode: 256297

Advance Notices
Saturday 15th April (Note – 3rd Saturday this month)
Coffee morning: 10-12 at Penny’s home: Sunnybanks, Trelawney Road St Mawes TR2 5BU
Please do come if you can.

Monday 15th May 7pm St Mawes Church
Annual Parochial Church Meeting
In preparation for this, the church electoral roll is open from 6th April for 2 weeks for revision. This allows new applicants to join and requests for removal from the roll for anyone no longer wishing to be on it. Electoral roll forms for new applicants are available from both churches. For removal, please contact the Church Office. Those already on the electoral roll do not need to take any action.

Emma and Penny

Emma: 01326 722618
Penny : 07778 170247

Previous notices from the parish : 2nd April 2023

Dear all
A lively discussion on Paul’s experience on the Damascus Road took place at our Bible study with thoughts on our reactions to someone who suddenly showed such a change of heart. The Bible Study group is keen to continue after Easter, moving now to a Thursday morning. If anyone is interested in joining, please let Penny know. 

Truro Food Bank are in desperate need of additional supplies due to significant increased demand in these financially challenging times. Please bring donations to the church or when you visit a supermarket please make a donation to their collection. Thank you.

Reminder: the Electoral Roll is open for revision from April 6th – if you would like to join the Electoral Roll please complete an Electoral Roll form (available from St Just and St Mawes churches)

Palm Sunday will see our special services at 9.30 at St Mawes and 11.00 at St Just as we reflect upon the events of Holy Week

Palm Sunday readings attached below:

Details of our Church Services this Sunday

Sunday 2nd April
Palm Sunday – with Procession of Palms at the 9.30 am and 11 am services.
8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just
9.30am Holy Communion St Mawes
11.00am Holy Communion St Just
6pm Palm Sunday Evensong St Just with the Roseland Churches Choir

4pm Zoom service

Zoom link
4 pm Zoom Sunday Service Spiritual Communion

Meeting ID: 875 9697 8725
Passcode: 366304

Events this week
Tuesday 4th April

Morning Prayer 9.30 in the Parish Room – come along or attend online


Meeting ID: 859 5625 0165
Passcode: 256297

Easter Services

We look forward to welcoming our regulars and our visitors at our Easter services

Thursday 6th April 2pm Maundy Thursday service with foot washing (optional) at St Mawes

Friday 7th April Good Friday
9.45 Walk of witness from St Mawes church to the harbour for the placing of the cross and a short service

14.00 Taize service at St Just in Roseland

Sunday 9th April Easter Sunday – celebrating Jesus’ Resurrection
8.00 Holy Communion St Just
9.30 Holy Communion St Mawes
11.00 Holy Communion St Just in Roseland

Also on offer 6.30 Easter Day Dawn service Pendower Beach

Maundy Thursday 10.30 Truro Cathedral also sees the Chrism Service, a service at which all are welcome for a time of renewal, blessing and reflection

We place in our prayers those amongst us who have recently died and those who miss and mourn them.

A Prayer for the Bereaved
Heavenly Father
We praise you that you are a God who is with us and near to us always.
We lift up those around us who are struggling with grief at this time.
We ask you to surround them with people who can help them through this time and we place them in your loving hands as you know exactly what they need.
In Jesus’ name.

You may wish to know  the funeral arrangements for the week after Easter:

Tuesday 11th April 2pm John Brokenshire at Penmount Crematorium
Wednesday 12th April11am Chris Green at St Just Church
Thursday 13th April 2pm David Green at St Just Church

Advance Notices
Saturday 15th April (Note – 3rd Saturday this month)
Coffee morning: 10-12 at Penny’s home: Sunnybanks, Trelawney Road St Mawes TR2 5BU
Please do come if you can.

Monday 15th May 7pm St Mawes Church
Annual Parochial Church Meeting

Emma and Penny

Emma: 01326 722618
Penny : 07778 170247

Previous notices from the parish: 26th March 2023

Last Sunday saw Mothering Sunday celebrated and daffodils distributed and Wednesday saw the last stimulating session of the Franciscan Way. This last week has seen several deaths in our community here and our thoughts and prayers are with those grieving, please keep them in your prayers.

This coming week sees the last Bible Study of Lent on Tuesday, last time we looked at Stephen, the first martyr this time will see the entry of Paul.

As we reach the 5th Sunday of Lent  on Sunday 26th March we enter the beginnings of Passiontide. Jesus turns towards Jerusalem on his final journey with Palm Sunday approaching on 2nd April.

Palm Sunday will offer special services at 9.30 at St Mawes and 11.00 at St Just with the procession of palms into the service. On Palm Sunday evening, a special Evensong with the Roseland Church Choir will take place at St Just Church at 6pm.

Please see later for a complete list of services for Easter. We look forward to welcoming regulars and visitors to this special time of the church year.

In response to demand we are now including the readings for each Sunday. Please click on the link for these. Readings for Sunday 26th March: 

On more pragmatic matters, our annual meeting (APCM) beckons. This meeting will be held on Monday 15th May and the lead up to this requires revision of our church electoral roll. This revision allows for addition of those who wish to join the electoral roll and removal of any who no longer wish to remain on it.  For those wishing to join the electoral roll, application forms are available at the back of both churches. Anyone wishing to be removed, please email Sophia office@stjustandstmawes.org.uk

Please remember the clocks change on Saturday night – an hour forward into British Summer Time.

Details of our Church Services this Sunday

Sunday 26th March
5th Sunday of Lent
8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just
9.30am Holy Communion St Mawes
11.00am Holy Communion St Just

4pm Zoom service

Zoom link
4 pm Zoom Sunday Service Spiritual Communion
Meeting ID: 875 9697 8725
Passcode: 366304

Events this week
Tuesday 28th March
Morning Prayer 9.00 in the Parish Room – come along or attend online

Meeting ID: 859 5625 0165
Passcode: 256297

Tuesday 28th March 10.30-11.30
The final session of the Lent Bible study of Disciples to Apostles at Penny’s Sunnybanks, Trelawney Road, St Mawes TR2 5BU

Easter Services
Easter Services St Just in Roseland and St Mawes

Sunday 2nd April Palm Sunday
8.00 BCP Holy Communion St Just
9.30 Holy Communion St Mawes
11.00 Holy Communion St Just in Roseland
6pm Palm Sunday Evensong St Just with the Roseland Churches Choir

Thursday 6th April 2pm Maundy Thursday service with foot washing (optional) at St Mawes

Friday 7th April Good Friday
9.45 Walk of witness from St Mawes church to the harbour for the placing of the cross and a short service
14.00 Taize service at St Just in Roseland

Sunday 9th April Easter Sunday
8.00 Holy Communion St Just
9.30 Holy Communion St Mawes
11.00 Holy Communion St Just in Roseland

Also on offer 6.30 Easter Day Dawn service Pendower Beach

Advance Notices
Saturday 15th April (Note – 3rd Saturday this month)
Coffee morning: 10-12 at Penny’s home: Sunnybanks, Trelawney Road St Mawes TR2 5BU
Please do come if you can.Monday 15th May 7pm St Mawes Church
Annual Parochial Church Meeting

Emma and PennyEmma: 01326 722618
Penny : 07778 170247

Previous notices from the parish: 19th March 2023

Last Saturday saw another convivial gathering for our monthly coffee morning with delicious cake and great company. Sunday’s Breathing Space provided a time of meditation and contemplation. The Franciscan Way met for its third session with yet further exploration of Richard Rohr’s assessment of St Francis of Assisi.

