Latest News

22 July 2018
Sermon for Feast of St. Mary Magdalene
Sermon preached by Rev’d Arwen Folkes for the Feast of Mary Magdalene. Mary Magdalene July 22nd 2018 image: ‘Rabboni’ by William Bradley c.1890/1920
14 July 2018
Pop-up Cafe Returns
Summer Cafe Following the popularity of our terrace cafe last year, we are delighted to bring it back for 2018. The Pop-Up Cafe will reopen in August and offers refreshments to be enjoyed on the beautiful terrace of St Mawes Church. This runs alongside the famous charity shop held in the church hall. The Pop-Up…

01 July 2018
Radical Inclusion
‘There was an equality in their journey towards Jesus which society and the world could never afford them. An equality that they could never have afforded each other’ Sermon preached by the Rev’d Arwen Folkes in St Just and St Mawes on the 1st July Sermon 1st July Jairus and Woman (image: Basilica di Sant’Apollinare…
17 June 2018
’Walk by faith not by sight’
Sermon preached by the Rev’d Arwen Folkes on June 17th. New June 17th 2018 ezekiel seed

02 June 2018
Retirement of Ken and Lois
Over the coming week we will bid a sad farewell to our Rector Ken Boullier and his wife Lois. Ken and Lois are moving into a new phase of their lives by retiring from decades of ministry in the Church. They have served the parish of St Mawes and St Just for the last ten…

06 February 2018
Ash Wednesday Services
14th February 2018 Holy Communion with Imposition of the Ashes 10am at St Just Church Said Evensong with Imposition of the Ashes 4.30pm at St Mawes Church
21 January 2018
Confirmations in the Parish
We are delighted that Bishop Chris will be coming to lead a service of Confirmation at St Just in Roseland Church as part of an Easter Saturday vigil service this year. We are inviting all those who have not yet been confirmed but who may be interested in deepening their faith to consider becoming confirmed.…

14 January 2018
‘Peekaboo’. Being called and known.
Sermon preached on the 14th January 2018 by the Rev’d Arwen Folkes on Calling in 1 Samuel 3.1-10, Psalm 139. 1-5,12-17, John 1.43-51 Epiphany 2 2018 Calling

06 January 2018
The Feast of the Epiphany
‘Lift up your eyes and Look around!’ A sermon preached by The Rev’d Arwen Folkes on the Feast of the Epiphany of our Lord. Epiphany 2018 Mt 2.1-12
Christmas Season Sermons
Please find links to the text of the sermons preached on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve in this parish. On Angels, a two-part sermon preached by The Rev’d Canon Ken Boullier on Christmas Eve Advent 4 and Christmas Eve 2017 ‘Twas the dawning of Christmas’ a poem written and preached by Rev’d…