21 January 2018

Confirmations in the Parish

We are delighted that Bishop Chris will be coming to lead a service of Confirmation at St Just in Roseland Church as part of an Easter Saturday vigil service this year. We are inviting all those who have not yet been confirmed but who may be interested in deepening their faith to consider becoming confirmed.

Confirmation is a step along the Christian journey that many find strengthens, affirms, and deepens their faith and understanding. It is a moment of taking one’s Christian and spiritual journey and affirming it fully as an adult. Often people who have been baptised as babies welcome the opportunity to make the promises of faith for themselves. Sometimes people who haven’t participated in Holy Communion become confirmed as a way to fully belong. Others like to mark their full belonging to the Church of England. There are many reasons people come to Confirmation, but behind them all is the longing of God to ever be in closer relationship with His people.

We are inviting everyone to ask themselves if this is a step they’d like to take in their own lives. Potemtiap Comfirmands will be invited to two preparation sessions and to join in the Parish Lent Course which will be exploring Holy Communion and what it teaches us about our faith.

Our webpage explains more about Confirmation, but if you have even the slightest inkling that this might be for you, please do talk to Arwen or Ken. We hope and pray that this may be a beautiful and life giving experience for people of our parish and community.

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