This coming Sunday is Mothering Sunday, it has a long history in the church. It falls on what was known in the medieval period as Laetare Sunday, also known as Refreshment Sunday in which folk were given a break from the requirements of fasting in Lent. It became the custom to return to the church of one’s baptism to attend the service there, but if too far away then attending a ‘mother’ church in the parish or in a cathedral.

Later, it became the day those in service were allowed a day off to return home to their family. It was revived in the early 20th century as a church festival, now, of course, celebrated across our society. Services originally focussed upon Mother Church and Mother Earth and now our human mothering too. Flowers and cake seem to be the usual gifts, some places have a special ‘mothering cake’ something akin to our yeast buns but in this instance iced and decorated. Please do join us on this special Sunday.
Details of our Church Services this Sunday

Sunday 19th March
Mothering Sunday
8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just
9.30am Holy Communion St Mawes
11.00am Holy Communion St Just

4pm Zoom service

Zoom link
4 pm Zoom Sunday Service Spiritual Communion
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87596978725?pwd=bjhTdHFhSWNFRDkxRFlVeVJ6M3dMUT09Meeting ID: 875 9697 8725
Passcode: 3663043.30pm – 4.30pm Meet, Make & Munch celebrates Mothering Sunday in the Millennium RoomsEvents this week
Tuesday 21st March

Morning Prayer 9.30 in the Parish Room – come along or attend online

https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85956250165?pwd=MmpsYnBBTHNCaTdaM0RxU00vWjlPZz09Meeting ID: 859 5625 0165
Passcode: 256297Wednesday 22nd MarchThe Franciscan Way: 7.00pm at the Rectory, 16 Waterloo Close, St Mawes, the last session, listening to Richard Rohr’s inspiring exploration of the Franciscans, from his recordings and writings, with plenty of thought-provoking material.

Advance notices:
Tuesday 28th March 10.30-11.30The final session of the Lent Bible study of Disciples to Apostles at Penny’s Sunnybanks, Trelawney Road, St Mawes TR2 5BU

Easter Services

Easter Services St Just in Roseland and St Mawes

Sunday 2nd April Palm Sunday
8.00 BCP Holy Communion St Just
9.30 Holy Communion St Mawes
11.00 Holy Communion St Just in Roseland
Evensong St Just church 6pm

Thursday 6th April 2pm Maundy Thursday service with foot washing (optional) at St Mawes

Friday 7th April Good Friday
9.45 Walk of witness from St Mawes church to the harbour for the placing of the cross and a short service
14.00 Taize service at St Just in Roseland

Sunday 9th April Easter Sunday
8.00 Holy Communion St Just
9.30 Holy Communion St Mawes
11.00 Holy Communion St Just in Roseland

Also on offer 6.30 Easter Day Dawn service Pendower Beach

Emma and Penny
Emma: 01326 722618
Penny : 07778 170247

Previous notices from the Parish :12th March 2023

Thursday evening saw a prayer vigil for Ukraine held in Truro Cathedral. Held on the eve of the Funeral of Chris Parry, the young Truro-born volunteer recently killed in Ukraine, the people of Cornwall and members of the Ukrainian community united in a vigil of prayer for peace in which Ukrainians living amongst us here in the Roseland took part in music and singing. Our thoughts and prayers are with Ukraine.

The after school club at St Mawes Primary School which we support on Monday afternoons swelled its numbers this week with 2 new additions. We re-acted at the feeding of the four thousand with a group aged 3-9 years, the agre range providing an interesting challenge in itself.

On Tuesday the Disciples to Apostles Acts Bible Study group took a detailed look at Stephen, the first martyr and Wednesday saw the second Franciscan Way meeting continuing to examine Richard Rohr’s reflections on St Francis of Assisi.

Don’t forget the Coffee morning tomorrow Saturday 11th March: 10-12 at Penny’s home: Sunnybanks, Trelawney Road St Mawes TR2 5BU Please do come if you can.

Emma is on leave until Wednesday 15th, we wish her a refreshing break

Details of our Church Services
Sunday 12th March
8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just
9.30am Holy Communion St Mawes
11.00am Holy Communion St Just
4pm Zoom service

5pm Breathing Space St Just Church – an opportunity for quiet contemplation

Zoom link
4 pm Zoom Sunday Service Spiritual Communion


Meeting ID: 893 0035 9238

Passcode: 425733

Events this week

No Tuesday morning prayer this week –

Penny is on curacy training Monday – Wednesday

Wednesday 15th March

The Franciscan Way: 7.00pm at the Rectory, 16 Waterloo Close, St Mawes, Session 3, listening to Richard Rohr’s inspiring exploration of the Franciscans, from his recordings and writings, plenty of thought-provoking material for the following discussions. Please do come and join with this stimulating topic.
Advance notice:

Sunday 19th March is Mothering Sunday

And Sunday 19th Meet, Make & Munch is on offer again 3.30 – 4.30pm in the Millennium Rooms

Note: the final session of the Lent Bible study of Disciples to Apostles will now take place on Tuesday 28th March, apologies for another date change.

Blessings Emma and Penny

Emma: 01326 722618
Penny : 07778 170247

Previous notices from the parish: 5th March 2023

The Thursday 23rd February concert in St Just Church was an amazing experience. It featured the Ukrainians Refugee Women’s Choir, St Mawes Primary School, the Cornwall Youth Chamber Choir and Notability Choir. The church was packed, standing room only remained and the singing from all groups was heartening and uplifting. Entry was by donation and the evening raised over £1300 for the charity Children of Ukraine. Many thanks indeed to all performers, refreshments providers, helpers and importantly to those who came and gave generously. Please see the photo below of the Ukrainian Choir.

Last Sunday’s Lent Evensong was much appreciated with grateful thanks to the Roseland Churches Choir for their support and contribution to this choral service. Appreciated too was the Quiet Day in St Just Church on Tuesday, at which despite the rather chilly weather, participants meditation and quiet times were warmed by hot drinks and soup.

Meet, Make and Munch had a good time with an enactment of the parable of the Good Samaritan, one attendee in particular enjoyed experimenting with early first aid training in the use of crepe bandages whilst others showed great attention to detail with a range of crafts.

We offer our prayers for Dr Mark Stephens, a GP in our Roseland Surgery, who has been diagnosed with a serious illness preventing him from continuing to help us. We thank him for all he has done for our community.

