
Tuesday  Service of Morning Prayer Meeting  at 9.30 am led by Penny Leach
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Meeting ID: 859 0878 0991
Passcode: 311233

When you’re struggling to know what to pray for
Lord, what can I pray for?
What should I say?
I’m frightened,
everything in life having been turned inside out
and upside down.
And whatever words I use in prayer seem inadequate,
even trite.
Help me,
hold me,
hear me,
and at this troubled time, encircle all –
my loved ones,
the wider world –
in the warm embrace of your love.

Excerpt From: Nick Fawcett. “For Such a Time as This”. Apple Books.

What is Prayer?

People always do something when they come into our churches but what it is it? We believe that the moments, the candles, the requests left in our prayer books are all part of praying to, with, and from, God. The video below explains it better than we could!

Prayer Spaces

Praying with Others

Quiet Days