Supporting Us

It is the support of our parishioners and visitors that enables us to be the church in this parish. We are so grateful for any offer of support that can help us to continue to bear witness to the presence of Christ and the love of God in this place.

Many gifts in many forms

If you feel a connection to this parish, in any form, and would like to support us in the work that we do here together, we would be delighted to hear from you. Support comes to us in many types and all are valid and important to help us to build up and maintain the church for generations to come. This page suggests a few ways you might be able to help us.

Supporting us Financially

General giving to the church supports us in our pastoral ministry, our youth work, our mission, and the day-to-day upkeep of the buildings – primarily here in the parish but also in the diocese as part of The Church of England. Giving is part of our spiritual life because it acknowledges that the resources we have first and foremost belong to God.

If you feel called or prompted to support the Church we have a variety of ways to make it easier.

Regular Giving

We are grateful to those who choose to support us on a regular basis. The favoured method is through the Parish Giving Scheme which enables a monthly direct debit to be set up and paid directly into our account. Click here to read more information about the scheme.

If you’d like to consider this method of giving, then please contact us for the form or pick one up from the back of our churches.

Make a donation through PGS

One-off Giving

You can donate also now using BACS to St Just in Roseland and St Mawes PCC please email the Parish Office –

A cheque can be sent to the Parish Office c/o St Mawes Church, Church Hill, St Mawes TR2 5DP (  01326 270871 )made payable to St Just in Roseland PCC, ref, Garden Fund.

Thank you for your support.

Sometimes people wish to donate to us on a one-off basis. These gifts to the church are often vitally important to the special projects and wider work of our parish. If you wish to donate in this way, then there a number of ways:

  • A Cheque made payable to ‘St Just in Roseland PCC’ can be sent to The Treasurer, c/o The Parish Office, St Mawes Church Rooms, Church Hill, St Mawes, TR2 5DP.
  • A cash donation can be given directly in the churches’ donation places – although larger donations are best transferred to the Treasurer or clergy by hand.
  • A Yellow Gift Aid envelope can be filled in with cash donations. These are always available in our churches.
  • Bank Transfers can be made – contact us for details

Please consider making your donation with Gift Aid enabled. If you are a UK taxpayer, the government will add 25% to your donation. This can either be fulfilled through the yellow envelopes or by requesting a Gift Aid form from us.

Legacy Giving

Once you have made provision for your loved ones, you have the opportunity to make a lasting gift to God, by leaving a legacy to His church. A gift in your Will to your local church is one of the most valuable and lasting ways you can continue to support its mission and ministry within your community. These types of donation can be set for a specific aspect of our work or for the general life. In the past, the work of our churches has been greatly supported by such legacies.

About legacies

The Garden Fund

St Just in Roseland Churchyard and Garden Fund. There is a current campaign on JustGiving to raise funds for the churchyard and gardens.

Donate through Just Giving.

St Just in Roseland Church and Garden Fund has just been launched on the St Just in Roseland Church Facebook page. The fund will support the gardens and churchyard Visit the Fund Facebook page.

The St Just in Roseland Churchyard and Garden Fund has been set up to raise monies to maintain this much valued and loved  area for generations to come.