Details of our Church Services

Sunday 5th March
8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just
9.30am Holy Communion St Mawes
11.00am Holy Communion St Just

4pm Zoom service

Zoom link
4 pm Zoom Sunday Service Spiritual Communion

Meeting ID: 875 9697 8725
Passcode: 366304

Tuesday 7th March 9.00
Morning Prayer – note 9.00 – earlier start this week

In the parish room or on Zoom

Meeting ID: 859 5625 0165 Passcode: 256297

Events this week

Tuesday 7th March
Disciples to Apostles Lent Bible StudySession 3
10.30-11.30 at Penny’s home: Sunnybanks, Trelawney Road, St Mawes examining the Acts of the Apostles and how they continue to inspire us today.

NOTE the final session is now being held on Tuesday 21st March (not next week)

Wednesday 8th March
The Franciscan Way: 7.00pm at the Rectory, 16 Waterloo Close, St Mawes, Session 2, listening to Richard Rohr’s inspiring exploration of the Franciscans, from his recordings and writings, plenty of thought-provoking material for the following discussions. Please do come and join with this stimulating topic.

Saturday 11th March
Coffee morning: 10-12 at Penny’s home: Sunnybanks, Trelawney Road St Mawes TR2 5BU
Please do come if you can.

Thank you to all who offer to bake and assist. This morning has a baker but lacks an assistant – any offers to Penny please

Advance notice:

Breathing Space: Sunday 12th March 5 pm in St Just Church, do come for a break from busyness and an opportunity for quiet contemplation

The Ukrainian Women’s Choir in St Just Church

Emma and Penny

Emma: 01326 722618
Penny : 07778 170247

Previous notices from the parish: 26th February 2023

Our thoughts turn to the world this week with the further earthquake tremors causing more loss of life and destruction in Turkey and Syria. In our minds too is the anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. We remember all affected by these, those mourning, those injured and those whose lives have been fundamentally changed and we pray for them with words from Isaiah 43:2 ‘When you pass through the waters, I will be with you’ whatever those ‘waters’ might be.

The wedding preparation weekend saw 7 couples attending and it was so lovely to hear them share their stories of how they met, how they became engaged and their wedding plans. After the Saturday session they found their way to the St Mawes Hotel and later ended up sharing a meal of fish and chips together, having really bonded as a group.

As we enter Lent, Shrove Tuesday saw pancakes consumed and a good time had by all. The well attended Ash Wednesday Holy Communion service took place informally in a circle with a thought-provoking reflection, a great reminder of this significant season of the church year.

The other planned church activities of last week all took place. The after-school club had an attendance of children across the age range and exploring how those involved felt when Jesus healed the leper. The Bible study group met for its second session, looking at Peter’s dramatic first healing ‘in the name of Jesus’ in Acts 3-4 and the reaction in Jerusalem. The Franciscan Way group met for the first time with videos from Richard Rohr and discussion of his introduction to the Franciscan Way. Please do come and join in.

At the time of writing the Thursday evening concert with the Ukrainian Women’s Choir and other performers including a choir from St Mawes Primary School coached by Emma has not yet taken place – more on this next week.

Next week’s services and activities appear below, please do come and join us. 

Details of our Church Services 

Sunday 26th February 2023
8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just
9.30am Holy Communion St Mawes
11.00am Holy Communion St Just

4 pm zoom service
6pm Lent Evensong St Mawes with the Roseland Churches Choir

Zoom Link
4 pm Zoom Sunday Service Spiritual Communion

Meeting ID: 875 9697 8725
Passcode: 366304

Tuesday 28th February
No morning prayer this week but instead on Tuesday

Lent Quiet Day 10-4 in St Just Church
In this first full week of Lent we look ahead to prepare ourselves for the eventful
rapidly changing events of Holy Week. An opportunity here to reflect upon the significance of the beginning of Holy Week and what it says to us in our lives in this time and place. Refreshments and lunch provided – no charge – come for a while or the whole time – please let Penny know if you wish to attend for catering purposes

Events this week
Sunday 26th February
Meet, Make and Munch 3.30pm – 4.30pm in the Millenium Rooms – all ages welcome for a Bible Story, arts and crafts and some tea.
Tuesday 28th February 
Lent Quiet Day – see details above
Wednesday 1st March
The Franciscan Way Session 2 7.00pm at the Rectory, 16 Waterloo Close, St Mawes. Come along and experience Richard Rohr’s thought-provoking explanations of what Franciscans believe.
Friday 3rd March
World Day of Prayer 2pm Gerrans Church – all welcome

Enjoying Shrove Tuesday pancakes

Previous notices from the Parish: Sunday 19th February 2023

Dear All
Since our last update the February coffee morning took place, a convivial gathering with delicious cakes and biscuits with grateful thanks to the baker and kitchen assistant. Breathing Space provided just that, a space to breathe and reflect in a quiet St Just church. The first session of Acts of the Apostles provoked a lively discussion around Jesus’ resurrection and Pentecost.

This weekend sees the wedding preparation session on Saturday afternoon. We look forward to welcoming the wedding couples as they prepare for their weddings this coming year.

Lent starts next week on Ash Wednesday with a special service in St Just church at 10.00. It is preceded by Shrove Tuesday with pancakes on offer.

Monday sees our first foray into our after school club. On Tuesday the Bible Study group meets again.

On Wednesday evening Emma leads the first session of the Franciscan Way, as she says ‘a 7 week 7-week course on the Franciscans, using readings and recordings from Richard Rohr to inspire our discussion, be prepared to set out on an inspiring roller coaster.

Thursday evening sees the Ukrainian Women’s Choir concert at 6.30pm at St Just Church. The Ukrainian Women’s Choir are joined by Cornwall Youth Chamber Choir, the Notability Choir and the St Mawes Primary School Choir. This will be a lovely event with refreshments on offer. Entry is by donation in aid of the Children of Ukraine. Please do support this if you are able.Full details of these and further planned events below. All are welcome. Please do come and join us in one or more of these activities.

Advance notice: Lent evensong with the Roseland Churches Choir on 26th February 6pm at St Mawes ChurchDetails of our Church Services Sunday 19th February 2023
8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just
9.30am Holy Communion St Mawes
11.00am Holy Communion St Just4 pm zoom service

Zoom Links
4 pm Zoom Sunday Service Spiritual Communion
Meeting ID: 875 9697 8725
Passcode: 366304Tuesday 21st February
Morning Prayer – note 9.00 – earlier start this week

In the parish room or on Zoom
Meeting ID: 859 5625 0165
Passcode: 256297

Wednesday 22nd February
10.00 Ash Wednesday service St Just ChurchEvents this week
Tuesday 21st FebruaryDisciples to Apostles Lent Bible StudySession 2 10.30-11.30 at Penny’s home: Sunnybanks, Trelawney Road, St Mawes examining the Acts of the Apostles and how they continue to inspire us today.Tuesday 21st FebruaryShrove Tuesday 12noon -2pm at Penny’s home – savoury and sweet pancakes on offer – assistance most welcome – please let Penny know if you wish to come – there is a sign up list in both St Mawes and St Just churches

The Franciscan Way:Wednesday 22nd February, 7.00pm at the Rectory, 16 Waterloo Close, St Mawes, a 7-week course on the Franciscans, using readings and recordings from Richard Rohr to inspire our discussion

Thursday 23rd February – Ukrainian Women’s Choir at St Just Church in aid of the Children of Ukraine 6.30pm at St Just Church

Further February activities:
Sunday 26th February
Meet, Make and Munch 3.30pm – 4.30pm in the Millennium Rooms – all ages welcome for a Bible Story, arts and crafts and some tea

Lent Evensong 6pm at St Mawes Church with the Roseland Churches ChoirTuesday 28th February
Lent Quiet Day 10-4 in St Just Church
In this first week of Lent we look ahead to prepare ourselves for the eventful rapidly changing events of Holy Week. An opportunity here to reflect upon the significance of the beginning of this week and what it says to us in our lives in this time and place. Refreshments and lunch provided – no charge – come for a while or the whole time – please let Penny know if you wish to attend.


