22 October 2018

Lest We Forget

This year is the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I. In honour of this momentous event, our Parish has been working with a wide range of community groups to commemorate Remembrance and the Centenary. We have planned a series of special events (details below), which are open to all. We hope you will join us as we reflect on the Great War and its continuing impact on our lives.

During the month of November, both of our churches will be open as spaces for reflection, decorated with poppies (made by the Stitch and Chat group) and the evocative ‘There but not there’ silhouettes. St Just will also have a special display of 100 handmade crosses, one for each year of the Centenary.

Some of the poppies made by our Stitch and Chat group.

One of the 100 handmade crosses which will be displayed in St Just Church









The ‘There But Not There’ silhouette in St Just Church, part of a nationwide installation for The Fallen.

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