Emma and PennyEmma: 01326 722618
Penny : 07778 170247

Previous notices from the parish: 12th February 2023

The February coffee morning takes place tomorrow on Saturday 11th February at Penny’s home at the usual time of 10-12, please come if you can even if only for a short while. It is lovely to see folk gathered together chatting.

The Alpha wedding preparation course finished this week with great attendance by many of our wedding couples who commented upon how helpful they had found this. We look forward to seeing them next weekend on 18-19th February for a session on Saturday afternoon and then in church on Sunday. Bakers and assistance with serving refreshments would be much appreciated. Please let Sophia, Emma or Penny know if you can assist.

A weekly after school club will start after half term in St Mawes Primary School on Monday afternoons, some have already signed up. This new initiative will provide us with the great opportunity of getting to know the children who attend and increasing our contact with the school. Volunteers to assist in preparing crafts, mainly cutting out with all materials and templates provided, would be most helpful, both for this and for Meet, Make and Munch.

As we move towards Lent, please do join in our Lent activities – a look at the Acts of the Apostles, St Francis of Assisi and the Franciscan Way, pancakes on Shrove Tuesday, the Ash Wednesday service and the Lent Quiet Day – see below

Please find the details of our Church Services 

Sunday 12th February 2023
8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just
9.30am Holy Communion St Mawes
11.00am Holy Communion St Just

4 pm zoom service

Zoom Links
4 pm Zoom Sunday Service Spiritual Communion

Meeting ID: 875 9697 8725
Passcode: 366304

Breathing Space St Just Church 4.30pm – 5.15pm. Please come to rest in the peace of St Just church  with an opportunity in our busy lives for quiet reflection on a meditation. 

Events this week

Saturday 11th February

Coffee morning at Penny’s home: Sunnybanks, Trelawney Road, St Mawes, please do come if you can

Tuesday 14th February Morning Prayer – note 9.00 – earlier start this week

In the parish room or on Zoom
Meeting ID: 859 5625 0165 Passcode: 256297

Tuesday 14th FebruaryDisciples to Apostles Lent Bible StudySession 1 10.30-11.30 at Penny’s home: Sunnybanks, Trelawney Road, St Mawes examining the Acts of the Apostles and how they continue to inspire us today.

Saturday 18th February Wedding preparation afternoon 2pm at St Mawes church

Further February activities:

Shrove Tuesday – Pancake Day Tuesday 21st February – 12noon -2pm at Penny’s home – savoury and sweet pancakes on offer – assistance most welcome – please let Penny know if you wish to come – there is a sign up list in both St Mawes and St Just churches

Ash Wednesday Service – Wednesday 22nd February 10.00 in St Just Church

The Franciscan Way: Wednesday 22nd February, 7.00pm at the Rectory, 16 Waterloo Close, St Mawes

Lent is looking super exciting as Emma starts a 7-week course on the Franciscans, using readings and recordings from Richard Rohr to inspire our discussion, be prepared to set out on an inspiring roller coaster.

Thursday 23rd February: Ukrainian Women’s Choir –at St Just Church in aid of the Children of Ukraine 6.30pm.

Lent Quiet Day Tuesday 28th February – 10-4 in St Just Church

In this first week of Lent we look ahead to prepare ourselves for the eventful
rapidly changing events of Holy Week. An opportunity here to reflect upon the significance of the beginning of this week and what it says to us in our lives in this time and place. Refreshments and lunch provided – no charge – come for a while or the whole time – please let Penny know if you wish to attend. Blessings Emma and Penny.

Emma: 01326 722618
Penny : 07778 170247

Previous notices from the parish: Sunday 5th February 2023

A good crowd of children, parents and grandparents came to the first Meet, Make and Munch last Sunday and did exactly as proverbially ‘it says on the tin’, a chance to chat, do crafts connected with our story, the parable of the prodigal son, and make their own sandwiches and decorated cakes. Planned as a monthly event on the 4th Sunday of the month, the next takes place on Sunday 26th February. Thank you very much indeed to those who helped with crafts and food, before and at the time.

On the Way: The Deanery has announced the Roseland Oversight Minister, the Rev Douglas Wren, will be installed on Thursday 4th May 7pm at St Cuby Tregony. All welcome from all the Roseland churches.

Discussions continue with St Mawes School on the possibilities, a Monday after school club looks promising.  Please add this to your prayers.

As we look towards Lent, don’t forget the offer of pancakes on Shrove Tuesday, the Ash Wednesday service and the Lent Quiet Day – see below

Please find the details of our Church Services 
Sunday 5th February 2023
8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just
9.30am Holy Communion St Mawes
11.00am Holy Communion St Just

4 pm zoom service – returns to its normal time this week

Zoom Links
4 pm Zoom Sunday Service Spiritual Communion

Meeting ID: 875 9697 8725
Passcode: 366304

Monday 6th February
Beachcombers meets in the Victory Inn at 7pm – do come along to join in. Beachcombers is an opportunity for open conversation with whoever turns up.

No Tuesday morning prayer this week – Penny is on a curacy training day

Advance notices of February activities:
Breathing Space Sunday 12th February St Just Church 4.30pm – note later time as evenings lengthen

Wedding Preparation weekend: Saturday 18 – Sunday 19th February. Preparation for our wedding couples – Saturday afternoon session in St Mawes church followed by Sunday morning service at St Just. Volunteers to bake and serve refreshments on Saturday afternoon would be much appreciated. Please let Emma, Penny or Sophia know if you can help

Shrove Tuesday – Pancake Day Tuesday 21st February – 12noon -2pm at Penny’s home – savoury and sweet pancakes on offer – bakers and other assistance most welcome – please contact Penny

Ash Wednesday Service – Wednesday 22nd February 10.00 in St Just Church

Lent Quiet Day Tuesday 28th February – 10-4 in St Just Church.
In this first week of Lent we look ahead to prepare ourselves for the eventful
rapidly changing events of Holy Week. An opportunity here to reflect upon the significance of the beginning of this week and what it says to us in our lives in this time and place. Refreshments and lunch provided – no charge – come for a while or the whole time – please let Penny know if you wish to attend.

Port in the Storm
Port in a Storm comprises 4 sessions entitled Disciples to Apostles –reviewing the inspiration of the Holy Spirit in the very early church. Meeting at Penny’s home on Tuesday mornings 10.30 -11.30 with the first two sessions on 14th and 21st February. We rarely explore the Acts of the Apostles and it has much to inspire us so many centuries later

Deep Sea Divers
The Franciscan Way: Lent is looking super exciting as Emma starts a 7-week course on the Franciscans, using readings and recordings from Richard Rohr to inspire our discussion, be prepared to set out on an inspiring roller coaster. Wed 22nd Feb, 7.00pm at the Rectory, 16 Waterloo Close, St Mawes.

Ukrainian Women’s Choir Performance – Thursday 23rd February at St Just Church in aid of the Children of Ukraine – now commencing at 6.30pm.

Emma and Penny

Emma: 01326 722618
Penny : 07778 170247

Previous notices from the parish: Sunday 29th January 2023

As you know from our mailing earlier this week, last Sunday saw the announcement in all the Roseland churches of the appointment of Rev Douglas Wren as the new Roseland Oversight Minister. He is hoping to join us in the first week of May. We are very much looking forward to Douglas joining us in this further development of the Deanery On the Way plan. More details to follow of Douglas’ installation service in due course.

The first Meet, Make and Munch takes place on Sunday 29th January 3.30-5pm in the St Mawes Millennium Rooms – craft and food – thank you to those offering help. Flyers given out at school and posters in the village.

Discussions continue with St Mawes School on the possibilities, a Monday after school club looks promising.  Please add these to your prayers.

As we move into Lent, a Quiet Day will be held on Tuesday 28th February – 10-4 in St Just Church – come for a while or the whole time – please let Penny know if you wish to attend.

As we enter Lent, don’t forget the offer of pancakes on Shrove Tuesday and the Ash Wednesday service the following day – see below

Please find the details of our Church Services 

Sunday 29th January 2023
8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just
9.30am Holy Communion St Mawes
11.00am Holy Communion St Just

2.30 pm zoom service – note change of time this week

Zoom Links
2.30 pm Zoom Sunday Service Spiritual Communion

Meeting ID: 875 9697 8725
Passcode: 366304

Tuesday 31st January
9.30 Morning Prayer in St Mawes Parish Room and online on zoom

https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85956250165?pwd=MmpsYnBBTHNCaTdaM0RxU00vWjlPZz09 Meeting ID: 859 5625 0165 Passcode: 256297

Advance notices of February activities:
Shrove Tuesday – Pancake Day Tuesday 21st February – 12noon -2pm at Penny’s home – savoury and sweet pancakes on offer – bakers and other assistance most welcome – please contact Penny

Ash Wednesday Service – Wednesday 22nd February 10.00 in St Just Church

Port in the Storm and Deep Sea Diver

Port in a Storm comprises 4 sessions entitled Disciples to Apostles –reviewing the inspiration of the Holy Spirit in the very early church. Meeting at Penny’s home on Tuesday mornings 10.30 -11.30 with the first two sessions on 14th and 21st February.

Deep Sea Divers is taking a look at the Franciscan Way from one of the Christian Mystics, St Francis of Assisi. This starts on Wednesday 22nd February 7pm at Emma’s home at the Rectory, 16 Waterloo Close.

Ukrainian Women’s Choir Performance – Thursday 23rd February at St Just Church in aid of the Children of Ukraine – now commencing at 6.30pm.

Emma and Penny

Previous notices from the parish – 22nd January 23

Thank you for the great turnout to the coffee morning last Saturday, it was good to see so many gathering and chatting, thank you to the bakers and assistants, we were spoilt for choice. Thank you too for those able to attend Breathing Space.

Next Sunday 29th sees the first Meet, Make and Munch –family event on Sunday 29th January 3.30-5pm in the Millennium Rooms – craft and food – helpers most welcome – craft or catering – please speak with Penny if you can assist.

St Mawes School update: Emma and Penny are meeting with the school next week to further discuss the possibilities of our assistance. More on this in due course but in the meanwhile expressions of interest in assisting very gratefully received.

Please find the details of our Church Services 

Sunday 22nd January 2023
8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just
9.30am Holy Communion St Mawes
11.00am Holy Communion St Just

4pm zoom service

Zoom Links
4.00pm Zoom Sunday Service Spiritual Communion

Meeting ID: 875 9697 8725
Passcode: 366304

Tuesday 24th January
9.30 Morning Prayer in St Mawes Parish Room and online on zoom

Meeting ID: 859 5625 0165 Passcode: 256297

Advance notices:
For your diary: Shrove Tuesday – Pancake Day Tuesday 21st February – 12noon -2pm at Penny’s home – savoury and sweet pancakes on offer.

Beachcombers meets again on Monday 6th February 7.00 pm at The Victory Inn, St Mawes.

Port in the Storm and the Deep Sea Divers:
Port in a Storm will comprise 4 sessions entitled Disciples to Apostles –reviewing the inspiration of the Holy Spirit in the very early church. Meeting at Penny’s home on Tuesday mornings 10.30 -11.30 with the first two sessions on 14th and 21st February.

Deep Sea Divers is taking a look at the Franciscan Way from one of the Christian Mystics, St Francis of Assisi. This starts on Wednesday 22nd February 7pm at Emma’s home at the Rectory, 16 Waterloo Close.

Ukrainian Women’s Choir Performance – Thursday 23rd February at St Just Church in aid of the Children of Ukraine – now commencing at 6.30pm.

Emma and Penny

Emma: 01326 722618
Penny : 07778 170247

Previous notices from the parish

8th January 2023

Dear All

Happy New Year to you all. A big thank you to all who contributed to our Christmas festivities in church and community. It was wonderful to see so many people there.  Our celebrations culminated in the Festival of Light which was a wonderful community experience.  Much effort by many with the churches beautifully decorated and many visitors over this festive period.  

After the fast pace of Christmas and New Year festivities, as well as the effects of seasonal coughs and colds we return to the notices being sent out on each week.

Please find the details of our Church Services 

Sunday 8th January 2023
8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just
9.30am Holy Communion St Mawes
11.00am Holy Communion St Just

4pm zoom service

Zoom Links
4.00pm Zoom Sunday Service Spiritual Communion
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89300359238?pwd=TWVUTDF6akd0WFdSVGVzV2p4eTNQdz09 Meeting ID: 893 0035 9238 Passcode: 425733

Tuesday 10th January
No morning prayer this week

Wednesday 11th January 8pm
Pre-marriage course begins – on zoom – preparation for entering marriage but of benefit to those in established relationships too with a video to view followed by a private couple discussion
Meeting ID: 823 6248 8899 Passcode: 328723

Thursday 12th January funeral service of Graham Hancock at St Just in Roseland Church at 11.30 am.

Advance notices:
Coffee morning: Saturday 14th January 10-12 at Penny’s home: Sunnybanks, Trelawney Road St Mawes TR2 5BU – phone number and email address below. Please do come if you can.
Breathing Space: Sunday 15th January 3.30-4.30pm in St Just Church – re-introduced for 2023, a break from busyness and an opportunity for quiet contemplation

Emma and Penny

Emma: 01326 722618
Penny : 07778 170247

Sunday afternoon saw the Community Christmas Service enjoyed by young and old alike – the wonky donkey gave a star performance, the Holly Belles sang beautifully and led us in the singing and the imaginative craft activities showed us the light and hope of Christmas. All supported by delicious refreshments. Many thanks to all who assisted in so many ways. Photos below.
A chilly week for us all especially the icy conditions earlier in the week that unfortunately prevented both of the primary school visits to the churches. Emma was able to go into school in the afternoon and offer the Christingle story and made them with the children, so each child was able to take home ‘their’ Christingle. Thank you too to those who came to Penny’s coffee morning on Saturday, great company and delicious cakes.

Christmas Tree at St Just adorned with Christmas decorations made by pupils of St Mawes School.

Two particular requests for assistance at this time:

Children’s craft assembly for the Festival of Light
Monday 19th December 2-4pm at Emma’s home 18 Waterloo Close – please come if you can – refreshments provided

Festival of Light 29th and 30th December – Assistance needed in a variety of roles on either or both evenings– timetabled to allow enjoyment in the Festival as well as helping. Please contact Sally Prince 07785 772178

This email contains details of services for the next 3 Sundays, next email will be sent out on Friday 6th January. ( the parish office will reopen on that date)

As we near the year end, a very warm heartfelt thank you, thank you for all the support and contributions to our churches and services over 2022.

Merry Christmas and blessings to you all for the peace and joy of Christmas. And Happy New Year with best wishes for 2023.


Thursday 22nd December 7pm St Just Church
Carols by Candlelight with mulled wine and mine pies following the service

Saturday 24th December
Crib Service 4pm St Mawes
Midnight Mass 11.30pm St Just

Sunday 25th December
8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just
9.30am Holy Communion St Mawes
11.00am Holy Communion St Just

4pm Zoom service – No zoom service

Sunday 1st January 2023
8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just
9.30am Holy Communion St Mawes
11.00am Holy Communion St Just
The 11.00 am service will begin with a blessing of the Holy Well near the lower lych gate – please come into church as usual before the service

4.00pm Zoom Sunday Service Spiritual Communion
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 875 9697 8725
Passcode: 366304

Sunday 8th January 2023
8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just
9.30am Holy Communion St Mawes
11.00am Holy Communion St Just

4pm Zoom service – link:

Meeting ID: 893 0035 9238
Passcode: 425733


St Mawes and St Just Community Christmas Day Lunch 12.30 pm for 1pm at The Parish Memorial Hall, St Mawes. A warm welcome awaits. Book your place at No.4 The Arcade, 01326 270819 or email sparcat@hotmail.com

Festival of Light Thursday 29th and Friday 30th December St Just Church 4.30pm-7.30pm

As described in Cornwall Live:

One of the Cornish Christmas hits of last year – St Just in Roseland’s Festival of Light – will be back again this year, bigger and better than ever.
The world-famous church and gardens will host a magnificent display of themed Christmas trees for 12 days starting on December 18 and open daily, culminating in two special light show nights on December 29 and 30. Described by poet laureate John Betjeman as possibly “the most beautiful churchyard on Earth”, the church and gardens will be transformed by a magnificent light display bringing joy and hope in tough times.
Christmas trees will form a backdrop for light-hearted seasonal music, sing-along carols, a children’s drama, craft sessions and lots of mulled wine and mince pies. The evening will not be complete without a visit to the sweet shop and a lucky dip in the bran tub, then round everything off at the hog roast feast with toffee apples and festive music from the Wurlitzer.’

Volunteers still needed to assist on one or both evenings in a variety of ways. Please contact Sally and Andrew Prince if you are able to offer – andrewp@princetraining.co.uk

Community Christmas Service
We welcomed pets to the service at which Wonky Donkey told the Christmas story.

Emma and Penny

Emma: 01326 722618
Penny : 07778 170247

  • Previous weekly notices: December 11th 2022

Advent Evensong was much appreciated by the many who came and beautifully supported by the singing of the Roseland Churches choir.

It has been a very active week for St Mawes Primary School with their Crib Service in School on Monday afternoon , Class 1 performing their lovely Nativity play on Wednesday in the Tresanton Chapel and their Christmas Fair taking place in St Mawes Castle today, Friday from 1-6pm.
The children also went to the Hall for Cornwall to see the pantomime on Tuesday as well. Then next week the children are visiting both St Mawes and St Just churches, see below.

Two events this weekend:
Coffee morning: Saturday 10th December 10-12 at Penny’s home: Sunnybanks, Trelawney Road St Mawes TR2 5BU Phone: 07778 170247 Please do come if you can.

Community Christmas Service Sunday 11th December 4pm in Memorial Hall St Mawes. This special community service features Wonky Donkey and Jane and the Hollybelles. All ages of humans and pets most welcome. Rev Emma has written “The Community Christmas Service preparations are coming along really well, Wonky Donkey is revving up her hooves in anticipation! Please do try to come and support this as we want to offer something that is especially fun and community focused around Christmas message”.

Please find the details of our Church Services 

Sunday 11th December 2022 3rd Sunday of Advent
8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just
9.30am Holy Communion St Mawes
11.00am Holy Communion St Just

No Zoom service this week

St Mawes Primary School Monday 12th December: The School are visiting St Mawes Church at 9.00 on Monday 12th for their Christingle service. We start with making the Christingles in the upstairs hall (a somewhat sticky affair!) and then each child brings theirs into the church for the service. Volunteers sought to help with Christingle creation and all are invited to attend the service that follows.

Later that same day 12th December at 1.15pm the school will be visiting St Just Church to decorate their Christmas tree for the Festival of Light. Their tree features the 12 days of Christmas so plenty of decorations. As they decorate the tree, their choir will sing the 12 days of Christmas. All are welcome to join this and the school would particularly appreciate our support in attending this as practice for the pupils in performing before an audience, so please come if you can.

Exploring Advent Session 2
Tuesday 13th December 10.00-11.30 or 7.00-8.30pm St Mawes

Carols by Candlelight Service: Thursday 22nd December 7pm at St Just

Advance Notice of the Christmas Services

Saturday 24th December
Crib Service 4pm St Mawes
Midnight Mass 11.30pm St Just

Sunday 25th December
8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just
9.30am Holy Communion St Mawes
11.00am Holy Communion St Just

St Mawes and St Just Community Christmas Day Lunch 12.30 pm for 1pm at The Parish Memorial Hall, St Mawes. A warm welcome will await either singles or couples who wish to enjoy an excellent Christmas meal with others on this special day.   Book your place at No.4 The Arcade, 01326 270819 or email sparcat@hotmail.com

The Festival of Light plans for St Just Church proceed apace. Decorated Christmas trees will be in place from before Christmas with the special celebrations taking place on Thursday 29th and Friday 30th December in the early evening. Volunteers are much needed to assist on one or both evenings in a variety of ways. Please contact Sally and Andrew Prince if you are able to offer your assistance – andrewp@princetraining.co.uk

St Just Church Calendar and Christmas Cards
From Steve Chapman:
2023 Calendar of St Just in Roseland Church Garden and Snow Scene of St Just
Church Christmas Cards now on sale, at No.4 The Arcade, the Church Tearoom at St Just, Fudge & More St Mawes, raising funds for St Just Churchyard and Gardens. Something to purchase for yourselves or as a really great Christmas gift. 

Emma and Penny
Emma: 01326 722618
Penny : 07778 170247

Thank you to all who came to the Advent Quiet Time with special thanks to Katie for her wreath making activity. Thank you also to those attending the Exploring Advent sessions, the second takes place on Tuesday 13th December.
Coffee morning: Saturday 10th December 10-12 at Penny’s home: Sunnybanks, Trelawney Road St Mawes TR2 5BU – phone number and email address below. Please do come if you can.

Please find the details of our Church Services 

Sunday 4th December 2022 2nd Sunday of Advent
8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just
9.30am Holy Communion St Mawes
11.00am Holy Communion St Just

4pm zoom service
Advent Evensong at 6pm at St Mawes Church
Zoom Links
4.00pm Zoom Sunday Service Spiritual Communion
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 875 9697 8725
Passcode: 366304

St Mawes Primary School Christmas Fair
Friday 9th December from 1pm-6pm at St Mawes Castle
Please do come along and support the school. There will be a variety of stalls and activities on offer.
A Christmas All-Age ServiceSunday 11th December 4.00pm Parish Memorial Hall St Mawes. Come and enjoy a special Community Christmas Service, friendly, and
relaxed for young and old, flesh and furry, everybody is included in the Christmas fun!
St Mawes Primary School Monday 12th December: The School are visiting St Mawes Church at 9.00 on Monday 12th for their Christingle service. We start with making the Christingles in the upstairs hall (a somewhat sticky affair!) and then each child brings theirs into the church for the service. Volunteers sought to help with Christingle creation and all are invited to attend the service that follows.
Later that same day 12th December at 1.15pm the school will be visiting St Just Church to decorate their Christmas tree for the Festival of Light. Their tree features the 12 days of Christmas so plenty of decorations. As they decorate the tree, their choir will sing the 12 days of Christmas. All are welcome to join this and the school would particularly appreciate our support in attending this as practice for the pupils in performing before an audience, so please come if you can.
Exploring Advent Session 2
Tuesday 13th December 10.00-11.30 or 7.00-8.30pm St Mawes
Carols by Candlelight Service: Thursday 22nd December 7pm at St Just
Advance Notice of the Christmas Services
Saturday 24th December
Crib Service 4pm St Mawes
Midnight Mass 11.30pm St Just
Sunday 25th December
8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just
9.30am Holy Communion St Mawes
11.00am Holy Communion St Just
St Mawes and St Just Community Christmas Day Lunch 12.30 pm for 1pm at The Parish Memorial Hall, St Mawes. A warm welcome will await either singles or couples who wish to enjoy an excellent Christmas meal with others on this special day.   Book your place at No.4 The Arcade, 01326 270819 or email sparcat@hotmail.com
The Festival of Light plans for St Just Church proceed apace. Decorated Christmas trees will be in place from before Christmas with the special celebrations taking place on Thursday 29th and Friday 30th December in the early evening. Volunteers are much needed to assist on one or both evenings in a variety of ways. Please contact Sally and Andrew Prince if you are able to offer your assistance – andrewp@princetraining.co.uk

St Just Church Calendar and Christmas Cards
From Steve Chapman:
2023 Calendar of St Just in Roseland Church Garden and Snow Scene of St Just
Church Christmas Cards now on sale, at No.4 The Arcade, the Church Tearoom at St Just, Fudge & More St Mawes, raising funds for St Just Churchyard and Gardens. Something to purchase for yourselves or as a really great Christmas gift.  

Emma and Penny
Emma: 01326 722618
Penny : 07778 170247
Tomorrow Saturday 26th November: Advent Quiet Time 10.00-12.30 in St Mawes church. It will be a morning of time just for you, with some readings and music, spent quietly in reflection and creative activity just as you wish. Ending with the offer of a bowl of soup as we share together. Please come along if you are free.

Please find the details of our Church Services 

Sunday 27th November 2022 1st Sunday of Advent
8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just
9.30am Holy Communion St Mawes
11.00am Holy Communion St Just

4pm zoom service
Zoom Links
4.00pm Zoom Sunday Service Spiritual Communion

Meeting ID: 856 7217 0433
Passcode: 710071
Next Sunday 4th December Advent Evensong at 6pm at St Mawes Church

Advent Events:
Preparation for Advent: Advent Quiet Time Saturday 26th November
Two sessions exploring Advent each offered both daytime and evening:
Exploring Advent Session 1
Tuesday 29th November 10.00-11.30 or 7.00-8.30pm St Mawes Church
Exploring Advent Session 2
Tuesday 13th December 10.00-11.30 or 7.00-8.30pm St Mawes
A Christmas All-Age Service, Sunday 11th December 4.00pm St Mawes
Memorial Hall. Come and enjoy a special Community Christmas Service, friendly, and
relaxed for young and old, flesh and furry, everybody is included in the Christmas fun!
Carols by Candlelight Service: Thursday 22nd December 7pm. 
St Mawes Primary School Christmas Fair
Friday 9th December from 1pm-6pm at St Mawes Castle
Please do come along and support the school. There will be a variety of stalls and activities on offer.

Parish Coffee Morning: 10th December 10-12 noon at Sunnybanks, Trelawney Road. Please contact Penny help would be appreciated with baking and serving coffees on this morning.
07778 170247 revpennyjl@gmail.com

St Mawes and St Just Community Christmas Day Lunch – Sunday 25th December 12.30 pm for 1pm at The Parish Memorial Hall, St Mawes. A warm welcome will await either singles or couples who wish to enjoy an excellent Christmas meal with others on this special day.   Book your place at No.4 The Arcade, 01326 270819 or email sparcat@hotmail.com

The Festival of Christmas plans for St Just Church proceed apace. Decorated Christmas trees will be in place from before Christmas with the special celebrations taking place on Thursday 29th and Friday 30th December in the early evening. Volunteers are much needed to assist on one or both evenings in a variety of ways. Please contact Sally and Andrew Prince if you are able to offer your assistance – andrewp@princetraining.co.uk

St Just Church Calendar and Christmas Cards
From Steve Chapman:
2023 Calendar of St Just in Roseland Church Garden and Snow Scene of St Just
Church Christmas Cards now on sale, at No.4 The Arcade, the Church Tearoom at St Just, Fudge & More St Mawes, raising funds for St Just Churchyard and Gardens. Something to purchase for yourselves or as a really great Christmas gift.  
Emma and Penny
Emma: 01326 722618
Penny : 07778 170247

The Remembrance Service outside the parish memorial hall was much appreciated. It was good to see so many of our community gathered together for this opportunity to pay tribute to those who were prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice.

Thank you to all who came to the Saturday coffee morning and supported the chosen charity Cornwall Adult Hospice Care. Offers of bakers and assistants still needed. Coffee mornings are the second Saturday of each month, so please offer to assist if you can. Let Penny or Sophia in the Office know.

Next Saturday 26th November: Advent Quiet Time 10.00-12.30 in St Mawes church or stay at home and join on Zoom. It will be a morning of time just for you, with some readings and music, spent quietly in reflection and creative activity just as you wish. The Quiet Time will end with the offer of bowls of soup to be shared together. Please contact Penny (details below) or the Parish Office 01326 270871 or stjustandstmawes@gmail.com to book a place.

Please find the details of our Church Services 

Sunday 20th November 2022 
8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just
9.30am Holy Communion St Mawes
11.00am Holy Communion St Just

4pm zoom service
Zoom Links
4.00pm Zoom Sunday Service Spiritual Communion

Meeting ID: 856 7217 0433
Passcode: 710071

Advent commences next Sunday 27th November, with several events planned.
Advent Events:
Preparation for Advent: Advent Quiet Time Saturday 26th November
Two sessions exploring Advent each offered both daytime and evening:
Exploring Advent Session 1
Tuesday 29th November 10.00-11.30 or 7.00-8.30pm St Mawes Church
Exploring Advent Session 2
Tuesday 13th December 10.00-11.30 or 7.00-8.30pm St Mawes
And Advent Evensong: Sunday 4th December 6pm at St Mawes church
St Mawes School will hold its Christmas Fair at St Mawes Castle on 9th December from 1-6pm. There will be lots of stalls and activities on offer.
A Christmas All-Age ServiceSunday 11th December 4.00pm St Mawes
Memorial Hall. Come and enjoy a special Community Christmas Service, friendly, and
relaxed for young and old, flesh and furry, everybody is included in the Christmas fun!
Carols by Candlelight Service: Thursday 22nd December 7pm. Weekly rehearsals have now commenced on Thursday evenings at St Just Church at 6.30pm. If you would like to join, please contact Valerie 01326 270775.

The Festival of Christmas plans for St Just Church proceed apace. Decorated Christmas trees will be in place from before Christmas with the special celebrations taking place on Thursday 29th and Friday 30th December in the early evening. Volunteers are much needed to assist on one or both evenings in a variety of ways. Please contact Sally and Andrew Prince if you are able to offer your assistance – andrewp@princetraining.co.uk

St Just Church Calendar and Christmas Cards
From Steve Chapman:
2023 Calendar of St Just in Roseland Church Garden and Snow Scene of St Just
Church Christmas Cards now on sale, at No.4 The Arcade, the Church Tearoom at St Just, Fudge & More St Mawes, raising funds for St Just Churchyard and Gardens. Something to purchase for yourselves or as a really great Christmas gift.  
Emma and Penny
Tomorrow: Coffee morning: Saturday 12th November 10-12 at Penny’s home: Sunnybanks, Trelawney Road St Mawes TR2 5BU – phone number and email address below. Please do come if you can.
Please do come to the Parish Annual Service of Remembrance at the Parish Memorial Hall, a time to remember those who have given their lives over so many years. Poppy boxes are in both St Just and St Mawes churches.

Advent commences on Sunday 27th November, with several events planned. See below. All are welcome, please do sign up in church for the Advent Quiet Time and the Exploring Advent sessions or let Penny know. With these Advent activities, Tuesday Morning Prayer will take a break until after Christmas.

Please find the details of our Church Services 

Sunday 13th November 2022 
8.00am BCP Holy Communion St Just
9.30am Spoken Holy Communion St Mawes
10.30am Annual Service of Remembrance at Parish Memorial Hall St Mawes
11.00am No service at St Just

4.00pm Zoom Sunday Service Spiritual Communion

Meeting ID: 856 7217 0433
Passcode: 710071

Advent Events:
Preparation for Advent: Advent Quiet Time Saturday 26th November
Two sessions exploring Advent each offered both daytime and evening:
Exploring Advent Session 1
Tuesday 29th November 10.00-11.30 or 7.00-8.30pm St Mawes Church
Exploring Advent Session 2
Tuesday 13th December 10.00-11.30 or 7.00-8.30pm St Mawes Church
And Advent Evensong: Sunday 4th December 6pm at St Mawes church
Advent Quiet Time: Saturday 26th November from 10.00-12.30 in St Mawes church or stay at home and join on Zoom. It will be a morning of time just for you, with some readings and music, spent quietly in reflection or creative activity just as you wish. 
Ending with the offer of a bowl of soup as we share together.  Please sign up on the list in church or contact Penny (details below) or the Parish Office 01326 270871 or stjustandstmawes@gmail.com to book a place.

New this year: A Christmas All-Age ServiceSunday 11 th December 4.00pm St Mawes
Memorial Hall.
 Come and enjoy a special Community Christmas Service, friendly, and
relaxed for young and old, flesh and furry, everybody is included in the Christmas fun!
Carols by Candlelight Service: Thursday 22nd December. Weekly rehearsals have now commenced on Thursday evenings at St Just Church at 6.30pm. If you would like to join, please contact Valerie 01326 270775.

The Festival of Christmas plans for St Just Church proceed apace. Decorated Christmas trees will be in place from before Christmas with the special celebrations taking place on Thursday 29th and Friday 30th December in the early evening. Volunteers are much needed to assist on one or both evenings in a variety of ways. Please contact Sally and Andrew Prince if you are able to offer your assistance – andrewp@princetraining.co.uk

St Just Church Calendar and Christmas Cards
From Steve Chapman:
2023 Calendar of St Just in Roseland Church Garden and Snow Scene of St Just
Church Christmas Cards now on sale, at No.4 The Arcade, the Church Tearoom at St Just, Fudge & More St Mawes, raising funds for St Just Churchyard and Gardens. Something to purchase for yourselves or as a really great Christmas gift.  
Advent Journal
Worship Leader at St Cuby, Tregony and Chaplain, Claire Burgess has written a book of passages, poems and prayers for Advent entitled ‘Journaling Advent: Your Journey Through Celtic Advent.’ Available from Amazon.

Emma and Penny

Emma: 01326 722618
Penny : 07778 170247

St Just Feast 16th October 2022
Looking ahead to 2023 – here are the images on the St Just calendar – available from 4 The Arcade, St Mawes, Fudge & More, St Mawes and the Church Tea Room St Just.
St Just in Roseland church Christmas Card – available from 4 The Arcade, St Mawes, Fudge & More, St Mawes and the Church Tea Room St Just.

Harvest Flowers by Val Dunning October 2022.

Photo courtesy of Marianne Bryan taken at the Festival of Light at St Just in Roseland Church 29.12.21

The Churches are open for private prayer at the following times:
St Just in Roseland                      daily  9 am – dusk.
On Sundays the Church will open for the 8.00 a.m Communion locked up after the service, ,reopen for the 11.00 a.m. then remain open for the remainder of the day .
St Mawes Church                          daily 9am  – dusk
If you need wheelchair access at St Just Church there is a signed door which can be opened and re locked from the inside leading directly to ramp access into the main church body.

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